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發布時間: 2022-05-25 08:29:56

『壹』 LOL JY解說 新英雄展示視頻 拳擊姐 皮城執法官 蔚 7分鍾左右的 背景音樂

http://hitfm.cri.cn/top20/2011/09/24/190.html JY解說的所有音樂 這是專他自己屬說的

『貳』 LOL JY解說 新英雄展示視頻 拳擊姐 皮城執法官 蔚38分鍾時的背景音樂是什麼


『叄』 lol天天解說:新英雄皮城執法官維 第一首插曲叫什麼名字快節奏那首

here comes vi

『肆』 皮城執法官蔚LOL登錄界面背景音樂叫什麼啊

歌名叫:Here Comes Vi 翻譯過來大概叫: 蔚來了
進入 英雄聯盟>TCLS>musics>sound,這個sound就是現在的登陸界面的主題曲了

『伍』 lol逗逼時刻皮城執法官追影流之主是的背景樂是什麼


『陸』 LOL英雄聯盟登陸時的那個音樂是什麼名字

LZ說的是之前新英雄《皮城執法官》蔚出來的時候客戶端音樂吧? 聽說是拳頭請的配樂師自己做的。 蔚之主題曲《Here comes Vi!》(QQ音樂就有下) 翻譯名《蔚來了!》 歌詞大意: She's such a misfit, always ready to brawl It's like her business, roughing up your friends as the law There is no difference if you believe you're strong She's a bulldozer making sure you're flat on the ground. She's like a boomerang, who never gives up She flies in circles till she hits you and you're biting the st So just remember this, when she's chasing you down Face first you'll be thrown onto the Proving Grounds She'll knock you out. Have you ever really wanted to be a total rebel flipping tables on the enemy? Did you ever try to further improve how fast you punch people through the roof? Was there ever any certain time when you thought brute force and style combine well? I guess now's time to shine cause finally she's here. Here comes Vi. And as a matter of fact, the best bet one has is to quickly react to the first attack that's aiming for the bones cause she'll never pull back and just risk it. Have you ever really wanted to be a total rebel flipping tables on the enemy? Did you ever try to further improve how fast you punch people through the roof? Was there ever any certain time when you thought brute force and style combine well? I guess now's time to shine cause finally she's here. Here comes Vi! 對岸那邊翻譯的很好啊,感謝巴哈姆特的朋友 翻譯 她與眾不同,隨時準備出動 打翻你的朋友就是她的普通生活。 如果你相信自己足夠強壯,其實沒有甚麼差別 她就是台推土機讓你平貼地上。 她就像迴力鏢一樣從不放棄 她就在周圍直到把你打成碎片 所以記住當她追到妳 你會用臉摔回溫泉去 她會打飛你 你可曾經想過, 完全暴力蹂躪你的敵人 你可曾經試過 多快把人打出蒼芎 你可曾經好奇 蠻力和風格可以相互結合? 發光發熱的時間到了 因為 她終於來了 蔚來了!! (RAP) 事實上最好的方式就是閃開瞄準骨頭展開的第一次攻擊,因為她會冒這個險且永不退縮。 你可曾經想過, 完全暴力蹂躪你的敵人 你可曾經試過 多快把人打出蒼芎 你可曾經好奇 蠻力和風格可以相互結合? 發光發熱的時間到了 因為 她終於來了 蔚來了!!

『柒』 求LOL皮城執法官的那個台詞鈴聲


『捌』 英雄聯盟美服韓服新版本皮城執行官的載入界面BGM 名字

尚沒有具體歌名(北美屌絲都叫這首歌Vi Login Music直接翻譯就是「蔚的登陸音樂」,還有屌絲們稱這首歌名為Here Comes Vi「蔚來了」因為這是歌里高潮部分的一句歌詞),根據拳頭公司放出的信息,歌曲女歌手叫Niki Taylor,下面是官方發布的英文歌詞:

She's such a misfit, always ready to brawl
It's like her business, roughing up your friends as the law
There is no difference if you believe you're strong
She's a bulldozer making sure you're flat on the ground

She's like a boomerang, who never gives up
She flies in circles till she hits you and you're biting the st
So just remember this, when she's chasing you down
Face first you'll be thrown onto the Proving Grounds
She'll knock you out

Have you ever really wanted to be a total rebel flipping tables on the enemy?
Did you ever try to further improve how fast you punch people through the roof?
Was there ever any certain time when you thought brute force and style combine well?
I guess now's time to shine 'cause finally she's here.
Here comes Vi!

And as a matter of fact, the best bet one has is to quickly react
to the first attack that's aiming for the bones
'cause she'll never pull back and just risk it.

Have you ever really wanted to be a total rebel flipping tables on the enemy?
Did you ever try to further improve how fast you punch people through the roof?
Was there ever any certain time when you thought brute force and style combine well?
I guess now's time to shine 'cause finally she's here.
Here comes Vi!





『玖』 LOL皮城執法官登陸頁面的歌曲叫什麼名字

here comes vi
http://lol.52pk.com/yinyue/5450607.shtml 這個來就是源有點卡的哦,請耐心刷新幾次

『拾』 lol登陸界面背景音樂 諾克薩斯之手到現在的皮城執法官


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