當前位置:首頁 » 法院法官 » 最高人民法院英語


發布時間: 2024-10-07 14:10:17

Ⅰ 介紹法院 求英語翻譯

First, the name of the court
The trial court is the people's court in strict accordance with the law of the trial proceedings shall place all kinds of legal cases. The people's court for the trial of the whole building known as the "trial court" specifically for hearing of cases in which the housing called "court" and the highest in the ordinal, as follows: the first court, the second court of law.
Housing construction in the People's Court hearing the case specifically for the house known as the "court."

Second, the trial layout of activity areas
Active region by the trial court and attend district composed of the main activity areas to try to ensure the smooth progress of the trial activities to law.
1. People's Court criminal cases, the judges, public prosecutors, defense personnel and the placement of the defendant, based upon the temporary Supreme People's Procuratorate, "Law (Division) made ​​<1985> 11" provisions of the document (see figure 1).
2. People's Court civil, economic, maritime and administrative cases, the trial activity areas arranged according to the following provisions:
The middle of trial activity area in front of Establishment Law Taiwan, France and Taiwan area should meet the needs of trial activity, height of 20 to 60 cm. Method to set the stage method tables, French chairs, seats for the judges. Presiding judge under the seat in the national emblem at the center, judge or jurors sit in on both sides. Method tables, chairs modeling method should be solemn, generous, France and Taiwan, and the color should be, and the overall tone of the court to adapt and strive to serious, solemn, and harmonious.
France and Taiwan the right front seat for the clerk, with France and Taiwan into a 45 ° angle, clerk seat seat should be lower than the judges 20-40 cm.
To trial for the left front of the witness, expert witness location, with France and Taiwan into a 45 ° angle (see figure 3).
France and Taiwan is located in front of the original, the defendant and the legal representatives of seats, divided on both sides relative to sit right seat for the plaintiff, the defendant left for the seat, between the two separated by less than 100 cm, if the parties and legal counsel are more front two rows of seats can be set (see figure 2); also allows the parties to sit parallel to, and to the trial, the right seat for the plaintiff, the defendant left for the seat, not less than 50 cm apart between the two (see Figure 3).
3. Wherever conditions permit, the clerk of the seat can be set in the middle at the front of France and Taiwan, with France and Taiwan into a 90 ° angle, close to France and Taiwan, left for France and Taiwan, the seat height lower than the judges seat 20-40 cm (see Figure 4).

Third, the national emblem of the suspension
According to the National Emblem Act, the people's court according to the following provisions shall hang the National Emblem;
People's courts, people's courts within the courts of France and Taiwan after the national emblem on the side is hanging in the office; relatively independent of other buildings with the Court's trial court at the main entrance on the side is hanging in the National Emblem; people's courts and people's courts in the organs of the main entrance on the side is hanging at the national emblem;
The trial court suspended the Commission conference room at the appropriate national emblem.
Mediation room, reception room of not flying the national emblem.
Diameter of the common scale for the national emblem:
Grassroots people's courts, people's courts: 60 cm;
Intermediate People's Court: 60 cm;
High Court: 80 cm;
Supreme Court: 100 cm.
People's Court as special circumstances require suspension of non-universal scale national emblem, the emblem law shall be submitted for approval.

Ⅱ 美國的各個政府部門,及部長,最高人民法院院長,議員…用英語怎麼說

部長,比如蘆纖說國防部部長顫嘩搜:Secretary of Defense
最高人民法院院長:Chief justice

Ⅲ 中國最高人民法院英語怎麼說

[網路] supreme people's court;
The ruling was suspended by the Supreme Court, which took more than a year to issue its judgment.

Ⅳ 誰知道我國國務院的28個部委的英文說法,以及各部部長的英語表達,英國的財政大臣外交大臣…用英語怎麼說

常務委員會 Standing Committee
辦公廳殲梁 General Office
秘書處 Secretariat
代表資格審查委員會Credentials Committee
提案審查委員會Motions Examination Committee
民族委員會Ethnic Affairs Committee
法律委員會Law Committee
財務經濟委員會Finance Affairs Committee
外事委員會Foreign and Economy Committee
教育,科學,文化委員會Ecation, Science, Culture and Public Health Committee
內務司法委員會Committee for Internal and Judicial Affairs
華僑委員會Overseas Chinese Affairs Committee
法制委員會Commission of Legislative Affairs
特定問題委員會Committee of Inquiry into Special Questions
憲法修改委員會Committee for Revision of the Constitution
中華人民共和國主席President of the People』s Republic of China
中央軍事委員會Central Military Commission
最高人民昌改岩法院Supreme People』s Court
最高人民檢察院Supreme People』s Procuratorate
國務院State Council
國務院部委Ministries and Commissions Directly under the State Council
外交部Ministry of Foreign Affairs
國防部Ministry of National Defence
國家發展計劃委員State Development Planning Commission
國家經濟貿易委員會State Economic and Trade Commission
教育部Ministry of Ecation
科學技術部Ministry of Science and Technology
國家科學技術工耐御業委員會Commission of Science, Technology and Instry for National Defence
國家民族事務委員會State Ethnic Affairs Commission
公安部 Ministry of Public Security
國家安全部 Ministry of State Security
監察部 Ministry of Supervision
民政部 Ministry of Civil Affairs
司法部 Ministry of Justice
財政部 Ministry of Finance
人事部 Ministry of Personnel
勞動和社會保障部 Ministry of Labour and Social Security
國土資源部Ministry of Land and Resources
建設部Ministry of Construction
鐵路部 Ministry of Railways
交通部 Ministry of Communications
信息產業部 Ministry of Information Instry
水利部Ministry of Water Resources
農業部Ministry of Agriculture
對外貿易經濟合作部Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation
文化部Ministry of Culture
衛生部Ministry of Public Health
國家計劃生育委員會State Family Planning Commission
中國人民銀行People『s Bank of China
國家審計署State Auditing Administration
國務院辦事機構Offices under that State Council
國務院辦公廳General Office of the State Council
僑務辦公廳Office of Overseas Chinese Affairs
港澳辦公廳Hong Kong and Macao Affairs Office
台灣辦公廳Taiwan Affairs Office
法制辦公廳Office of Legislative Affairs
經濟體制辦公廳Office for Economic Restructuring
國務院研究室Research Office of the State Council
新聞辦公室Information Office
國務院直屬機構Departments Directly under the State Council
海關總署General Administration of Customs
國家稅務總局State Taxation Administration
國家環境保護總局State Environmental Protection Administration
中國民用航空總局Civil Aviation Administration of China (CAAC)
國家廣播電影電視總局State Administration of Radio, Film and Television
國家體育總局State Physical Cultural Administration
國家統計局State Statistics Bureau
國家工商行政管理局State Administration of Instry and Commerce
新聞出版署Press and Publication Administration
國家版權局State Copyright Bureau
國家林業局State Forestry Bureau
國家質量技術監督局State Bureau of Quality and Technical Supervision
國家葯品監督管理局State Drug Administration (SDA)
國家知識產權局State Intellectual Property Office (SIPO)
國家旅遊局National Tourism Administration
國家宗教事務局State Bureau of Religious Affairs
國務院參事室Counsellors』 Office of the State Council
國務院機關事務管理局Government Offices Administration of the State Council
國務院直屬事業單位Institutions Directly under the State Council
新華通訊社Xinhua News Agency
中國科學院Chinese Academy of Sciences
中國社會科學院Chinese Academy of Social Sciences
中國工程院Chinese Academy of Engineering
國務院發展研究中心Development Research Centre of the State Council
國家行政學院National School of Administration
中國地震局China Seismological Bureau
中國氣象局China Meteorological Bureau
中國證券監督管理委員會China Securities Regulatory Commission (CSRS)
部委管理的國家局State Bureaux Administration by Ministration or Commission)
國家糧食儲備局(國家發展計劃委員會)State Bureau of Grain Reserve (Under the State Development Planning Commission)
國家國內貿易局 State Bureau of Internal Trade
國家煤炭工業局 State Bureau of Coal Instry
國家機械工業局State Bureau of Machine Building Instry
國家冶金工業局State Bureau of Metallurgical Instry
國家石油和化學工業局State Bureau of Petroleum and Chemical Instry
國家輕工業局State Bureau of Light Instry
國家紡織工業局State Bureau of Textile Instry
國家建築材料工業局State Bureau of Building Materials Instry
國家煙草專賣局State Tobacco Monopoly Bureau
國家有色金屬工業局State Bureau of Nonferrous Metal Instry
(以上由國家經貿委管理above are all under the State Economic and Trade Commission)
國家外國專家局(人事部) State Bureau of Foreign Experts Affairs (under the Ministry of Personnel)
國家海洋局(國土資源部) State Bureau of Oceanic Administration (under the Ministry of Land and Resources)
國家測繪局(國土資源部) State Bureau of Surveying and Mapping (ditto)
國家郵政局(信息產業部) State Post Bureau (under the Ministry of Information Instry)
國家文物局(文化部) State Cultural Relics Bureau (under the Ministry of Culture)
國家中醫葯管理局(衛生部) State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine (under the Ministry of Public Health)
國家外匯管理局(中國人民銀行總行) State Administration of Foreign Exchange (under the People』s Bank of China)
國家出入境檢驗檢疫局(海關總署) State Administration for Entry Exit Inspection and Quarantine (under the General Administration of Customs

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