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您好!《道德經》的英文名稱是《Tao Te Ching》,《周易》是《Book of changes》。祝您學習愉快!

㈡ 道德經中的成語有哪些 道德經里的英文成語


㈢ 道德經的英文名字

道德經 Moral Intelligence


㈣ 《道德經》 英文名

Tao Te Ching

㈤ 老子道德經的道,最貼切的翻譯成英文是哪個單詞


㈥ 道德經英文版的英文版

Tao Te Ching 道德經英文版

㈦ 道德經英文版的1~10

The infinity that can be conceived is not the
everlasting Infinity.
The infinity that can be described is not the
perpetual Infinity.
The inconceivable indescribable is the essence
of the all encompassing Infinite.
Conceiving and describing applies only to the
manifestations of Infinity.
Free from distinctions, experience the oneness of
Focus on distinctions and see only the
of Infinity.
Yet distinction and non-distinction are one within
Potential within potential is
the essence of Infinity.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Only when one distinguishes beauty
does one create the unattractive.
Only when one distinguishes good
does one create evil.
Also by distinction,
Tangible and intangible create each other,
Difficult and easy define each other,
Long and short measure each other,
High and low determine each other,
Sound and silence echo each other,
Beginning and end follow each other.
Therefore, the sage goes about living in the
oneness of
all things,
teaching without speaking,
accepting and dismissing all things with
creating without attachment,
working without credit.
Acts and deeds are completed and forgotten.
Because the sage is at one with Infinity,
she is immortal.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Exalting people creates the desire in others
to be exalted and therefore creates tension.
Overvaluing goods creates the desire for
and therefore creates the temptation to
When people do not distinguish things as valuable,
they remain focused on the oneness of all
and do not become confused in the material
Therefore, harmonious leaders empty the people's
but nourish their bodies.
They undermine desires
and improve enrance.
They keep the people focused on their oneness with
and free them from attachments to material
They redirect the energies of those
who would manipulate others.
If you remember your oneness with Infinity,
and flow with life by refusing to distinguish
good and bad,
you will flow in the peace and harmony
that is the essence of Infinity.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Infinity is an empty vessel enveloping all
yet it can never be filled.
It is the potential of all things tangible and
It blunts the sharp and hones the blunt,
unravels knots and binds all things,
lls the glare and shines the mundane,
manifests the st and clears the air.
It is the essence of all things.
No one can comprehend its origin.
It is older than the concept of God.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Heaven and earth are indifferent.
All creatures are considered straw dogs;
not distinguished, not judged.
The sage is indifferent.
All people are one;
not distinguished, not judged.
Infinity is like a bellows,
empty yet encompassing the potential
of all things.
In time all potentials manifest.
Words are straw in the wind.
The more one talks, the less one says.
Keep focused on Infinity.
Remain centered in the oneness of
all things.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The manifestations of Infinity never cease
Infinity is the primal creator, the oneness of male
and female.
Infinity is the gate though which heaven
and earth manifested.
It is invisible to the senses,
yet totally permeates all things.
It is inexhaustible and eternally available
for any purpose.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Heaven and earth will pass away
but Infinity enres forever.
It had no beginning and so It can never end.
It is the inexhaustible essence of all things.
Because the sage remains behind
in her oneness with all things,
she anticipates all manifestations.
Being at one with Infinity,
she is indifferent.
Because she does not distinguish herself from
other beings,
she is completely fulfilled.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Water is like Infinity,
it gives itself to all things
without distinction or judgment
and settles into the lowest places
without deliberation.
In dwelling, live in harmony with the land.
In meditation, remember your oneness with the
In dealing with others, do not judge.
In communicating, relate the truth.
In governing, be fair.
In daily life, be in harmony with all things
and at peace with all people.
In action, be mindful that there is a time
and a season for all things.
Avoid judging and its legacy contention
and flow in the peace and harmony
of the oneness of humanity.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fill anything to the brim and the contents will spill
Hone a sharpened blade and it will become blunt.
Accumulate great wealth, but be aware that you
cannot keep it.
When a task is complete, move on.
Change is the harmony of Infinity.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Manifesting body, mind and spirit,
can you stay centered in the oneness of
Fully manifesting and remaining flexible,
can you experience all manifestations
as a newborn baby?
Can you maintain the Infinite vision of oneness
by ignoring distinctions.
Remaining centered in oneness and leading others,
can you avoid manifesting arrogance?
Entering and exiting the gates of manifestations,
can you harmonize with Infinity?
Realizing your oneness with Infinity,
can you flow in harmony with It
by indifferently allowing things to come and
Can you create and sustain things,
and yet remain unattached to them?
Can you work in harmony with all things,
without desiring acknowledgment for your
Exemplifying oneness,
flowing in peace and harmony,
not distinguishing, not judging,
is the nature of Infinity.

㈧ 英文版道德經經典句

He was born in a wood,; nine layers of Taiwan, from the base soil; a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.





㈨ 「道德經」用英語怎麼說



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