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㈠ 介紹法學專業的英語作文

介紹法學Law is to open one of the categories of institutions of higher learning, one of China's top ten universities disciplines, including law, political science, public security science and sociology of four main parts.英語作文
Law is also called the law, legal science, is based on law, legal phenomenon and its regularity of science that studies the content.It is the study of specialized knowledge and law related issues, is about the legal problems of knowledge and theory system.
Law is about the science of law.The direct purpose of law, is to maintain social order, and by order of the construction and maintenance, to realize social justice.As take law as the research object of law, its core is in for the research of order and justice, is the knowledge of order and justice.[1]
Legal thoughts first legalist philosophy originated from the spring and autumn period and the warring states period.The word law in China, the pre-qin period is referred to as "" study of forms, from the han dynasty began to have the name of the" law ".In the west, the ancient Roman jurists ulpian (Ulpianus) to "the law" (the ancient Latin words of Jurisprudentia) is defined as: and the god of the transaction, the concept of justice and injustice of learning.

㈡ 法學,英語,第二專業


㈢ 如何學法律英語

二十歲之前,一直做著文學夢,希望成為第一個獲得諾貝爾文學獎的中文作家。即使在夢醒之後,得知流亡法國的高行健先生得獎,心裡還有一種莫名的失落,可見「中毒」之深。 中學時代,對英語沒興趣,死記硬背,應付考試而已。在Universe後面標注「有你我死」以牢記殘酷的「宇宙」法則。 高考選擇專業,做詩人很浪漫,但似乎難以糊口。所以,沒敢學中國文學。與文字有關的專業,還有新聞。不巧,那年是1989年,新聞是敏感專業,我又是一個比較「敏感」的人。故此作罷。 剩下的,只有法律一門可供選擇。出乎意料的是,我高考的英文成績出奇的好,法學院的老師到我家看了看,覺得還是一個正常孩子,因此決定把我招入「國際經濟法專門化班」。當時我對法律的唯一感性接觸,就是在法院門口張貼的,劃著紅叉的,槍斃人的布告。 在大學里,寫了很多首朦朧詩,踢了很多場足球。法律書看了幾本,沒有小說有意思。基本上只有到考試之前,才變得親切起來。 後來,老師忽然宣布,要留在「國經班」,英語必須過六級,以符合外向型人才的標准。我說過,我是一個正常孩子,努努力,考了兩次,過了六級,成績不到七十分。所以,我是一個缺乏語言天賦的正常孩子。 畢業後,在一家國營企業,找了一份汽車出口的工作。最初幾次和老外打交道,如聾如啞,方知以前學的英語,是花拳綉腿的功夫,不能上台比武。 為了應付工作,回家拚命練聽力。後來,讀《楞嚴經》,佛說地球眾生耳根最為圓通。方知,語言是要用耳朵學的。如牙牙學語的孩子,聽多了,就會說,然後才是讀和寫。這是學語言的正途。 國營企業江河日下,終於決定辭職。 當時學佛有年,深感信仰和世俗生活的不調和,為此大為苦惱,所以一心想上佛學院深造。寫信過去,答復說,佛學院只招收出家徒眾。也就是說,我必須先行出家,才有入學的資格。家有父母,不忍舍離。僅此不忍舍離之心,便是機緣未熟。因此,斷了此念。 忽然想起,自己曾經學過四年法律,也算是一技之長。報名參加了律考。成績還好,通過了。這樣就做了律師。 最初兩年,跑跑腿、打打雜,寫個訴狀,代理幾個小案子。盡己所能,為人排憂解難,也算是大乘的心態,不違佛法。可在這行越是深入,便愈感失望,原來「汝欲想學詩,功夫在詩外」。故漸漸萌生去意。 我本是一個好靜、內向之人,不擅言辭,不忍拒絕,不喜與人爭斗,此皆律師之大礙。 正當欲離未離之際,有朋友找來,要我出庭。這是一個必敗的官司,僅做絕望之爭而已。 沒想到,這次開庭,竟是一個轉折點。庭上的我,幾乎與平時判若兩人,那種氣勢、思辨和必勝的信心,連這位與我交往有日的朋友,都感到驚訝。雖然敗局是意料中事,但法官庭下卻對我們說:「如果象西方那樣,有陪審團,你們一定會嬴」。 因為大家都知道我一直在學外語,介紹來的涉外業務也漸漸多了起來。翻譯合同、參加談判、向老外提供法律建議,等等。這使我認識到,有些東西是不能翻譯,也無從翻譯的。法律英語的學習者,必須將法律放在一個宏觀的視野中去理解和認識,找到各種概念、理論之間的內在的邏輯聯系,才能通達。 正當入室無門之際,認識一個澳洲律師,因此,輾轉來到澳大利亞一家法學院讀書。 西方的法學院很難念,不但要讀教材和法規,還要看大量的案例。起初滿眼望去,都是生詞。也許是多年應試教育養成的習慣吧,總要先把詞彙、語法搞懂,再看文章。一個小時,最多讀三、四頁。後來為了趕時間交作業,只好速讀,盡量不在腦子里翻譯、少查字典,用英文學法律,而不是學法律英文。 這其實是不得已的事,然而漸漸的,讀書的速度快了,英文水平也有明顯的提高。這才恍然大悟,原來,出國留學和國內自學,從學習角度講,沒有什麼不同。關鍵在於方法。在國內,學的是英文,過分重視詞彙、語法,故此不得深入;出國後,學的是法律,一個法律原則,理論上有無數種表達方式。如何表達並不重要,重要的是明白其中的道理。 正如佛家所說,借筏過河,以手指月。過河後,無須背筏;見月後,無須再指。英語為筏、為手,不可執持;法律為渡、為月,得後可休。此理一通,豁然開朗。 有老外同學知道我是中國律師,問我為何出國學普通法。個中原因當然很多。然而我相信,是冥冥當中自有安排。有人說,因緣是一種力量,牽引你到未知的地方。 現在,我在澳洲的一座海邊小城,寫這篇文字,寫給地球那一邊的人看。不知在茫茫網海之中,有幾人能夠找到這個網站,能夠讀到這樣一篇文字。但我相信會有。 由文學夢始,至海外求學止,我與法律和英語的宿命因緣,竟然這樣的交匯到了一起。

㈣ 法學英語


㈤ 法學院和法律專業英語怎麼說。


1,law school

2,faculty of law

law school 例句:


All that is impressive — but is it what law schools should be teaching?


Hillary was a formidable presence in law school, a big fish in our small but highly competitive pond.

faculty of law 例句:


for BSS(GL) (offered jointly by the Faculty of Law and the Faculty of Social Sciences):

Bachelor of Laws degree.

2,工學學士 -土木工程(法學)課程由工程學院與法學院合辦:畢業生可同時獲頒發工學學士學位及法學士學位。

for BENG(CivE-Law) (offered jointly by the Faculty of Engineering and the Faculty of Law):

Bachelor of Laws degree;


1,legal profession

2,law major

legal profession 例句:


In nowadays, the legal profession almost become a trend of globalization.


As the years passed both prosecution and defense work left me disillusioned with the legal

profession – I couldn』t see it helping people.

law major 例句:


Implementing case method in law major has become a concerning topic in the scope of

law science.


The law major spent most of the weekend arguing with her over how she should express

her love for him without interfering with his campus life.




The interior reflects the distinguished look of the Faculty of Law and at the same time

offers students a pleasant learning environment.

2,好的,美國總統奧巴馬與我一樣,都去哈佛法學院學習。 有一樣東西我們兩個人都在那裡學會了,那就是用事實說話!

Well, US President Barack Obama and I both went to Harvard Law School and one thing

that we were both taught was to support claims with facts.



Student enthusiasm in the law has plunged in recent years because it's so difficult these

days for a law major to find a decent job.


First, to bring to the attention of the legal profession the rich multidisciplinary literature on

sexuality—and to shame my colleagues in the profession for ignoring it.

㈥ 法學方面的英文翻譯。句子不長。請進來看看~~~


㈦ 請高手幫我把法學論文的摘要翻譯成英文。最好是法學專業的高手.。十分感謝!急!在線等!

Case-hearing level system, as an important part of the judicial system for the whole judicial system, running plays a vital role.

長期以來我國的刑事審級制度一直堅持的是單一的兩審終審制,隨著我國社會生活的飛速發展,我國刑事審級制度設計上的不合理以及實際運行中的不規范,在實踐中產生了許多問題,兩審終審制在實踐中已經暴露出了越來越多的缺陷,因此,對我國的刑事審級制度有必要從理論上進行反思, 並借鑒其他國家的成熟經驗對其進行完善,最終確立有選擇的三審終審制度。
Long-term since China's criminal case-hearing level system has always insisted on a single system in China's social life ZhongShenZhi, along with the rapid development of our country's criminal case-hearing level system design and practical operation of the unreasonable the is not standard, in practice, the system has proced many problems in practice ZhongShenZhi has exposed the defects, so more and more on our criminal case-hearing level system is necessary to rethink theoretically, and drawing lessons from the experience of other countries for its perfect mature, finally established the system of SanShen of choice.

㈧ 法學英語翻譯

Parental authority is the parents of minor children and property in the area of personal care and protection of the rights and obligations. China's legislature in the form of relatives did not set up the system of parental authority. In the "General Principles of Civil Law," the main system of civil briefly on the provisions of the Guardianship of the parents of minor children under the Guardianship of the rights and obligations attributed to, but there is no distinction between the general care and special care will be the same as the general guardian of the parents, which civil law is different from the kinds of practices, but also different from the Anglo-American legal systems, there is a serious shortage of its own. Therefore, as soon as possible to establish and perfect the system of parental authority in our country, from the legal system to separate from parental authority and guardianship not only the needs of theory and practical significance, especially for the minor children's growth and the protection of the interests of extremely important.

㈨ "法理學"的英文是什麼



法理學 Nomology
民法學 Civil Law
國際私法 International Private Law
公司法 Corporation Law
合同法 Contracts Law
稅法 Taxation Law
訴訟法學 Litigation Law
知識產權學 Theory of Knowledge Property Right
環保回法 Environment Protection Law
刑法學 Penal Law
律師實務 Lawyer Affairs
仲裁法 Arbitration Law
金融答法 Financial Law


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