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發布時間: 2022-02-07 07:46:39

A. 法學院和法律專業英語怎麼說。


1,law school

2,faculty of law

law school 例句:


All that is impressive — but is it what law schools should be teaching?


Hillary was a formidable presence in law school, a big fish in our small but highly competitive pond.

faculty of law 例句:


for BSS(GL) (offered jointly by the Faculty of Law and the Faculty of Social Sciences):

Bachelor of Laws degree.

2,工學學士 -土木工程(法學)課程由工程學院與法學院合辦:畢業生可同時獲頒發工學學士學位及法學士學位。

for BENG(CivE-Law) (offered jointly by the Faculty of Engineering and the Faculty of Law):

Bachelor of Laws degree;


1,legal profession

2,law major

legal profession 例句:


In nowadays, the legal profession almost become a trend of globalization.


As the years passed both prosecution and defense work left me disillusioned with the legal

profession – I couldn』t see it helping people.

law major 例句:


Implementing case method in law major has become a concerning topic in the scope of

law science.


The law major spent most of the weekend arguing with her over how she should express

her love for him without interfering with his campus life.




The interior reflects the distinguished look of the Faculty of Law and at the same time

offers students a pleasant learning environment.

2,好的,美國總統奧巴馬與我一樣,都去哈佛法學院學習。 有一樣東西我們兩個人都在那裡學會了,那就是用事實說話!

Well, US President Barack Obama and I both went to Harvard Law School and one thing

that we were both taught was to support claims with facts.



Student enthusiasm in the law has plunged in recent years because it's so difficult these

days for a law major to find a decent job.


First, to bring to the attention of the legal profession the rich multidisciplinary literature on

sexuality—and to shame my colleagues in the profession for ignoring it.

B. 法律英文翻譯


C. 法學文化一詞如何翻譯(英文)

jurisprudencial culture

D. 中國的法學研究生英文到底叫什麼

標題: 中國的法學復研究生英文到底叫什制么啊?MA?Master of Law?Mphl?(法學,學歷,學位,中國,研究生,學校,叫法)
摘要: 向各位高人請教,實在是崩潰了!我申的是CUHK的JD, 在國內年了法學研究生,不知道學位/學歷該怎麼翻譯?學校給我開的成績單寫的是M.A.=Mater of Arts?還有,我的學校是不給出學歷證/學位證的證明的,要自己翻譯好給學員蓋章,這法學碩士/法學研究生該怎麼個叫法啊?請高人指點!小女子在此謝過了!LLM法學碩士 = Master of Law / M……

E. 關於法律的英文翻譯

《中華人民共和國中外合資經營企業法》Law of the People's Republic of China on Chinese-Foreign Equity Joint Ventures
《中華人民共和國中外合資專經營企業法實施條屬例》Regulation on the Implementation of the Law of the People's Republic of China on Chinese-Foreign Equity Joint Ventures

F. 英文翻譯(法律)

買方將有專屬權利,進行談判和進行盡職調查與賣方在有關該項目,直到執行一當事方之間的協議不執行合同或在15天內從執行本協定,兩者以先發生( 「專營權期「 ) 。


G. 英語法律翻譯

no delay (主語)on the part of KEMET in notifying DALICAP(主語的定於) shall relieve(謂語) DALICAP

H. 法學英語翻譯

Parental authority is the parents of minor children and property in the area of personal care and protection of the rights and obligations. China's legislature in the form of relatives did not set up the system of parental authority. In the "General Principles of Civil Law," the main system of civil briefly on the provisions of the Guardianship of the parents of minor children under the Guardianship of the rights and obligations attributed to, but there is no distinction between the general care and special care will be the same as the general guardian of the parents, which civil law is different from the kinds of practices, but also different from the Anglo-American legal systems, there is a serious shortage of its own. Therefore, as soon as possible to establish and perfect the system of parental authority in our country, from the legal system to separate from parental authority and guardianship not only the needs of theory and practical significance, especially for the minor children's growth and the protection of the interests of extremely important.

I. 求助法律英文翻譯

刑法和幸運抽獎桑福德h.卡迪什我建議考慮如何使一個 學說的刑法似乎不理性的支撐,盡管它幾乎被普遍接受的西方法律, 支持,許多法學家和哲學家,其共振與intuitions律師和法律專業人士. 這是該學說的傷害學說 我叫--減輕處罰故意違法者(常常被排除懲處失職和魯莽wrongdoers)如果朱元璋 傷害他們有意或有可能不會發生. 我還將考慮的一個必然損害的學說提供了充分的防禦如果恰巧, unbeknownst給被告的傷害,他們不可能得到伸張. 是否損害學說可以提出理由是,正如喬治揚說,"深 一個懸而未決的問題在理論中的刑事責任. "的確,一位德國學者,bjornburkhardt, 最近結束了他比較審查法對這個問題有清醒的話說,"沒有取得什麼進展 朝著解決這個問題,在過去的200年. "他還說:"爭論的過去 仍是主導當代討論.... [h]ardly什麼實質性已被添加. "他總結說:"說到底, 是否有一個令人信服的和理性的辯論在這個問題上是有可能的. "這可能也是如此. 爭論的問題仍然懸而未決,盡管認真注意的幾代學者. 不過,雖然地面十分公式化, 題目仍然有魅力,對我們這些人擔心的刑法(或許只是因為它 它打破了圓滿解決),我並沒有吸引力.

J. 翻譯法律英文



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