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發布時間: 2022-02-17 19:51:45

1. 急啊!英文翻譯:隨著依法治國戰略的提出,法學儼然已有成一顯學之勢,各類高校大力興辦法學教育。

With broaching of the strategy of law-based governance, the principle of law is evolving into a popular scholarship and many tertiary colleges started their law ecation.

2. 依法治國的英文,依法治國的翻譯,怎麼用英語翻譯依法

Governing the country by law,或rule by law都可以
He said that rule by law is a fundamental strategy of China.

3. 依法治國和以德治國的英文怎麼說

the rule of law and the rule of virtue.

n. 規則;慣例;統治
v. 控制,影響;規定;統治
  • rule of detachment
  • commutation rule
  • This is what ruling is!
n. 法律;法規;法學;定律
  • the spirit of the law.
  • It is a law of creation.
  • juggle with the law
n. 高尚的品德;美德;貞操;優點
  • Aristotle divides virtues into two basic kinds: intellectual virtues and moral virtues.
  • Justice is the crowing glory of the virtues.
  • They lean on the world and by their in tensity and virtue.

4. 麻煩把這段話翻譯成英文版

Democracy and the rule of law is fully carry forward socialist democracy, the basic strategy of governing the country according to the law to effectively implement the various aspects of positive factors are widely mobilized;
Fairness and justice is the interests of all sectors of society are properly coordinated, contradictions among the people and other social conflicts had been handled properly, social equity and justice has been effectively maintained and achieved;
Honesty is a mutual help society as a whole, honest and trustworthy, all the people of equality, friendship, harmony;
Dynamic is the ability to make all efforts concive to social progress and create desire to be respected, creative activities are supported, and create to get to play, and create the results to be sure;
Stability and order is a social organization mechanisms, improve social management, social order and good people live, work and maintain social stability and unity;
Harmonious coexistence between man and nature is the development of proction, affluent life and sound ecological environment.

5. 與依法治國有關的英語作文


6. 中共中央關於全面推進依法治國若乾重大問題的決定用英語怎麼說

The Chinese Communist Party Central Committee's decision on a number of important issues in relation to comprehensively implementing governing the country by law

其中implement可以promote, push forward, carry forward, carry out 或forge ahead等詞語取代;
govern一詞則可用run, rule或manage等詞語取代。

7. 英文翻譯(追加懸賞100)之二

經過1953年的洪水災難,在西南地區的荷蘭,概率的做法是選擇,為設計洪水沿海國防工程,在荷蘭(車澤, 1956年; vrijling 2001 ) 。從20世紀80年代起,這一辦法獲得通過,為設計堤防一般( vrijling 2001 ) 。目前的辦法是基於一個設計水位相應的回報期overtopping的堤防,這是增加了一個安全的董事會至少有0.5米(托策1985年; mtpwwm零;的Van der大多數等人2005年) 。超出標准頻率是有區別的遍布全國。大體上,在西方國家的一部分,一個超出標准頻率的每一次萬年,是應用;沿岸洪水防禦工程在該國的西南部和北部的該國部分地區超過一個班次的一次是在4000年得以維持;河道堤防這是一次在1250年,並在中間地帶即可能受其影響的沿海和內河洪水重現期為2000年來用。
依法治國的設計水位是重新評估,每5年一次,以處理不確定性方面的實際洪峰流量變率和響應氣候變化的影響。如遇到問題是,我們的統計分布為洪峰流量是推算所得在有限的時間內一連串的放電數據。知識約排放和水位與重現期為1250年是有限的,因為歷史資料,可供100年期間只。此外,其體積和可變性的高峰放電如有變更,由於各種因素如氣候變化和不斷變化的上游水流條件。由於氣候變化的洪峰流量在較低萊茵河相應的回報的時候100-1000年預計將增長5-8 % ,在今後50年內( middelkoop等人2001年) 。作為一種極端
情景設計流量在洛比特可能會增加,從16000到20000 m3s - 1 ,在2100年( middelkoop和誇代克2001年) 。在概率設計改變放電政權,只會導致一個不同的設計,只要改變後,事件發生後,即使出院數據定期更新。因此,這是內在的這一戰略所採取的行動,以減少洪水風險,是不是有預見性的,但以下


8. 高分求英文翻譯(要專業的!!)

Administration by law is the basic strategy of governing the country an important component part. Administrative law is the executive to exercise its rights and the management of public affairs must be authorized by law and in accordance with the law. The law is the executive According to the activity on the activities and people judge the standard. Administration according to law is to improve the socialist democracy and the development of the socialist market economy and the objective requirements to keep the party and state policy continuity and stability of the important prerequisite. Thesis on the legal administration of a few important questions : if the law's constitutional basis, Fan law conversion try, legislation and so on the issue of democracy. Meanwhile the administration of the law in China exist in the solutions. That the executive building of the legal system and administrative objectives of the fundamental elements of democracy. Thesis expounded comprehensively push forward administration by law is a solid foundation for further strengthening of administrative and legal system, and further discussed the administration of the law to resolve the problems of specific measures, including the strengthening of the national administration of the legal ecation, to improve the quality of the laws, statutory mandate, Legislative efforts to intensify and improve the quality of legislation and strict enforcement, improving administrative enforcement of water an equality. For the country to implement a strategy to build a clean, diligent, pragmatic and efficient government, The paper presents the law correctly grasp the basic principle that the party should adhere to the leadership and promote the people's democracy, We must adhere to the legal constraints under administrative actions to protect the administrative enforcement authority and impartiality. Papers achieve specified build a clean, diligent, pragmatic and efficient government aims to channel administrative rule of law on January 1, administrative proceres for the rule of law. In view of the current administrative practice of the law difficult and paper analyzes the reasons for these problems and the corresponding solutions.

依法行政:Administrative law
憲政基礎:Constitutional basis
範式轉換:Paradigm Change
立法民主:Legislative democracy
職權法定:Statutory mandate


9. 一段話翻譯英文


刑法理論依據Theory basis of criminal law
事實依據basic of facts
指導原則direction princeples
The modernization of the legislative system in ethnic minority areas is indispensable to the realization of modernization of the entire legal system of nation. Cultivating the belief in law of the Ethnic groups in fully constructing the adminstration of the nation according to law is very meaningful in realizing the modernization of the legal system.
近年來西部大開發中應當通過少數民族自治地方的刑事變通立法來解決民族習俗與國法之間的矛盾,解決如何定罪以及運用的問題和各民族保持自己風俗習慣的權利。應當注意把握少數民族刑事立法變通權的法律依據,指導原則,對相關的刑法條文作必要的具體的變通。By the adjustment on the legislation of the criminal law in minority autonomy regions to address the conflict between the nationnality customs and the national law, how to convict and punishment issues and each nationalities' rights to keep their own customs in the recent development of west China. Attendtion need to be paid to the llegislative authority of criminal case's lawmaking flexible right, direction princeplesL: the necessary adjustment to related criminal law 's clause.

10. 依法治國的英文翻譯

PRC practice of governing the country according to law and building a socialist country ruled by law.

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