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⑴ 富強、民主、文明、和諧、自由、平等、公正、法制、愛國、敬業、誠信、友善 這些單詞用英語怎麼說

富強:prosperous and strong; thriving and powerful; rich and mighty

民主:democracy; democratic; democratic rights

文明:civilization; civilized; culture

平等:equal; equality; egality; evenness

公正:fair; just; impartial; equity; a surname

法制:legality; legal institutions; legal system

愛國:love one's country; be patriotic

敬業:devote to work

誠信:credibility and integrity

友善:amicable; friendly; amicability; fraternization; fraternize









⑵ 英文「 法制化 」怎麼說

In order to develop and perfect the system, its standardization, institutionalized and legalization must be strengthened further.

⑶ "法治化"的英文翻譯時甚麼謝謝

法制: rule by law

⑷ 如何翻譯「運用市場化和法治化手段,嚴格環保標准。」(英語語法,英語翻譯

翻譯:Using market-oriented and rule of law methods to strictly enforce environmental protection standards.

⑸ 中共中央關於全面推進依法治國若乾重大問題的決定用英語怎麼說

The Chinese Communist Party Central Committee's decision on a number of important issues in relation to comprehensively implementing governing the country by law

其中implement可以promote, push forward, carry forward, carry out 或forge ahead等詞語取代;
govern一詞則可用run, rule或manage等詞語取代。

⑹ 急求英語高手翻譯有關法治的文章

Theory comes from practice and practice on a guiding role. In China the rule of law in the process, the rule of law has become an inevitable trend. China's building of the rule of law in these years has made gratifying achievements, but also has its own characteristics. Contemporary China's rule of law concept is on the socialist rule of law and beliefs, concepts and ideas. Establish the "rule of law and law enforcement for the people, equality, justice, serving the overall situation, the party's leadership" as the basic contents of the socialist concept of rule of law, bound to China's rule of law to promote the breadth and depth to provide spiritual impetus. So construct a modern concept of the rule of law, the legal system in China to achieve modernization and the building of the rule of law is of great significance.

⑺ 法治社會 英文怎麼說

[法]society with rule of law

The graal formation and development of the modem administrative law culturepromote the rule of law in our society.

⑻ 法治文化的英語怎麼說

Culture of the rule of law

⑼ 依法治國的英文翻譯

PRC practice of governing the country according to law and building a socialist country ruled by law.

⑽ 「法治化」英語英語怎麼說

Government by law

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