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Ⅰ 做一個有道德的人的英文

Be a moral person.

Ⅱ 道德,用英語怎麼說


Ⅲ 有道德的英文是什麼


Ⅳ 道德用英語怎麼說


道德(上)的, 精神的

Ⅳ 什麼是道德的英語作文


Morality and Ecation
It is recognized by everybody that the strength of a country depends upon its ecation. The higher the ecation standards, the stronger the country becomes. That is true indeed.
But my opinion is that, in order to make a country strong, ecation alone is not sufficient. It should go side by side with morality..
Morality and ecation are the foundation of a country. The absence of either makes success impossible. Ecation without morality is dangerous. Morality without ecation is also harmful.

Ⅵ 用英文說出美好的品德有哪些


Ⅶ 「道德」英文翻譯

例句: degenerate; moral degradation;
public morals;

morality [mə'ræləti, mɔ:-]
n. 道德;品行,美德
[ 復數moralities ]

希望對你有幫助 如有疑問 請在線交談 祝你考上理想的學校 O(∩_∩)O

Ⅷ 在道德上 英文怎麼講 有沒有一個單詞形容 不合乎道德

In moral或 In ethics



Ⅸ 做一個有道德的人英語作文


Be a moral person


The moral of this, a simple vocabulary, but limitless, secret. Some people for moral and by the people, condemnation, and some people, for moral and remain immortal.


Do a moral thing is very simple: in the way pick up to a wallet, returned to the owner; See the ground of garbage, pick it up in the trash; On the bus to old people, children let a......


This into small manageable can reflect your moral, however, want to lasting keep down all his life, be a moral person is not an easy, because people's life has too much temptation, money make many people lose their senses, do some lack of moral, social disadvantage to the things, honor and status is also often make people from friends into the enemy, dry out some illegal things, finally fall into a regretful.

有時道德也能影響整個國家,春秋戰國時,商鞅在秦孝公的支持下主持變法。當時處於戰爭頻繁、人心惶惶之際,人們都不信任國家,為了樹立威信,商鞅下令在都城南門外立一根三丈長的木頭,並當眾許下諾言:誰能把這根木頭搬到北門,賞金十兩。圍觀的人不相信如此輕而易舉的事能得到如此高的賞賜,結果沒人肯出手一試。於是,商鞅將賞金提高到50金。重賞之下必有勇夫,終於有人站起將木頭扛到了北門。商鞅立即賞了他五十金。商鞅這一舉動,在百姓心中樹立起了威信,而商鞅接下來的變法就很快在秦國推廣開了。新法使秦國漸漸強盛,最終統一了中國。 而同樣在商鞅「立木為信」的地方,在早它400年以前,卻曾發生過一場令人啼笑皆非的「烽火戲諸侯」的鬧劇。 周幽王有個寵妃叫褒姒,為博取她的一笑,周幽王下令在都城附近20多座烽火台上點起烽火——烽火是邊關報警的信號,只有在外敵入侵需召諸侯來救援的時候才能點燃。結果諸侯們見到烽火,率領兵將們匆匆趕到,弄明白這是君王為博妻一笑的花招後又憤然離去。褒姒看到平日威儀赫赫的諸侯們手足無措的樣子,終於開心一笑。五年後,酉夷太戎大舉攻周,幽王烽火再燃而諸侯未到——誰也不願再上第二次當了。結果幽王被逼自刎而褒姒也被俘虜。 一個「立木取信」,一諾千金,是人們知道國家的「德」;一個帝王無信,戲玩「狼來了」的游戲。結果前者變法成功,國強勢壯;後者自取其辱,身死國亡。可見,「德」對一個國家的興衰存亡都起著非常重要的作用。

Sometimes the moral can also affect the whole country, spring and autumn and the warring states, shang QinXiaoGong in the support of the political reform presided over. At that time at war, the heart of frequent panic, people don't trust countries, in order to build up confidence in the south of the city, was ordered to stand outside a root three zhangs long wood in public, and make a promise: who can put the wood moved to the north, certain bounty. Onlookers who don't believe so easy to get so high reward, as a result, nobody will make moves a try. So, shang bounty increased to 50 gold will be. There will be four questions under YongFu, finally someone stand up and will carry out to the north. The wood Shang appreciate his fifty gold immediately. Shang this move, in people's hearts set up a prestige, and shang the next reform quickly in the open. Qin promotion The new law makes graally become strong, qin eventually unify China. And also in shang "LiMu for letter" place, in the early it 400 years ago, but have happened a ironic "war play governors" farce. Weeks a spoiled you king was called praised si, for a smile seeks her quiet and in the capital city that week more than 20 a beacon tower near point on the beacon-is the colorful alarm signal beacon, only in the foreign invasion called to the rescue to governors will be lit. Results the rulers see violence, led the army will be hurried to and understand this is king for bo wife a smile of tricks and in anger away. Praised si see weekdays HeHeDe governors at sea the dignity of appearance, finally happy a smile. Five years later, too Rong sweeping attack stepped from week you king and reburning ablaze, and not to the governors who also don't want to--on the second when....... The results you king was forced to ZiWen and praised si also was captured. A "LiMu" honest, a promise is a promise, it is people know the country's "virtue"; A king without faith, play to play "Wolf" game. Results the former political success, the strong strong kingdom; The latter himself shame, the body dead country wu. Visible, "virtue" on a nation's thriving plays a very important role.

義大利詩人但丁說過:「一個知識不全的人可以用道德去彌補,而一個道德不全的人卻難以用知識去彌補。」 是啊!道德將改變你的一生,是永恆之美, 是任何東西都無法彌補的,讓我們爭做有道德的人,讓我們的世界變得更美麗!

Italian poet Dante said: "a knowledge is not all the people can use to make up for the moral, and a moral not all people but difficult to make up for it with knowledge." Yes!!!!! Moral will change your life, is everlasting beauty, is any thing cannot make up for, let us vying for a moral man, make our world more beautiful!


Ⅹ 關於道德的英語作文

In ancient time, moral ecation and intellectual ecation were in same process. With the development of society the position of moral ecation and intellectual ecation changed , and the moral ecation split up into directive moral ecation and indirective moral ecation. This change brought about conflict between the two forms and make any form not fully play its role. The methods to overcome it are carry out comprehensive moral ecation , make the two forms of moral ecation as an organic whole. To realize it can adopt subject curriculum, activity curriculum and hiden curriculum, make them infiltrate one another and complete the task of fostering together.

Twenty-three lectures on popular science have been held to promote the ecation of modern science and technology. Students, whose enthusiasm for creativity and innovation has been greatly spurred, handed in more than 500 pieces science projects.
To strengthen the organic combination of the school, family and social ecation, the district established a family ecation guidance centre, juvenile psychological guidance centres in 32 primary and middle schools, and has trained 460 teachers to upgrade their methods for moral ecation.
Furthermore, the district organized more than 1,400 18-year-olds to participate in an oath ceremony last year. Thirty students donated blood after the ceremony.
Students national pride and sense of social responsibility have been greatly strengthened through various activities including Protecting Our Mother River and Hand in Hand With the Needy

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