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道德經 的英文翻譯。謝謝。。

the Moral

② 急求老子道德經英文翻譯。

Is the action of nature not unlike drawing a bow?
What is higher is pulled down, and what is lower is raised up;
What is taller is shortened, and what is thinner is broadened;
Nature\'s motion decreases those who have more than they need
And increases those who need more than they have.
It is not so with Man.
Man decreases those who need more than they have
And increases those who have more than they need.
To give away what you do not need is to follow the Way.
So the sage gives without expectation,
Accomplishes without claiming credit,
And has no desire for ostentation.

③ 道德經大概有多少種英文譯本最經典的是誰的譯作




翻譯道德經,難度遠遠超過在蘋果系統上完美移植MS office(而微軟現在的移植版本一直被使用者詬病。)所以,呵呵,不用找啦,老外想讀道德經,先學中文才是正經(相當於其頭腦重裝系統)。

④ 「道德經」用英語怎麼說



⑤ 道德經的外文翻譯有多少種

在中國(西安香港)國際道德經論壇新聞發布會上,中國道教協會副會長張繼禹表示,到目前為止,《道德經》外文譯本已有近500種,涉及30多種語言。 他說,作為一部擁有廣大讀者的古代文化典籍,道祖老子所著的《道德經》既是中國道教的思想源泉,也是東方智慧的代表之一。 千百年來,傳承不絕的《道德經》不僅在中國社會中發生了深遠影響,而且流傳於世界上許許多多的國家和地區,成為人類精神文化遺產的重要內容。 他解釋說,《道德經》以「道德」二字為綱領,以自然無為為法要,以修身治國為旨歸,以天人合一為境界。在《道德經》中,「道」的重要特性之一就是「通」,通則包容,容則和諧。領悟《道德經》的思想智慧,有助於人們在日益復雜的社會關系中安頓身心,在處理人與自然的關系中擺正位置,為人們構建和諧社會、共建和諧世界提供理念支持。 他說,道教自立教以來,一直尊奉老子為道祖,以老子所著《道德經》為基本經典,近2000年來注本眾多。中國道教協會新編的《中華道藏》,即收有歷史上的《道德經》注本近70種。另悉,此次論壇主辦方還編輯出版了《道德經》文物版本圖錄《大道流行》,共收錄430個不同的《道德經》版本,包括中文版180種,外文版250種,並結集出版了包括中、英、法、俄、德、西班牙、葡萄牙、義大利、日、韓、阿拉伯及世界語等多種文字的《道德經》。

⑥ 老子道德經英文翻譯:

If the water is good, the good things and the water is indisputable surer of virtuous, So it can therefore Kings valley, with its good, can the king valley. The weak in water, but Mozart fortification of strong mo can - and this is soft. Therefore, the soft of weak just - strong -. No, because its are in between, can not know teaching, the futility of PE.

⑦ 道德經英譯本典型的有哪幾種




翻譯道德經,難度遠遠超過在蘋果系統上完美移植MS office(而微軟現在的移植版本一直被使用者詬病。)所以,呵呵,不用找啦,老外想讀道德經,先學中文才是正經(相當於其頭腦重裝系統)。

⑧ 道德經的英文名字

道德經 Moral Intelligence


⑨ 《道德經》的英譯本與原本差異很大嗎

英譯本有上百種吧,有的很大,有的不算很大。我把維基網路的相關介紹貼在下面,你的英語如果足夠好的話可以詳細了解一下。如果不夠好的話,只看這一句就足夠了:It is a famous puzzle which everyone would like to feel he had solved.(道德經是一個著名的謎題,每個譯者都認為自己已經解決了它。)

The Tao Te Ching has been translated into Western languages over 250 times, mostly to English, German, and French.[8] According to Holmes Welch, "It is a famous puzzle which everyone would like to feel he had solved."[9] The first known English translation of the Tao Te Ching was proced in 1868 by a Scottish Protestant missionary named John Chalmers, entitled The Speculations on Metaphysics, Polity and Morality of The Old Philosopher Lau Tsze. Other notable English translations of the Tao Te Ching are those proced by Chinese scholars and teachers: a 1948 translation by linguist Lin Yutang, a 1961 translation by author John Ching Hsiung Wu, a 1963 translation by sinologist Din Cheuk Lau, another 1963 translation by professor Wing-tsit Chan, and a 1972 translation by Taoist teacher Gia-Fu Feng together with his wife Jane English.
Many translations are written by people with a foundation in Chinese language and philosophy who are trying to render the original meaning of the text as faithfully as possible into English. Some of the more popular translations are written from a less scholarly perspective, giving an indivial author's interpretation. For example, Stephen Mitchell's version of the Tao Te Ching unilaterally introces changes such as referring to "the Master" as "she" rather than "he",[10] and his version has been called "politically correct".[11] Critics of these versions, such as Taoism scholar Eugene Eoyang, claim that translators like Stephen Mitchell (who states explicitly that his version is not a translation) proce readings of the Tao Te Ching that deviate from the text and are incompatible with the history of Chinese thought.[12] Russell Kirkland goes further to argue that these versions are based on Western Orientalist fantasies, and represent the colonial appropriation of Chinese culture.[13][14] In contrast, Huston Smith, scholar of world religions, said of the Mitchell version, "This translation comes as close to being definitive for our time as any I can imagine. It embodies the virtues its translator credits to the Chinese original: a gemlike lucidity that is radiant with humor, grace, largeheartedness, and deep wisdom." Other Taoism scholars, such as Michael LaFargue[15] and Jonathan Herman,[16] argue that while they don't pretend to scholarship, they meet a real spiritual need in the West. These Westernized versions aim to make the wisdom of the Tao Te Ching more accessible to modern English-speaking readers by, typically, employing more familiar cultural and temporal references.
Translational difficulties
The Tao Te Ching is written in Classical Chinese, which can be difficult to understand completely. Classical Chinese relies heavily on allusion to a corpus of standard literary works to convey semantic meaning, nuance, and subtext. This corpus was memorized by highly ecated people in Laozi's time, and the allusions were reinforced through common use in writing, but few people today have this type of deep acquaintance with ancient Chinese literature. Thus, many levels of subtext are potentially lost on modern translators. Furthermore, many of the words that the Tao Te Ching uses are deliberately vague and ambiguous.
Since there are no punctuation marks in Classical Chinese, it can be difficult to conclusively determine where one sentence ends and the next begins. Moving a full-stop a few words forward or back or inserting a comma can profoundly alter the meaning of many passages, and such divisions and meanings must be determined by the translator. Some editors and translators argue that the received text is so corrupted (from originally being written on one-line bamboo strips linked with silk threads) that it is impossible to understand some chapters without moving sequences of characters from one place to another.

⑩ 請推薦比較好的《道德經》英譯版本

by Lao-Tse
translated by James Legge

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