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發布時間: 2020-12-19 05:37:18

『壹』 有權威的律師嗎就是金牌律師我想了解法律常識


『貳』 有沒有懂法律的人,幫忙看一下《金牌律師》《東京審判》《手機》這幾部電影中分別講的是什麼法律知識


『叄』 馬鞍山金牌律師,離婚案件

其次,根據《民事訴訟法》第五十八條規定, 當事人、法定代理人可以委託一至二人作為訴訟代理人。

『肆』 律師分為金牌律師和銀牌律師什麼意思


『伍』 電視劇《金牌律師》里所扮演的律師,是否全懂法律這行業,但與現實生活中的律師有什麼不同


『陸』 如何評價《金牌律師》


『柒』 美國電視劇《金牌律師》的英文簡介。。。最好多多的涉及法律方面。。。



Ron Trott是該所的招牌,他總是頻頻在各家電視台的談話節目中拋頭露面、巧舌如簧。他尤其擅長於招攬客戶、陳述案情,並我行我素,因此也常常深受陪審團的厭惡。但正是他的天賦和不達目的誓不罷休的精神才將這個精英團隊團結起來。

一直隱藏在Ron身後的是Tom Nicholson,相貌忠厚、土生土長於內部拉斯加的Tom對媒體一貫敬而遠之,但他卻是一名出色的控方律師,他用自己扎實的工作態度贏得了Ron的尊重和賞識,並成為法庭上的技巧大師。

前應辯控方律師Luther Graves是一個黑人社區的領袖,他努力為民眾伸張正義,因此深得民心。Luther善於通過有策略的暫時妥協和讓步,從控方和辯方雙方的視角來評估此案的價值,並預測雙方以後的策略。

年輕進取的Alden Tuller是一名出色的辯論高手,他能處理最復雜的法庭辯論,同時對證人的傳喚與問訊技巧也極其老練

Plot wants the crossflow, demeanor dog or horse's Los Angeles, here is rich people's heaven, simultaneously is also attorney an outstanding people exhibition fist foot's stage. This play's leading character is senior Law office four partners, their all skill uncommon, respectively has the institute specially. Although incomparably is proud, but can cooperate closely, has won another lawsuit for own rich person customers. Ron Trott is this advertisement, he always repeatedly shows face in public in various television station's talk show, has a glib tongue. He excels especially in gathers the customer, the statement case, and sticks to one's own way of doing things, therefore is also deep frequently jury's loathing. But is precisely his talent and does not reach the spirit which the goal vows not to rest only then this outstanding person team to unite. what has hidden after death in Ron is Tom Nicholson, the facial expression upright, is locally born Tom which adds in internal Russ to the media to keep at a respectful distance all along, but he is actually a splendid prosecution attorney, he has won the Ron respect and the recognition with oneself solid work, and becomes in the court skillful master. before , should debate prosecution Attorney Luther Graves is a black community's leader, he promotes the justice diligently for the populace, therefore is deep the popular sentiment. Luther is good at through having the strategy mos vivendi and the concessions, appraises this document from the prosecution and the defense both sides' angle of view the value, and forecasts the bilateral later strategy. young enterprising Alden Tuller is a splendid debate master, he can handle the most complex forensic argument, simultaneously with asks skill also extremely experienced to witness's subpoena their rich person customers, possible already, because fords the lawsuit, by the media and the web cam already recognized refers to the criminal for the multitude of people, but these four gold medal attorney actually often can exhaust energy, utilizes each method to help own customer to win the lawsuit, elutes the charge. a this play's big unique merit lies in: When whenever builds up ties, this document after playbacking will summarize, judges by the audience, these achievement society outstanding person's attorney, they are in the maintenance justice, is helping a tyrant do evil.

『捌』 金牌律師和垃圾律師的區別


『玖』 普法欄目劇飾演金牌律師的扮演人


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