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發布時間: 2020-12-17 12:47:47

Ⅰ 關於《勞動合同法》翻譯成英文

The new "Labor Contract Law" promulgated content of the many changes. More people from the perspective of the interests of workers concerned. For example, recruitment and employment of the conclusion of the contract requirements refinement; probationary period provided more detailed, workable economic compensation payments reflect the value of labor; set no fixed deadline-oriented labor contract is to maintain stability, and so on.
At the same time many companies take a negative response, such as the resignation Affair, labor relations sent into labor relations, and so on. Defend their own interests, aimed at trying to rece labor costs. The new "Labor Contract Law" to the enterprise the advantages or disadvantages? I believe that the interests outweigh the risks. Increase in cost of the enterprise will become an opportunity. Too cheap labor force, neglect of staff training. If this situation persists, not improve the quality of workers, will far-reaching impact on the competitiveness of enterprises. If an enterprise can not blindly rely on the development of competitive advantage of low-cost labor, should be trying to technological innovation, improving labor proctivity and competitiveness in the future of seizing the initiative. From another perspective, the increase in cost will be an opportunity for enterprises. "Labor Contract Law" will become China's enterprises and upgrading the booster accelerator for the development of enterprises to make a fundamental protection.

Ⅱ 求翻譯英文 最後,《勞動合同法》運用了第四十二條中關於解僱保護的有關內容來限制用人單位終止勞動合同

The Chinese labour contract law limit the employer to terminate empoyee's contract with the content about Protection Against Unfair Dismissal Act .(Article 42)

Ⅲ 勞動合同法用英語的最正規的翻譯


Labor Contract Law of PRC



employment ,labor都可以,參考網站:


Ⅳ 勞動合同甲方名稱法人代表人都是英文合法嗎


Ⅳ 哪裡有中英文版本的勞動合同法



Ⅵ 拜求一篇3000字左右的英文文章,主要內容得是和勞動合同法有關!!!!

Legislative point of view from abroad, non-fixed term labor contract was unanimously endorsed by the labor contract for the normal, labor relations are the existence of the general form, as long as there is no legal case to terminate the contract unilaterally, labor relations have been continued until retired workers . Promulgated by the EU in 1999 on the protection of fixed-term labor contracts of employees Directive (1999/70/EU) clearly states: "No fixed-term labor contracts are the general form of labor relations, contribute to the protection of employee's livelihood, improve their occupational stability treatment and work. "Since 1982, French labor law clearly stipulates:" The enactment of the labor contract shall not determine the ration "(Labor Code, the law, section 121-5 of the Covenant). Employers and employees should normally be set no fixed deadline for the labor contract.

Above the EU regarding the protection of fixed-term labor contracts of employees Directive (1999/70/EU) clearly states: "fixed-term labor contract applicable to special circumstances, by members of the Legislative Council in accordance with the characteristics of the instry groups, in consultation with the views of employers and employees to determine its application the scope of its renewal. "French Labor Code provides that fixed-term employment contract only applies to the following circumstances: First, alternative sick leave, maternity leave, such as the suspension of the labor contract employees; are two changes in business activity in the seasonal or jobs on a temporary increase in the application; three are to address the problem of unemployment in some staff to enter into some special labor contracts, such as for long-term unemployed young people and to enter into mutual aid employment, adaptability and access to qualified labor contract (Code of Laws, section 122-1-1 of the Covenant). Code also explicitly cited the two fixed-term employment contract to prohibit the signing of the situation: First, the recruitment of employees by collective labor conflicts alternative (such as a strike) and to suspend the performance of the labor contract employees; two ministerial regulations are listed in a special on dangerous jobs (Article 122-3 of the Covenant). In addition, the ration of fixed-term employment contract and the renewal was also limited. Fixed-term employment contract can only be renewed once the renewal period of the original contract period plus the general should not exceed 18 months. After the expiry of fixed-term employment contract to continue the existence of labor relations, that is to have no fixed term labor contract relationship; on employers in a number of positions for an employee with a fixed labor contracts and also regarded as non-fixed term labor contract relationship; only because of the seasonal job, made a regular basis regardless of how the renewal of labor contracts are fixed-term employment contract (Article 122-1-2 of the Covenant). British labor law in order to implement the EU directive in 1999 to develop a fixed-term labor contract on the employee's Ordinance (October 1, 2002 come into operation). Under the Ordinance, the fixed-term labor contracts and the renewal of the initial period of total ration of no more than 4 years in general. More than four years after the labor relations continue to exist, unless the employer has objective reasons to justify the signing of a fixed-term contracts, shall be deemed non-fixed term labor contract. German labor law also requires the promotion of fixed-term labor contracts for periods of not longer than 18 months.

In the United States, both employers and employees what type of labor contract entered into without any coercion, the parties may be at a fixed period and no fixed term labor contract in one, while in Germany, France, on fixed-term labor contracts directly applicable to the case be restricted



Ⅶ 北京與外企簽訂勞動合同英文版的具有法律效力


Ⅷ 勞動法的一段英文翻譯

Under the "Labor Contract Law," the provisions of 41'th , layoffs in more than 20, businesses must comply with the conditions:
(A) in accordance with the provisions of the enterprise bankruptcy and restructuring law;
(B) serious difficulties in proction and operation of;
(C) converting enterprises, a major technological innovation or adjustment of operations, after changes in the labor contract, the need to rece staff;
(D) other labor contract is based on the objective economic situation of the significant changes, with the result that the labor contract can not perform.
 According to "Labor Contract Law," the 39th and 40th provides that employees of one of the following circumstances, the company can to lift their "labor contracts":
(A) was proved ring the probationary period do not meet the conditions of employment;
(B) serious violations of rules and regulations of the employing units;
(C) a serious dereliction of ty, corruption, the employing units to cause significant harm;
(D) the worker can not do the work, after training or adjustment of jobs and still can not do the work;

Ⅸ 英文版勞動合同受法律保護嗎

第十六條 勞動合同由用人單位與勞動者協商一致,並經用人單位與勞動者在勞動合同文本上簽字或者蓋章生效。
第十七條 勞動合同應當具備以下條款:

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