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A. 最高人民法院關於婚姻法司法解釋一共有幾個分別叫什麼名字哪裡可以下載原文






B. 跪求婚姻法第十九條的英文翻譯~~~~~~~~


C. 2022年新婚姻法在哪裡看


D. 外文翻譯的原文和譯文,關於夫妻配偶權。或者給我英文,我自己翻譯,我找不到英文文獻。急求!!!謝謝幫


The legal union of a couple as spouses. The basic elements of a marriage are: (1) the parties' legal ability to marry each other, (2) mutual consent of the parties, and (3) a marriage contract as required by law.

See also Common-law marriage.

In the English common law tradition from which our legal doctrines and concepts have developed, a marriage was a contract based upon a voluntary private agreement by a man and a woman to become husband and wife. Marriage was viewed as the basis of the family unit and vital to the preservation of morals and civilization. Traditionally, the husband had a ty to provide a safe house, pay for necessities such as food and clothing, and live in the house. The wife's obligations were maintaining a home, living in the home, having sexual relations with her husband, and rearing the couple's children. Today, the underlying concept that marriage is a legal contract still remains, but e to changes in society the legal obligations are not the same.

Marriage is chiefly regulated by the states. The Supreme Court has held that states are permitted to reasonably regulate the institution by prescribing who is allowed to marry and how the marriage can be dissolved. Entering into a marriage changes the legal status of both parties and gives both husband and wife new rights and obligations. One power that the states do not have, however, is that of prohibiting marriage in the absence of a valid reason. For example, prohibiting interracial marriage is unconstitutional because it violates the Equal Protection Clause of the Constitution.

The majority of states limit people to one living husband or wife at a time and will not issue marriage licenses to anyone with a living spouse. Once an indivial is married, the person must be legally released from the relationship by either death, divorce, or annulment before he or she may remarry. Other limitations on indivials include age and close relationship. Limitations that some but not all states prescribe are: the requirements of blood tests, good mental capacity, and being of opposite sex.

In 1996, President Clinton signed into law the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA), which, for federal purposes, defined marriage as "only a legal union between one man and one woman as husband and wife" (1 U.S.C. § 7). DOMA further provided that "No State, territory, or possession of the United States, or Indian tribe, shall be required to give effect to any public act, record, or judicial proceeding of any other State, territory, possession, or tribe respecting a relationship between persons of the same sex that is treated as a marriage under the laws of such other State, territory, possession, or tribe, or a right or claim arising from such relationship" (28 U.S.C. § 1738C). (See Conflict of laws, Constitutional law)

A marriage may in some cases be void or voidable.
Definition from Nolo』s Plain-English Law Dictionary
The legal union of two people. Once a couple is married, their rights and responsibilities toward one another concerning property and support are defined by the laws of the state in which they live. A marriage can only be terminated by a court granting a divorce or annulment.

Definition provided by Nolo』s Plain-English Law Dictionary.

August 19, 2010, 5:19 pm

E. 結婚證英文翻譯去哪裡
















F. 免費咨詢婚姻,免費婚姻法律咨詢
































G. 中國英文版結婚證

1. 正規翻譯公司結婚證翻譯件會加蓋翻譯公司中英文公章、公安部國家工商總局備案的翻譯專用章和涉外專用章。
2. 正規翻譯公司結婚證翻譯件的排版與原件保持基本一致。
3. 正規翻譯公司結婚證翻譯件的內容翻譯准確,不會出現錯譯、漏譯現象。
4. 正規翻譯公司可根據客戶要求提供符合簽證要求的翻譯件,英屬聯邦制國家會要求翻譯件文末附譯者聲明和譯員的個人信息包含譯員簽名、譯員所在單位地址、譯員的證書編號、譯員的聯系方式、翻譯日期等信息。
5. 正規翻譯公司可以配合客戶提供公司翻譯資質證明文件,即加蓋翻譯公司公章的工商營業執照副本復印件。
結婚證Marriage Certificate
中華人民共和國People's Republic of China
持證人Certificate Holder
登記日期Date of Registration
結婚證字型大小Marriage Certificate Code
身份證號ID Number
出生日期Date of Birth
中華人民共和國民政部The Ministry of Civil Affairs of People』s Republic of China
結婚申請,符合《中華人民共和國婚姻法》規定,予以登記,發給此證。The marriage application is in conformity with 「The Marriage Law of the People』s Republic of China」, and qualified to be registered. The certificate is issued to above named person.
中華人民共和國民政部監制Proced by the Ministry of Civil Affairs of People』s Republic of China
婚姻登記專業章:Seal for Marriage Registration
婚姻登記員:The Marriage Registrar

H. 請問下誰有婚姻法關於子女方面的英文資料要有翻譯的

第二十一條 父母對子女有撫養教育的義務;子女對父母有贍養扶助的義務。Article 21 -- Parents have an obligation to raise and ecate their children; Parents have an obligation to support and assist children.
父母不履行撫養義務時,未成年的或不能獨立生活的子女,有要求父母付給撫養費的權利。If parents do not carry out their ty of care, the children are minors or who are unable to live independently, the right to demand support payments from their parents.
子女不履行贍養義務時,無勞動能力的或生活困難的父母,有要求子女付給贍養費的權利。If children do not carry out their obligations, the ability to work or who have a difficult time making a living without parents have the right to demand support payments from their children.
禁止溺嬰、棄嬰和其他殘害嬰兒的行為。Prohibit infanticide, abandonment and other harm to an infant's behavior.
第二十二條 子女可以隨父姓,可以隨母姓。Article 22 of the children the father's name, mother's name.
第二十三條 父母有保護和教育未成年子女的權利和義務。Article 23 of parents to protect and ecate their minor children, the rights and obligations. 在未成年子女對國家、集體或他人造成損害時,父母有承擔民事責任的義務。Minor children to the state, collective or harm to others, the parents have the ty to assume civil liability.
第二十四條 夫妻有相互繼承遺產的權利。24 couples have the right to inherit each other's property.
父母和子女有相互繼承遺產的權利。Parents and children have the right to inherit each other's property.
第二十五條 非婚生子女享有與婚生子女同等的權利,任何人不得加以危害和歧視。Article 25 of wedlock and children born out of wedlock have the same rights, a person shall not be harmed or discriminated against.
不直接撫養非婚生子女的生父或生母,應當負擔子女的生活費和教育費,直至子女能獨立生活為止。Mother or father does not directly care for children born out of wedlock, children should pay for the living and ecational expenses. children until they can live independently.
第二十六條 國家保護合法的收養關系。Article 26 The state protects legitimate adoptive relationships. 養父母和養子女間的權利和義務,適用本法對父母子女關系的有關規定。The adoptive parents and adopted children between rights and obligations between parents and children to apply the relevant provisions of this Act.
養子女和生父母間的權利和義務,因收養關系的成立而消除。Adopted children and their biological parents and the rights and obligations established by the elimination of adoptive relations.
第二十七條 繼父母與繼子女間,不得虐待或歧視。27th between stepparents and stepchildren, not abuse or discrimination.
繼父或繼母和受其撫養教育的繼子女間的權利和義務,適用本法對父母子女關系的有關規定。Stepparents and stepchildren in her care and ecation to the rights and obligations Relations between parents and children to apply the relevant provisions of this Act.
第二十八條 有負擔能力的祖父母、外祖父母,對於父母已經死亡或父母無力撫養的未成年的孫子女、外孫子女,有撫養的義務。Article 28 have the ability, grandparents, brother, parents are already dead or unable to raise their underage grandchildren, grandchildren and children. 有負擔能力的孫子女、外孫子女,對於子女已經死亡或子女無力贍養的祖父母、外祖父母,有贍養的義務。Have the ability to grandchildren, grandchildren, children have died or are unable to support their grandparents, grandchildren, have an obligation to support.
第二十九條 有負擔能力的兄、姐,對於父母已經死亡或父母無力撫養的未成年的弟、妹,有扶養的義務。Article 29 have the ability brother, sister, parents are already dead or unable to raise a minor younger brother, sister, have an obligation to support. 由兄、姐扶養長大的有負擔能力的弟、妹,對於缺乏勞動能力又缺乏生活來源的兄、姐,有扶養的義務。By brothers, sisters who grew up with the ability to support younger brother and sister, lack the ability to work and the lack of a source of income, sister, have an obligation to support.
第三十條 子女應當尊重父母的婚姻權利,不得干涉父母再婚以及婚後的生活。30th Children should respect the right of marriage of their parents, may not interfere with the parent's remarriage and life after that. 子女對父母的贍養義務,不因父母的婚姻關系變化而終止。The obligations of children to their parents, because the parents do not end with a change in the marriage relationship. 第三十六條 父母與子女間的關系,不因父母離婚而消除。36 of the relationship between parents and children, not the parents divorce. 離婚後,子女無論由父或母直接撫養,仍是父母雙方的子女。After the divorce, whether the children are the direct care of the father or the mother is the children of both parents.
離婚後,父母對於子女仍有撫養和教育的權利和義務。Divorced parents for the child's upbringing and ecation of their rights and obligations.
離婚後,哺乳期內的子女,以隨哺乳的母親撫養為原則。After the divorce, children ring the lactation period, to support the principle of the lactating mother. 哺乳期後的子女,如雙方因撫養問題發生爭執不能達成協議時,由人民法院根據子女的權益和雙方的具體情況判決。Breastfeeding after the child custody dispute arises as a result of the two sides fail to reach an agreement. The People's Court in accordance with the specific circumstances of their children's rights and judgments.
第三十七條 離婚後,一方撫養的子女,另一方應負擔必要的生活費和教育費的一部或全部,負擔費用的多少和期限的長短,由雙方協議;協議不成時,由人民法院判決。Article 37, after divorce, one parent has custody of a child. other necessary living expenses and ecation expenses should be borne by part or all of that burden on the amount and ration of such payment. by mutual agreement; If they fail to reach an agreement, the people's court ruling.
關於子女生活費和教育費的協議或判決,不妨礙子女在必要時向父母任何一方提出超過協議或判決原定數額的合理要求。Agreement on the child's living and ecational expenses or judgments not hinder the children when necessary, to either parent for more than a reasonable amount of agreement or ruling request.
第三十八條 離婚後,不直接撫養子女的父或母,有探望子女的權利,另一方有協助的義務。Article 38, after divorce, the parent who does not directly raise a child, the right to visit the child. the other has the obligation to assist.
行使探望權利的方式、時間由當事人協議;協議不成時,由人民法院判決。Exercising the right to visit the way from agreement of the parties; If they fail to reach an agreement, the people's court ruling.
父或母探望子女,不利於子女身心健康的,由人民法院依法中止探望的權利;中止的事由消失後,應當恢復探望的權利。Parents visiting their children is not concive to the child's physical and mental health, the court suspended the right to visit; disappear after the origin of the suspension, should be restored the right to visit.
第三十九條 離婚時,夫妻的共同財產由雙方協議處理;協議不成時,由人民法院根據財產的具體情況,照顧子女和女方權益的原則判決。Article 39 of divorce, the husband's property by agreement between the two parties; If they fail to reach an agreement. The People's Court in accordance with the specific conditions of the property, the rights of children and the woman on the principle.
夫或妻在家庭土地承包經營中享有的權益等,應當依法予以保護。The right to the husband or the wife in the household-based land contract rights, shall be protected by law.
第四十條 夫妻書面約定婚姻關系存續期間所得的財產歸各自所有,一方因撫育子女、照料老人、協助另一方工作等付出較多義務的,離婚時有權向另一方請求補償,另一方應當予以補償。Article 40 of the spouses ring the existence of a written agreement between the marital property belongs to respective side of bringing up children. caring for the elderly, assisting the work of the other obligations to pay more, at the time of divorce, the right to ask for compensations from the other party. the other should be compensated.
第四十八條 對拒不執行有關扶養費、撫養費、贍養費、財產分割、遺產繼承、探望子女等判決或裁定的,由人民法院依法強制執行。Article 48 refuses to carry out the maintenance, maintenance, alimony, property division and inheritance. visits with children judgments or rulings by the court to enforce. 有關個人和單位應負協助執行的責任。The indivials and units should assist in the implementation of the responsibility.

Original Chinese text:
第三十條 子女應當尊重父母的婚姻權利,不得干涉父母再婚以及婚後的生活。
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I. 國際婚姻法在哪裡查


J. 福州哪裡可以買到最新的福建婚婚法法律書


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