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1. 誰有英文版的房租合同

租 賃 合 同
No.編號: DATE日期:

Lessor (Hereafter referred to as "THE LESSOR")出租人(以下簡稱甲方):

ID Card No.身份證(護照)號: TEL電話: Mail Add通訊地址.:

Lessee: (Hereafter referred to as "THE LESSEE")承租人(以下簡稱乙方):

ID Card No.身份證(護照)號: TEL電話: Mail Add通訊地址:

This Lease has been mutual agreed and set up by THE LESSOR and THE LESSEE complying with The Lease or Rent Contract Law Of The People's Republic Of China and related regulations provided by the Tianjin government.


1:The property to be leased is described as出租物業: Location地點: Area面積:

2:Rental fees租金:

2.1:RMB________ per month.該房屋月租為人民幣 元;大寫:萬 仟 佰 拾 元整。

2.2: Rental should be payable on ________ month base in advance. The first rental shall be paid before moving in and the following rental shall be received by within the ________ day of each succeeding months term.

租金每 個月付一次。具體付款日期: 前支付,甲方收到為准。

2.3:Any delayed of the rental shall be charged 0.2% of the monthly rental day by day as a penalty. Delayed payment more than 7 days shall be regarded as a breach of the contract, THE LESSOR shall have the right to take back the premises after a prior written notice to THE LESSEE, and THE LESSEE shall bear all the responsibilities caused by such breach.


2.4:Rental is to be paid in cash in RMB YUAN.THE LESSOR will make out receipt. 租金以人民幣支付,甲方出具收據。

3: 押金Deposit:

3.1:At the time of signing of the contract, a deposit of months' equivalent rental RMB ______shall be paid by THE LESSEE in cash. 簽約時,承租人須支付相當於 月房租的押金,即人民幣元整。該押金不得沖抵房款。

3.2:The deposit shall be refundable after its expiration or early termination ( with same currency and with no interest thereupon ), providing all furnishings, contents and rental property are not subject to any loss of unusual damage, and all the various bills have been ly settled. 在合同到期或解約後, 甲方在乙方不拖欠任何費用和保持室內設施完好的情況下即返還押金。

4:租期Lease term:

4.1:From the date____/____/_____ to_____/______/_____ for continuous_________ months. If residence is overstayed, one monthrent is e to lessor, even if oversay is less than one month.
乙方租用該房期限為 個月,即自 年 月 日至年 月 日止。超過該租期,不足一個月按一個月計算。

4.2:No early termination either by THE LESSOR or by THE LESSEE is allowed ring the lease period, Otherwise, one month rental penalty for such early termination shall be paid to the counter party.


4.3:At its expiration ,with a must of 30 days prior written notice to THE LESSOR, THE LESSEE retains his priority to renew this lease.THE LESSOR shall also inform THE LESSEE 30 days in advance whether the rental will be adjusted. If the occupants decide not to renewlease within THE LESSEE's term, THE LESSEE shall give a prior written notice to THE LESSOR.. 本合同期滿時,乙方有優先續租權,但須提前30天給予甲方書面通知,取得甲方的同意,並簽訂續租合同。甲方亦須在30天前通知乙方是否變動租金。

4.4: If Force Majeure (such as earthquake, typhoon, flood, non-man-made fire, government order etc.)cause to terminating the contract, THE LESSEE and THE LESSOR should be free of ty.


4.5:In case that the property ownership is transferred ring the lease, THE LESSEE has the right to continue to use the said premises according to the contract without any disturbance from THE LESSOR or any the third party.


5:Lease Term租賃條件:

5.1: These premises are limited of residential use only by THE LESSEE, and are prohibited from registering as legal address for any company or agency, or using as public office. 乙方不得將該房屋用作公司或代表處的注冊地址。

5.2:THE LESSEE shall not carry in the premises any unlawful of illegal activities which are not allowed according to China laws and the leasing regulations of the government. Otherwise, THE LESSOR shall have the right to take back the premises after a prior written notice to THE LESSEE.

5.3:THE LESSEE shall not partly or totally sublet, sell, lend, mortgage, exchange, exchange the said premises or use it so as to raise any joint-venture or become a certain shareholder without the written permission from THE LESSOR. Otherwise, THE LESSOR can terminate the contract and confiscate the deposit. THE LESSEE and the third party shall return the property unconditionally to THE LESSOR. THE LESSEE shall bear all the responsibilities caused herefrom.



5.4:THE LESSEE should pay in time the water, gas, electricity , heating fee, the Tel-Bills, TV receiving , managing fee and the lease related invoice taxes on actual user basis. Delayed payment more than 15 days shall be regarded as a breach of the contract, THE LESSOR shall have the right to take back the premises after a prior written notice to THE LESSEE, and THE LESSEE shall bear all the responsibilities caused by such breach.



5.5:The damage of the premises or the fittings that is within the control of THE LESSEE shall be borne by THE LESSEE,

and THE LESSEE shall contact the management office or THE LESSOR instantly. If THE LESSEE refuses to compensate or to contact the management office to repair, THE LESSOR shall have the right to repair and charge the cost from THE LESSEE. The cost of repairs to the said premises, if damaged by Force Majeure (such as earthquake, typhoon, flood, non-man-made fire, etc.), reasonable wear and tear or by accidents beyond THE LESSEE's control, should be borne by THE LESSOR.


5.6:THE LESSEE, upon written permission of THE LESSOR, may make additions or alterations dealing with water, electricity supply or fire protection, at his own expense, subject to necessary permits or licenses required by the authorities concerned and under the supervision of THE LESSOR. No structural alterations can be removed from the premises, upon expiration or termination of this contract. No reimbursement for said additions, and any structural damage to the premises must be repaired or compensated by THE LESSEE.


5.7:THE LESSEE shall obey the regulations made by the management office such as not to litter or take any private use of public area and etc. 租用房屋之內部衛生,設施保養、維護均由乙方負責。乙方不得佔用公共場所及通道作任何用途。

5.8:THE LESSEE shall have the right to move in after paying off the deposit and the first term of rental.


5.9:In case there is a cut of water, power or any other hitch which is caused by the accident beyond the control of THE LESSEE, THE LESSOR shall take the responsibility to assist and push the authorities concerned to repair and resume it as soon as possible. 若由於甲方以外原因導致出租房屋停水,停電或其他故障,甲方有義務敦促並協助有關部門搶修,使之盡快得以恢復。

5.10:THE LESSEE shall not store in or out of the premises any inflammable or dangerous thing, nor let any corrosive or dirty thing come out of the premises.


5.11:Insurance: THE LESSOR will retain insurance on his property and belongings, and THE LESSEE will be responsible for his own property brought into or kept in proximity of the premises. If there is anything lost, THE LESSOR shall assist to conct investigations, but has no responsibility to compensate it.


5.12:THE LESSEE shall return the property intact to THE LESSOR at the expiration of the contract if there is no renewal thereupon. THE LESSOR shall have the right to take any effective measures to take back the premises in case that THE LESSEE refuses to move out at the expiration of the contract.


5.13:THE LESSOR or his nominees, with the pre-notice and consent to THE LESSEE, shall have the right to inspect or repair the premises at any reasonable time (except for emergency). If THE LESSEE had any trouble ,which was foreign to THE LESSOR ,with the third party。在雙方合同期間或解除合同後,乙方與第三方的任何糾紛都與甲方無關,乙方應自行解決。

6:Other conditions其它條件:

6.1:Three copies of the lease will be drawn, and remain in the possession of THE LESSOR , THE LESSEE and THE WITNESS. 本合同一式三份,甲、乙雙方各持一份,見證方一份,具有同等法律效力

6.3:The contract is drawn in both Chinese and English versions. Chinese versions will have validity finally in law. The contract shall come into force on the date that the lessor receives the deposit and the frist term of rental.


6.4:The appendix(Property list ) is an indivisible part of this contract.合同的附件是本合同不可分割的組成部分。

Signatures or official marks簽章:





(Hereafter referred to as "THE LESSOR")
Mail Add.:
ID Card No.:

(Hereafter referred to as "THE LESSEE")
Mail Add.:
Passport No.:

This Lease has been mutual agreed and set up by THE LESSOR and THE LESSEE complying with The
Economical Contract Law Of The People's Republic Of China and related regulations provided by
the Tianjin government.

1.The property to be leased is described as:
1.3.<<_____________ Property List>>

2.Rental fees:
2.1.RMB/US\$________ per month, and payable on ________ month base in advance.
2.2. The first rental shall be paid before moving in and the following rental shall be received by within the ________ day of each succeeding months term.
2.3. Any delayed of the rental shall be charged 2% of the monthly rental day by day as a penalty. Delayed payment more than 7 days shall be regarded as a breach of the contract, THE LESSOR shall have the right to take back the premises after a prior written notice to THE LESSEE, and THE LESSEE shall bear all the responsibilities caused by such breach.
2.4.Rental is to be paid in cash in RMB YUAN/US\$.The lessor will make out receipt.

3.1 At the time of signing of the contract, a deposit of two months' equivalent rental RMB/US\$
______shall be paid by the lessee in cash . This deposit will be adjusted against the rent for
the last two month of the lease term and the lessee shall not be required to pay the rent
separately for the last two months of the lease term.

4.Lease term:
4.1 From the date____/____/_____ to_____/______/_____ for continuous_________ months.
4.2 No early termination either by THE LESSOR or by THE LESSEE is allowed ring the first year lease period, Otherwise, one month rental penalty for such early termination shall be paid to the counter party. After one year, Lessee may termination lease contract by written notice to THE LESSOR or is necessary advance two month.
4.3 At its expiration ,with a must of 60 days prior written notice to THE LESSOR, THE LESSEE retains his priority to renew this lease.After getting the permission from THE LESSOR ,THE LESSEE shall sign a new lease contract. THE LESSOR shall also inform THE LESSEE 60 days in advance whether the rental will be adjusted.
4.4 If the occupants are transferred within THE LESSEE's term, THE LESSEE shall give a prior written notice to THE LESSOR.
4.5 In case that the property ownership is transferred ring the lease, THE LESSEE has the right to continue to use the said premises according to the contract without any disturbance from THE LESSOR or any the third party.

5.Tax:All the leasing related taxes shall be paid by THE LESSOR.

6.1 These premises are limited of residential use only by THE LESSEE, and are prohibited from registering as legal address for any company or agency, or using as public office.
6.2 THE LESSEE shall not carry in the premises any unlawful of illegal activities which are not allowed according to China laws and the leasing regulations of the government. Otherwise, THE LESSOR shall have the right to take back the premises after a prior written notice to THE LESSEE.
6.3 THE LESSEE shall not partly or totally sublet, sell, lend, mortgage, exchange, exchange the said premises or use it so as to raise any joint-venture or become a certain shareholder without the written permission from THE LESSOR. Otherwise, THE LESSOR can terminate the contract and confiscate the deposit. THE LESSEE and the third party shall return the property unconditionally to THE LESSOR. THE LESSEE shall bear all the responsibilities caused herefrom.
6.4 THE LESSEE should pay in time the water, gas, electricity ,TV receiving , heating fee and the Tel-Bills on actual user basis.
6.5 The damage of the premises or the fittings that is within the control of THE LESSEE shall be borne by THE LESSEE, and THE LESSEE shall contact the management office or THE LESSOR instantly. If THE LESSEE refuses to compensate or to contact the management office to repair, THE LESSOR shall have the right to repair and charge the cost from THE LESSEE. The cost of repairs to the said premises, if damaged by Force Majeure (such as earthquake, typhoon, flood, non-man-made fire, etc.), reasonable wear and tear or by accidents beyond THE LESSEE's control, should be borne by THE LESSOR.
6.6 THE LESSEE, upon written permission of THE LESSOR, may make additions or alterations dealing with water, electricity supply or fire protection, at his own expense, subject to necessary permits or licenses required by the authorities concerned and under the supervision of THE LESSOR. No structural alterations can be removed from the premises, upon expiration or termination of this contract. No reimbursement for said additions, and any structural damage to the premises must be repaired or compensated by THE LESSEE.
6.7 The management office entrusted by THE LESSOR shall take in total charge of the management of the premises, including public security, public cleaning (The indoor cleaning shall be done by THE LESSEE.), public maintenance, indoor repairs and other appointed services, THE LESSEE shall obey the regulations made by the management office such as not to litter or take any private use of public area and etc.
6.8 THE LESSEE shall have the right to move in after paying off the deposit and the first term of rental.
6.9 In case there is a cut of water, power or any other hitch which is caused by the accident beyond the control of THE LESSEE, THE LESSOR shall take the responsibility to assist and push the authorities concerned to repair and resume it as soon as possible.
6.10 THE LESSEE shall not store in or out of the premises any inflammable or dangerous thing, nor let any corrosive or dirty thing come out of the premises.
6.11 Insurance: THE LESSOR will retain insurance on his property and belongings, and THE LESSEE will be responsible for his own property brought into or kept in proximity of the premises. If there is anything lost, THE LESSOR shall assist to conct investigations, but has no responsibility to compensate it.
6.12 THE LESSEE shall return the property intact to THE LESSOR at the expiration of the contract if there is no renewal thereupon. THE LESSOR shall have the right to take any effective measures to take back the premises in case that THE LESSEE refuses to move out at the expiration of the contract.

7.Other conditions:
7.1 The occupants of these premises are aware of complying with the local regulations to complete all the necessary residential formalities with the local relevant authorities ring the period of their staying in these premises.
7.2 THE LESSOR or his nominees, with the pre-notice and consent to THE LESSEE, shall have the right to inspect or repair the premises at any reasonable time (except for emergency).
7.3 THE LESSOR and THE LESSEE can make any supplementary to the contract under mutual agreement.
7.4 THE LESSOR and THE LESSEE may consult with each other to reach unanimity or sue each other in a law court in case of any dispute.
7.5 The contract is drawn in both Chinese and English versions. Both the versions will have equal validity in law.
7.6 Three copies of the lease will be drawn, and remain in the possession of THE LESSOR , THE LESSEE and THE WITNESS.
7.7 The contract shall come into force on the date of signature.
7.8 The appendix is an indivisible part of this contract.

Appendix 1: <<______________ Property List>>
2.photo of the passport of lessee
3.photo of ID card of the lessor and the of the ownership of license
8. Signatures or official marks:

2. 哪裡有中英文版本的勞動合同法



3. 購銷協議書


購銷協議書 篇1




供方:黑龍江神宇豐種業有限公司 需方:琿春宏達種子經銷公司 開戶行:工行錦江支行 開戶行:農業銀行琿春支行

帳 號:0903021719201164915 帳 號:0806012018201365312


1. 產品名稱、數量、金額:

2. 質量標准及交貨檢驗:質量符合國際(GB1353-20xx)二等玉米


3. 交貨地點:琿春宏達種子經銷公司

4. 交貨時間:20xx年4月30日前,如遇不可抗拒力時間順延。

5. 計重、包裝:以雙方實際交貨數量為合同結算數量,散裝。

6. 付款方式:銀行轉賬或現金支付。

7. 合同有效期:至貨款兩清為止。

8. 合同責任:按《中華人民共和國合同法》辦理。本合同執行過程


9. 本合同一式兩份,雙方簽字生效;未盡事宜,雙方協商解決。

供方:黑龍江省神宇豐種業有限公司 需方:琿春宏達種子經銷公司 法人代表:法人代表:

購銷協議書 篇2



簽約地點:大連 供方:樺甸市鵬達工貿有限公司



1. 產品名稱、數量、金額:

2. 質量標准及交貨檢驗:質量符合國際(GB1353-20xx)二等玉米標准。容重≥680g∕1,水分≤15%,雜質≤1%,焦糊粒≤1%,不完善粒≤8%,無發熱、蟲蛀現象,色澤氣味正常。

3. 交貨地點:大連北良港平倉交貨。

4. 交貨時間:20xx年10月01日前,如遇不可抗拒力時間順延。

5. 計重、包裝:以雙方實際交貨數量為合同結算數量,散裝。

6. 付款及期限:雙方根據合同執行進度在合同生效之日起兩個工作日內預付500萬貨款並於九月底前把貨裝完後三日內結清餘款,供方提供全額增值稅專用發票。

7. 合同有效期:至貨款兩清為止。

8. 合同責任:按《中華人民共和國合同法》辦理。本合同執行過程中適用不可抗拒力以及有關法律規定的免責條款;執行本合同發生爭議,由當事人雙方協商解決。如協商不成提交原告所在地人民法院訴訟。

9. 本合同一式兩份,雙方簽字蓋章生效;未盡事宜,雙方協商解決。傳真件有效。

供方:樺甸市鵬達工貿有限公司需方:廈門中谷糧油貿易有限公司 單位名稱:(章) 單位名稱:(章) 供方代表:供方代表:

傳真:0411-82748001∕0432-66252088 傳真:0592-5813268 開戶行:中國工商銀行樺甸市支行


購銷協議書 篇3











購銷協議書 篇4


一、 配送產品名稱、規格型號及數量

配送的雞蛋每個重量不低於50克,保證新鮮、食品安全、每周配送數量 個(依據實名制學生人數確定)。

二、 雞蛋配送時間


三、 運輸方式及費用


四、 產品保證


五、 費用結算


六、 違約責任


七、 解決合同糾紛方式


八、 合同效力


甲方(簽字): xx小學


購銷協議書 篇5



根據《中華人民共和國合同法》及□廣體設備招[200 ] 號的招標結果□竟價申購單號: ,經甲乙雙方友好協商,達成以下協議:


1、甲方向乙方定購以下儀器設備 ,詳細配置附清單。

序號名稱(中英文)型 號 規 格產地數量單價(美元)總值(美元)














2、保修期內,乙方接到維修通知,乙方人員應於_小時內到達現場處理,如設備在檢修 _小時後故障仍無法排除,乙方將在最短_小時內更換零配件,修復故障設備。設備的檢修期應以雙倍計算延長保修期。





甲方:(合同章)乙方: (合同章)







購銷協議書 篇6

購貨單位: 公司 (以下簡稱甲方)

供貨單位: 公司 (以下簡稱乙方)

第1條 乙方提供有現貨或 —2周內能合成現貨的產品目錄,目錄內容包括產品名稱(cas#、 分子量、分子式、純度)、產品包裝規格及價格(價格包括運輸費及郵寄費等[略]

第2條 驗收方法:由乙方提供核磁檢驗、HPLC數據圖譜(有質譜更佳),無需檢驗報告,數據圖譜上不要有中文字樣。

第3條 貨款及費用等付款及結算辦法 或1 、貨物寄出之日先預付 0%的貨款,貨物收訖、檢驗無誤之日,付清全部貨款。2、一月一結,每月月末結算一次。

第四條 交貨規定: 1 、交貨方式:國際快遞 2、交貨日期:雙方約定,不超過一周。

第五條 經濟責


(1 )產品品種、規格、質量不符合本協議規定時,甲方同意利用者,按質論價。不能利用的,乙方應負責保退、保換。保退或保換產生的郵寄費由乙方支付。由於上述原因導致延誤交貨時間,每逾期一日,乙方應按逾期交貨部分貨款總值的千分之二向甲方償付逾期交貨的違約金。

(2)乙方未按本協議規定的產品數量交貨時,少交的部分,甲方如果需要,應照數補交。甲方如不需要,可以退貨。由於退貨所造成的損失,由乙方承擔。如甲方需要而乙方不能交貨,則乙方應付給甲方不能交貨部分貨款總值的 5 %的罰金。


(4)產品交貨時間不符合協議規定時,每延期一天,乙方應償付甲方以延期交貨部分貨款總值千分之 5 的罰金。

(5)乙方應按照約定向甲方提供COA報告和交付核磁檢驗、HPLC數據圖譜或質譜圖,甲方驗收合格後,乙方須在 個工作日之內將產品寄出。否則乙方應承擔相關的賠償責任。


( 1)甲方如中途變更產品品種、規格、質量,應償付變更部分貨款總值5%的罰金。




第七條 產品價格如須調整,必須經雙方協商達成一致。協商之前,仍按合同價格執行。如乙方因價格問題而影響交貨,則每延期交貨一天,乙方應按延期交貨部分總值的萬分之三作罰金付給甲方。

第八條 甲、乙任何一方如要求全部或部分注銷合同,必須提出充分理由,經雙方協商提出注銷合同一方須向對方償付注銷合同部分總額 0 %的補償金。

第九條 如因原材料、生產設備、生產工藝或市場發生重大變化,乙方不能生產或按期交貨,應提前 5 天與甲方協商。

第十條 本合同所訂一切條款,甲、乙任何一方不得擅自變更或修改。如一方單獨變更、修改本合同,對方有權拒絕生產或收貨,並要求單獨變更、修改合同一方賠償一切損失。

第十一條 甲、乙任何一方如確因不可抗力的原因,不能履行本合同時,應及時向對方通知不能履行或須延期履行,部分履行合同的理由。在取得有關機構證明後,本合同可以不履行或延期履行或部分履行,並全部或者部分免予承擔違約責任。

第十二條 本合同在執行中如發生爭議或糾紛,甲、乙雙方應協商解決,解決不了時,雙方可向仲裁機構申請仲裁或向法院提起訴訟。(兩者選一)

第十三條 本合同自雙方簽章之日起生效,到乙方將全部訂貨送齊經甲方驗收無誤,並按本合同規定將貨款結算以後作廢。

第十四條 本合同在執行期間,如有未盡事宜,得由甲乙雙方協商,另訂附則附於本合同之內,所有附則在法律上均與本合同有同等效力。

第十五條 本合同一式 份,由甲、乙雙方各執正本一份、副本 份。

訂立合同人: 甲方: (蓋章) 乙方: (蓋章)

代理人: (蓋章) 代理人: (蓋章)

負責人: (蓋章) 負責人: (蓋章)

地址: 地址:

電話: 電話:

開戶銀行、帳號 開戶銀行、帳號

購銷協議書 篇7








2. 1交貨地點:__________________________________________

2. 2交貨時間:。________________________________________

2. 4交貨方式:供應方負責送貨至甲方指定工地的卸貨地點,甲方承擔卸貨費用,乙方協助甲方完成卸車工作。


3. 1、鋼筋的質量必須符合國家標准和甲方要求;各項技術性能指標經實驗室檢測中心檢驗必須合乎國家要求。

3. 2、供應方交貨時應向采購方提供該批貨物的材質單、檢測報告和合格證。


4. 1、鋼筋應捆紮;線材、圓鋼、冷軋帶肋鋼筋每捆應掛有不少於二個標牌,註明生產廠、生產日期、鋼筋牌號和規格。羅紋鋼應在鋼筋表面軋上牌號標志、廠名(或商標)和直徑。

4. 2、圓鋼、冷軋帶肋鋼筋、羅紋鋼要9米定尺。線材應為高線。


5. 1、甲方指定 為本合同項下工程鋼筋購銷事宜負責人,其就鋼筋購銷事宜的簽訂予以確認(如果人員發生變更,須書面通知乙方)。甲方每次要求乙方供貨時,必須提前24小時用書面訂單或電話通知乙方,明確供貨時間、鋼筋規格型號、數量和卸車地點。要求提供特殊要求的產品時,應提前3天通知乙方。

5. 2、乙方發貨單要求准確填寫車號、車次、鋼筋規格型號、數量、發貨時間。


6. 1、數量驗收:





6. 2、質量驗收:



標線材其質量符合國標GB/T701-1997的規定;圓鋼其質量必須符合國家標准GB13013-1991;羅紋鋼其質量必須符合國家標准GB 1499-1998的規定;冷軋帶肋鋼筋其質量必須符合國家標准GB13788-20xx的規定,視為最終合格。如實驗室檢驗不合格,可進行復檢,復檢再不合格,甲方有權無條件退貨,因此產生的一切費用、損失賠償由乙方承擔。


7. 1貨款結算:



雙方約定:每 ___作為一個付款周期,按施工方的收料單進行匯總,付料款的90%,如遇供料過於集中,乙方無法承擔墊資資金。可與甲方協商提前預付部分貨款。其餘貨款至主體櫃架工程結束驗收合格20天內按甲方千手的進料單一次性付清。如未付至材料款的90%余額,按日3‰計算違約金。







2)、供貨方交貨時間不符合合同規定的,每延期一天,乙方應償付甲方延期交貨部分貨款總值 3 %的罰金給甲方。




1、應在使用鋼筋 2 天前向乙方提供材料清單,保證乙方有足夠的准備時間,並按照所提供計劃組織材料。甲方在施工過程中對所需鋼筋數量或者規格型號有變化時,應提前通知乙方進行更改,如無提前通知則按原計劃供貨。






4. 在中國境內簽訂的英文勞動合同有法律效力嗎


5. 中英文合同有歧義以誰為准

法律分析:中英文合同有歧義以誰為准,在中國境內一般合同應當用中文書寫,也可以同時用外文書寫,雙方當事人另有約定的,從其約定。同時用中、外文書寫的勞動合同文本,內容不一致的,以中文勞動合同文本為准。其中,有名合同,又稱典型合同,是指法律上已經確定了一定的名稱及規則的合同。 無名合同,又稱非典型合同,是指法律上並未確定一定的名稱及規則的合同。


第四百六十五條 依法成立的合同,受法律保護。依法成立的合同,僅對當事人具有法律約束力,但是法律另有規定的除外。

第四百六十六條 當事人對合同條款的理解有爭議的,應當依據本法第一百四十二條第一款的規定,確定爭議條款的含義。合同文本採用兩種以上文字訂立並約定具有同等效力的,對各文本使用的詞句推定具有相同含義。各文本使用的詞句不一致的,應當根據合同的相關條款、性質、目的以及誠信原則等予以解釋。

6. 有哪些法律翻譯的入門書

法律翻譯的入門書推薦:孫萬彪《法律翻譯教程》(英漢+漢英)、李克興《法律文回本與法律翻譯》、陳忠誠 《民法通答則》AAA譯本評析、範文祥《英文合同閱讀與分析技巧》、《法律英語實務》、《鏖戰英文合同》、《法律英語 核心術語 :實務基礎》,希望可以有幫助。

7. 中英文對照的合同有法律效力嗎


8. 純英文合同受中國法律認可和保護嗎

第一百二十五條 當事人對合同條款的理解有爭議的,應當按照合同所使用的詞內句、合同的有關條容款、合同的目的、交易習慣以及誠實信用原則,確定該條款的真實意思。



法律援助四個自信 發布:2025-02-25 18:49:37 瀏覽:220
刑事訴訟法對國家經濟的影響 發布:2025-02-25 17:55:19 瀏覽:923
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巢湖水污染防治條例 發布:2025-02-25 17:28:29 瀏覽:247
雇泰法律咨詢事務所 發布:2025-02-25 17:28:25 瀏覽:978
刑事訴訟法被告委託人 發布:2025-02-25 17:27:50 瀏覽:321
全國十佳律師 發布:2025-02-25 17:08:29 瀏覽:228
經濟法課前案例答案 發布:2025-02-25 16:33:10 瀏覽:124
中級經濟法郭守傑趙俊峰 發布:2025-02-25 15:47:40 瀏覽:332
行業自律的性質與法律效力 發布:2025-02-25 15:32:35 瀏覽:458