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發布時間: 2022-06-03 06:16:47

❶ 銀信金服是詐騙公司!大家報警啊!千萬不要充錢

我被前後騙了4次 第一次1260說我操作不當,第二次1260說我徵信查詢過多,第三次6300直接上磚黑,他們說可以無條件提款,最後又說我操作不當,第4次經理打電話我要我再交8820,我沒交,最後幫我少了點,可能怕我不上當了,我交了3780元,給他們後台操作,最後又失敗,前後我總共交了12600,現在錢也沒了

❷ 文康律師事務所的專業領域

M & A, Restructuring, Liquidation and Bankruptcy
* 公司設立業務,包括項目可行性分析、投資方式及股權結構設計
* Incorporation Services, including Feasibility Study, Selection of Investment Vehicles and Equity Structure Design
* 公司經營中的管理規范,公司管理制度的設計或完善
* Corporate Governance, Composition or Improvement of Governance System
* 公司改制、重組業務,包括方案設計與執行
* Corporate System Reform and Restructuring, including Solutions Structuring and Implementation
* 公司解散、清算、破產等業務
* Dissolution, Liquidation and Bankruptcy
Intellectual Property
* 企業知識產權戰略部署
* Enterprise Intellectual Property Strategy and Deployment
* 反不正當競爭
* Unfair Competition
* 知識產權盡職調查
* Due Diligence Investigation
* 職務作品、合作作品、計算機軟體的侵權糾紛
* Infringement Disputes Concerning Works Made for Hire, Jointly Created Works and Computer Software
* 專利的行政確權、權屬、實施許可和轉讓、侵權糾紛
* Patent Administrative Determination of Ownership; Ownership, License, Assignment and Infringement Disputes
* 商標的注冊申請、實施許可和轉讓、侵權糾紛
* Trademark Registration, License, Assignment and Infringement Disputes
* 馳名商標的認定
* Confirmation of Well-known Trademarks
* 知名商品的知識產權保護
* Protection of Trademarks for Famous Procts
* 337案專項服務
* Section 337 Investigation
* 植物新品種糾紛
* Disputes concerning New Varieties of Plants
* 船舶和集裝箱買賣、建造、抵押、修理、融資、租賃
* Sale, Purchase, Construction, Mortgage, Repair, Financing and Lease of Vessels and Containers
* 共同海損和單獨海損
* General Average and Particular Average
* 海事欺詐的調查
* Investigation of Maritime Fraud
* 船舶碰撞和海難救助
* Collision and Salvage
* 船舶扣押和海事擔保
* Ship Arrest and Maritime Guarantee
* 貨物扣押和海事強制令
* Seizure of Goods and Maritime Injunction
* 海上油污和其他海洋環境污染損害
* Oil Pollution at Sea and Other Marine Pollution
* 班輪運輸及散雜貨輪租船運輸
* Liner Transport and General Charter
* 船舶保險及海上貨物運輸保險
* Hull Insurance and Marine Insurance
* 海運費、修船費和救助費等費用追收
* Pursuit of Ocean Freight, Ship Repair Expenses and Salvage Charge
* 海上人身傷亡
* Personal Injury at Sea
Foreign Investment
* 中國投資法律政策環境調查與咨詢
* Investigation and Consultation on Legal and Policy Environment of Investment in China
* 外商投資架構的策劃與論證
* Investment Vehicles Selection and Advice
* 各類外商投資法律實體的設立及日常運營法律事務咨詢
* Advice on Daily Operation of FIEs
* 外商投資企業設立中相關政府審批、登記、備案法律咨詢並協助辦理法定程序及手續
* Establishment of FIEs
* 外商投資中的外匯、稅務、勞動等法律事務策劃與咨詢
* Consultation on Foreign Exchange, Tax, Labor and other Daily Operation Matters of FIEs
* 外商投資企業的境內再投資
* Re-investment of FIEs
* 外商投資企業的重組、解散及清算
* Restructuring, Dissolution and Liquidation of FIEs
International Trade
* 服務貿易、貨物貿易、加工貿易和補償貿易等國際貿易法律事務
* Matters regarding Service Trade, Trade in Goods, Processing Trade and Compensation Trade
* 與國際貿易相關的運輸、保稅、保險、支付、結算、融資等法律事務
* Trade related Transportation, Bonding, Insurance, Payment, Settlement and Finance Matters
* 包括外貿代理糾紛在內的貿易爭端解決及救濟
* Trade Dispute and Remedies, including Trade Agent Disputes
* 海關、商檢及稅務
* Customs, Commodity Inspection and Quarantine, Tax Matters
* 技術轉讓、技術許可
* Technology Transfer and License
* 反傾銷、反補貼及保障措施調查
* Anti-mping, Countervailing and Safeguard Measures Investigations
* 企業境內外首次股票發行與上市(A股、B股、H股、紅籌等)
* Domestic and overseas IPOs(A shares,B shares, H shares and Red chips)
* 上市公司並購、重大資產重組及股份回購
* M&A,Capital Reform and Shares Re-purchasing
* 上市公司再融資(可轉債、增發、配股)
* Post IPOs Financing (Debt for Equity Swap, Issue new stock ,Allotment of shares)
* 全國中小企業股份轉讓系統(新三板)專項法律服務
* Stock quoted transfer system
* 企業債、公司債的發行
* Issue of Company bond and debentures
* 上市及非上市公司股權激勵
* Stockholders rights drive
* 基金的募集與設立
* Fund raising and management
* 項目篩選、調查、風險評價
* Project selection ,investigation and risk assessment
* 投資方案設計、談判、決策
* Designation of Investment plan, negotiation and decision
* 投資協議履約、項目運營監管
* Performance and Supervision of the investment agreements
* 項目退出機制選擇、決策、實施
* Exit Mechanism Selection, decision and performance
* 利潤分配、基金清算
* Profits-Distribution , Fund Liquidation
Banking and Trust
* 並購貸款盡職調查、方案設計
* Due Diligence Investigation and Structuring for M&A Finance
* 銀團貸款方案設計、操作監控
* Structuring Syndicated Loans and Supervision of Implementation
* 銀行授信客戶資信調查、合規審查、核保及代辦擔保手續
* Investigation on Creditworthiness of Bank Customers, Compliance Investigations, Underwriting and Processing Securities Formalities
* 銀行國際貿易結算糾紛處理
* Bank International Trade Settlement Dispute Resolution
* 銀行信貸資產交易盡職調查與方案設計
* Due Diligence Investigation and Structuring for Bank Credit/Asset Exchange Transactions
* 銀信合作項目法律支持
* Services for Bank-Trust Cooperation Projects
* 企業項目投、融資法律支持
* Services for Corporate Investment and Financing Projects
* 就保險公司日常業務、對外投資、重大決策等提供咨詢及可行性分析
* Advising and Feasibility Study on Daily Operation, Outbound Investment and Important Decisions of Insurance Companies
* 起草、審核專項保險合同
* Preparing and Review of Insurance Contracts
* 提供保險事故勘驗核損階段非訴項目全程法律服務
* Full-range Services for Accident Investigation and Loss Determination
* 代理保險索賠、保險理賠糾紛訴訟法律服務
* Representation on Compensation Claims and Dispute Resolution
Administration Law
* 參與行政調查、項目論證
* Participation in Administrative Investigation; Advising and Analysis on Projects
* 代理行政聽證、行政復議、行政訴訟
* Administrative Hearing, Review and Proceres
* 代為參加行政爭議協商、調解
* Participation in Negotiations and Settlement of Administrative Disputes
* 代理申請國家賠償
* Application for State Compensation
Real Estate and Construction Projects
* 地產項目前期介入及法律支持
* Services for Pre-development Matters
* 項目建設階段的法律支持
* Services ring Construction Phase
* 銷售租賃方案設計與糾紛處理
* Sale and Lease Structuring and Dispute Resolution
* 物業管理階段文件製作及交付協助
* Document Preparation and Implementation of Real Property Management Matters
* 房地產項目並購方案設計、盡職調查
* Structuring and Due Diligence for M&A related to Real Property Projects
* 代理談判、協助簽約
* Participation in Negotiation and Execution of Contracts
* 協助項目交接、完善交接後法律關系
* Assisting with Handover of Projects and Streamlining Post-handover Legal Relationships
Labor and Employment
* 用人單位勞動人事專項法律顧問
* Advising on Daily Employment Matters
* 用人單位勞動法律風險診斷和防範方案設計與執行
* Risk Analysis and Compliance Advice
* 幫助、指導起草和修改勞動人事管理的各項規章制度
* Assisting with and Advising on Draft and Revision of Employee Manuals and Company Rules and Regulations.
* 起草、修改各項勞動人事法律文書,如勞動合同、保密協議、競業禁止協議、培訓協議
* Preparing and Revising Legal Documents, including but not limited to, Employment Contracts, Confidentiality Agreements, Non-Compete Agreements and Training Agreements
* 員工違紀的處理、解除勞動合同程序、商業秘密保護及勞動爭議案件
* Advising on Measures against Employee Violation of Discipline Rules, Proceres for Termination of Employment, Protection of Trade Secrets and Labor Disputes

Criminal Defence
* 刑事法律風險防範
* Criminal Legal Risk Prevention
* 代為處理走私、詐騙、知識產權犯罪等各類經濟犯罪案件
* Representing on Smuggling, Fraud, Intellectual Property Law Violation and other Economic Crimes
* 代理受害單位和個人採取刑事司法救濟措施
* Representation of Corporate and Indivial Victims of Crime in Criminal Proceedings.
* 為職務犯罪當事人提供申請取保候審、刑事辯護
* Application for Bail and Provision of Criminal Defense Services Employment -Related Crimes
* 為預防單位犯罪,為單位或經理人提供法律支持
* Advice to Prevent Corporate Crime
* 代理自訴及刑事附帶民事案件
* Representation on Voluntary Prosecution and Civil Suit Collateral to Criminal Proceedings
* 代理外籍人士處理刑事法律事務
* Representation of Foreign Indivials in Criminal Defense

❸ 龍岩市銀信融資擔保有限公司怎麼樣


❹ 石家莊銀信財務咨詢有限公司怎麼樣


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