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⑴ 建築工程法律服務部,建設工程法律部,建築工程法律事務部 英文怎麼翻譯

建築工程來法律服務部,建設自工程法律部,建築工程法律事務部 三者實際上都是一回事,只要有一個就可以。建議用以下名稱:
建築工程法律咨詢服務部 Construction Law Advisory & Service Dept.
Dept. 是Department的縮寫。如果是小單位可以不用,就是 Construction Law Advisory & Service 即可

⑵ 請高手:幫我翻譯下這份英文合同

1。一般規則1合同在此設置和同意甲方和乙方把甲方供應商品,乙方為銷售在中國人民共和國根據平等原則,誠信,公平,誠信,為了維護雙方合法權益方性能規定和義務。2合同和訂單和補充協議由雙方簽署的合同有效期限內構成完整的購銷合同,對雙方均有約束力。2。交涉,契約,擔保任何一方代表,契約和擔保的其他人在規定的日期和有效期限:2條款和條件應構成義務的具有法律效力的合同生效之日起;2所有商品的質量,規格和標準的材料符合現行國家法律,法規規章;2 - 3作為業主的合法權利和利益的商品,甲方擁有所有權,製造,銷售權和知識產權的商品;2甲方承諾提供有關文件,發票,發票,證書和其他有關材料的所有商品和支付所有的關稅和其他稅的進口商品whichimposed在韓國的領土,依照法律,換句話說,所有關稅和其他稅,在韓國應該由甲方承擔乙方,甲方保證沒有走私的商品將被提供,但是,這些水貨所做的任何第三方無論甲方知識或將或控制應被視為豁免。換句話說,如果乙方不能證明的水貨將由甲方走私,應該被認為是不相關的組織。2甲方承擔,其餘的生活服務的商品不得少於2 /3的總使用壽命不低於二零四(24)個月後交貨日期的商品。4。轉讓標的1甲方承諾提供商品由乙方指定地址按順序在三十(30)個工作日收到訂單後。一切險,費用(包括但不限於商品運輸保險費用),費用由甲方承擔。5。價格,數量和付款1供應價格的部分應作為零售價格以一定的折扣:詳細的價格實行附件(/),或甲方可在附件名單香港到岸價(1)。5付款是預付30%,70%後發出的提單副本(測量方法) 7。保密甲方應keepconfidential所有商業信息,技術信息和其他信息通過它在執行和履行合同的存在以及合同及其製品。但是,但是,這所有的信息應僅限於資料,乙方已取得並已possessedas他的官員財產。未經書面同意,乙方,甲方不得披露相同或同其他目的。甲方應當採取必要的措施,確保其員工恪守保密義務。此外,這種義務的規定終止合同。


1. 法律服務范圍

The Attorney will act as the legal council of Party A in P.R. China, within the service period, from January 1, 2010 to December 30, 2010. The legal services shall include:

 Legal consultation for Party A』s business operation, include internal management and business with a third party, via telephone, email or face-to-face talk. 通過電子郵件、電話或面談,為甲方的經營(包括內部管理和對外經濟事務)提供法律咨詢

 Legalization on labor contract, company』s labor management rules(e.g. staff handbook), Salary structure design. 規范勞動合同和公司勞動管理制度(例如員工手冊),薪酬結構設計

 Drafting contract according to Party A』s requirement or Amendment on the contract Party A provided (for example, a contract drafted by a business partner of Party A or by Party A itself). 根據甲方的要求起草合同或者修改甲方提供的合同(例如甲方生意夥伴起草的,或者甲方起草的)

 Reviewing other legal documents provided by Party A(e.g. Notice, statement, letter, etc.)審查甲方提供的其他法律文書(例如通知、聲明、信函等)

 Preparing lawyer』s letters when Party A』s requests. 如甲方要求,出具律師函。

 Participation in Party A』s labor dispute or economic dispute, in non-contentious phase, (e.g. personal talk, correspondence, negotiation, etc). 參與甲方勞動爭議、經濟糾紛的非訴訟處理,例如個人談話、溝通、談判等。

⑷ 本協議未盡事宜雙方另行簽訂補充協議用英文怎麼說


⑸ 法律顧問到底作些什麼


· 起草、修訂、審查各類不同用途的對外格式合同文本;


· 接受顧問單位的委託,對對方當事人依法進行資信調查:
(1) 調查對方當事人、合作夥伴的資格,包括企業是否合法存在,法定名稱、地址、法定代表人姓名等;
(2) 調查對方當事人的信用,包括企業注冊情況等;
(3) 調查對方當事人的商業信譽,即了解對方企業的產品質量是否有良好信譽,了解對方企業的合同履行以及對外發生糾紛的情況等。

· 接受顧問單位的委託,代表公司進行合同簽約談判:
(1) 在准備階段,律師應全面了解基本情況,明確具體工作目標,然後收集有關技術資料、情報、國家有關法律、法規和政策,從法律角度分析談判項目的可能性。律師在此階段還可制訂解決談判雙方的差異與分歧的具體方案,並商定合同的基本條款,擬定合同草案。
(2) 在實質性談判階段,律師力爭提出談判方案和合同草案,掌握談判的主動權,並對談判中涉及的法律問題給與准確回答和說明,在談判不符合法律規定和受託方利益時,及時調整以維護委託方利益,在雙方取得一致意見時,及時製作合同條款加以確認。

· 對外出具律師函、發布聲明、通知、公告等;

· 接受顧問單位日常的法律咨詢;

· 合同價款催收,債權清收;

· 協助協商處理與供方、需方的法律糾紛、售後服務糾紛等;

· 優先優惠代理顧問單位的訴訟和仲裁案件, 出席法庭或仲裁庭,參加事實調查和證據質證、進行辯論、發表律師代理意見;

· 協助顧問單位獲取項目批文,辦理工商、稅務登記、商標、專利申請等法律事項;

· 根據顧問單位的需要,提前介入公司各項投資活動,並提供有關的法律支持;

· 參與顧問單位重大項目談判,並提供法律意見;

· 知識產權侵權調查、取證、訴訟,維護顧問單位的合法權益;




· 市場營銷部:競爭對手調查制度、市場預測制度、銷售管理制度、代理管理制度等;

· 客戶服務部:客戶投訴管理制度、客戶名薄管理制度、客戶情報管理制度等;

· 計劃生產部:公司經營管理計劃制度、安全生產管理制度、采購管理制度、倉儲管理制度、庫存量管理制度等

· 質量管理部:質量管理制度;

· 行政部:車輛管理制度、出入廠管理制度、衛生制度、宿舍管理制度、財產管理制度、文書制度、保密制度等;

· 人事部:在職培訓制度、出差制度、退休制度、晉升和調任制度、員工獎懲制度、薪資制度、事務處理制度等;

· 財務部:各項財務制度。


· 起草、修訂、審查各類不同用途的對內格式合同文本;

· 接受顧問單位的委託,協助顧問單位建立合同制度,具體包括:
(1) 協助公司建立合同示範文木製度、合同專用章制度、合同台賬制度、合同檔案制度等合同管理的基本制度;
(2) 協助公司建立合同簽約主體資格調查制度、合同簽約主體信用調查制度等簽約前的管理制度,盡力預防合同欺詐;
(3) 協助公司建立授權代理制度、合同鑒證、公證制度、合同審查制度等簽約管理制度,盡力降低法律風險;
(4) 協助公司建立合同變更制度、合同轉讓制度、合同解除制度、合同違約責任制度等合同履行管理制度,化解法律風險。

· 為公司提供勞動法律、法規、政策咨詢服務;

· 審查、修訂勞動合同書、補充協議以及培訓服務協議等;

· 協助制定、審查、修改公司《員工手冊》、《員工獎懲辦法》及《處理違紀員工操作程序》等內部規章;

· 指導公司建立合法有效的保守商業秘密制度,競業禁止制度,並審查、修改相關的協議、合同;

· 針對公司具體情況對公司員工進行專項法律知識培訓;

(1) 勞動法方面的培訓,讓公司員工知道其享有的權利和承擔的義務,嚴格遵守公司各項規章制度;

(2) 公司法律方面的培訓,防止公司員工職務侵佔等違法犯罪行為;

(3) 合同法法律培訓,熟悉合同簽定的相關法律知識;

(4) 知識產權法律培訓,維護公司的知識產權、公司聲譽、公司榮譽的重要性;

(5) 其他需要進行的普法培訓。

· 參與公司突發勞動事件的處理,依法協調勞動爭議,幫助公司制定勞動爭議調解書;

· 優先、優惠代理公司勞動爭議案件的仲裁、訴訟;

· 對公司員工的私人法律問題進行免費法律咨詢,優先、優惠代理有關案件,作為公司關心員工的一項福利政策;

· 提供最新勞動法律、法規、司法解釋及政策依據,幫助公司正確適用及合理應對。


· 對企業分立、合並、破產、解散、投融資、擔保、租賃、產權轉讓、招投標以及改制、重組、上市等重大經濟活動,承擔項目正式啟動前的法律論證、分析,出具法律意見書;

· 對需要進行法律論證和調研的重大經營決策和經營活動、公司法人治理結構等方面的重大疑難法律問題進行調研,出具法律意見書;

· 參與制訂涉及股權管理、授權管理及其他有關法人治理結構方面的規章制度;

· 辦理公司有關重組、並購、股權轉讓、置換等方面的資本運作項目以及企業上市等重大項目;

· 對顧問單位的經營管理提供經常性的法律咨詢意見;

· 其他顧問單位需要的法律服務。

⑹ 高分懸賞 英文翻譯,急用!

By both parties through friendly negotiations, basis "contract law of the People's Republic of China and the provisions of relevant laws and regulations, mutual benefit, fair integrity, the principle of common development, party a sales party a imported wine matters, achieve this agreement:

One, the agreement period and the regional sales

1, validity from 2010 November 10 date to 2011 November 09 date on,
2, authorized by party a in the golf club sales agent of party a, party b shall not sold procts in other areas,
3, this agreement may be terminated in advance for both parties,
4, this agreement may, the other party for breach of relevant agreement pursuant to this agreement terminated in advance.

Second, the order

1 party a and party b shall request the delivery before 3 working days, by phone, fax or email way to party a order the above the corresponding wine,
2, party b should make clear wine when ordering the name of commodity, quantity and delivery location.

Three, delivery

Party a shall inform party b in receiving orders after 3 workdays wine distribution to party b to the specified address (limited Beijing party b subordinate business premises), the relevant expenses shall be borne by party a. National regulation holidays delivery time in the evening.

Four, delivery and acceptance

Party b shall immediately after receiving, check received the wine in commodity, quantity, whether completely consistent, check and outer packing, alcoholic logo are intact. If discrepancies are, party b shall indicate flaws in delivery form, and inform party a relevant persons in charge, If the proct confirms, party b in party a's proct receiving kindly sign to confirm the delivery. When receiving not because of freight causes of the defects in delivery form marked, party a shall be liable.

Five, the preferential terms

1 party a according to itself the market development strategy if any temporary preferential policies of the launch, prior notice.

Six, payment

1, both sides affirm the payment: month knot (namely: monthly check within 5 days before the end of month volume, both next month before party within three days of invoice to party b, party b within 2 days after receipt of invoice will last month by cheque payment or bank transfer to pay to party a),
2 party a bank account is as follows:

Company name: banker: account:
Seven, the integrity of the agreement

This agreement contains both parties under this agreement between buying and selling wine and replace the entire agreement before all representations, warranties, agreement, memos or commitment.

Eight, the other agreed:

1, party b should refer to sell the retail price of the suggested retail price, party a shall offer cannot under the foreign suggested retail price,
2, when the contract signed by both parties must provide relevant certificates each , such as: business license, tax registration certificate, organization code certificate,
3 party a to provide party b in connection with the proct certificate photo, such as: (customs declaration form and import food sanitation license, etc.).
4, party b must abide by the party a about regional market development guidance, not cross regional sales, otherwise party a shall be entitled to terminate this contract and party b shall be liable for party therefore caused losses.
5, party b violates agreed to pay the payment, party a has the right to terminate the delivery, and the QianHuoKuan for recovery.

Nine, agreement effectiveness

1, without the prior written permission of any party, the other party shall not will under this agreement to any rights and obligations to a third party; transfer
2 this agreement, any supplement, delete, modify, shall be in writing by the supplementary agreement by both parties signed into law,
3, both parties sign this agreement the supplementary agreement is an inalienable part of the agreement and shall have the same legal effect,
4, both parties because of fire, war, flood, earthquake, government orders, such as SARS epidemic and circumstance beyond the control of the delay, this contract or is unable to perform will not assume responsibility.
5, both parties if termination of cooperation, do not affect midway through the business account. Previously happen
6 this agreement is in plicate, two parties of the legal representative or the authorized person sign and stamp shall become effective after, which have the equal legal effect.

10 and settlement of the disputes

Any arising from the performance of this agreement, both parties of the dispute shall first be settled through friendly consultations. Do not talk things over, any one party has the right to this agreement is signed have jurisdiction over the court.

⑺ 關於價格的補充協議英文翻譯


鑒於甲乙雙方於2009年2月21日簽署 合同(下稱」合同」),在協商一致的基礎上,現達成補充協議如下:
1、合同A產品的單價 ,共計 。現因價格調整,變更為單價 ,共計 。
Supplementary agreement
Party A
Party B
Whereas, the parties state above had signed the contract (hereinafter referred to contract) on Feb.21st,2009, on the basis of consistent consultant, reach the supplementary agreement as below:
1. the unit price of proct A in the contract is , total is . Presently because of the price adjustment, the unit price changes to , accordingly, total changes to .
2. the other provisions of the contract continues to be in force except the above adjustment.
3. this supplementary agreement, as the integral part of the contract, have the same legal effect
4. this supplementary agreement is in plicate, each retain one original.

⑻ 某法律條文的「補充條款」的英文咋說

law character

⑼ 英語Arbitration Service怎麼翻譯

Arbitration Service 翻譯成 仲裁服務



英 [ˌɑːbɪˈtreɪʃn] 美 [ˌɑːrbɪˈtreɪʃn]


復數: arbitration

arbitration and conciliation service: 仲裁和調解業務
commonwealth arbitration assistance service: 聯邦援助服務
Radio Service Arbitration Manager: 無線電仲裁管理者

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