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發布時間: 2020-12-17 21:18:46

A. 法律顧問的職責英文介紹

1. 法律服務范圍

The Attorney will act as the legal council of Party A in P.R. China, within the service period, from January 1, 2010 to December 30, 2010. The legal services shall include:

 Legal consultation for Party A』s business operation, include internal management and business with a third party, via telephone, email or face-to-face talk. 通過電子郵件、電話或面談,為甲方的經營(包括內部管理和對外經濟事務)提供法律咨詢

 Legalization on labor contract, company』s labor management rules(e.g. staff handbook), Salary structure design. 規范勞動合同和公司勞動管理制度(例如員工手冊),薪酬結構設計

 Drafting contract according to Party A』s requirement or Amendment on the contract Party A provided (for example, a contract drafted by a business partner of Party A or by Party A itself). 根據甲方的要求起草合同或者修改甲方提供的合同(例如甲方生意夥伴起草的,或者甲方起草的)

 Reviewing other legal documents provided by Party A(e.g. Notice, statement, letter, etc.)審查甲方提供的其他法律文書(例如通知、聲明、信函等)

 Preparing lawyer』s letters when Party A』s requests. 如甲方要求,出具律師函。

 Participation in Party A』s labor dispute or economic dispute, in non-contentious phase, (e.g. personal talk, correspondence, negotiation, etc). 參與甲方勞動爭議、經濟糾紛的非訴訟處理,例如個人談話、溝通、談判等。

B. 「常年法律顧問合同」用英語怎麼說

Year to year legal advisor contract

C. 「法律顧問單位」用英語怎樣翻譯啊是請別人擔任法律顧問的單位,不是法律顧問啊

legal consultancy/advising unit(s)

D. 「法律顧問單位」用英語怎樣翻譯啊

Legal Consultancy Services
Legal Consultancy Agency

E. 法律顧問翻譯成英文是什麼

就是Legal Advisor,英國是,美國不知道。其他的都是律師的意思,並不是法律顧問。。。

F. 公司法律顧問英文怎麼寫

[詞典] [經] corporation attorney; corporation lawyer;
China IP it law service is an invaluable aid to law firms and corporate counsel.

G. 英語中lawyer、attorney,soliciter,councel表示律師時有什麼區別

Attorney一詞廣泛用於美國,指授權為當事人代理案件的律師;英格蘭法律中,attorney一詞指Westminster地區普通法高等法庭的公共官員(public officer)。Attorney at law一詞經常與attorney一詞互用,用法同attorney-at-law。Attorney in fact指法庭外接受委託的律師,也稱為lawyer in fact。Bar是律師的全稱概念,與法官對應。各地律師協會一般用bar association表達。Barrister一詞源自英格蘭法律,多用於英國、新加坡等國和香港地區,又稱大律師、辯護律師,指有資格出席高等法院法庭的律師。類似稱呼還有barrister, counsel和barrister-at-law。與之相對應的是solicitor。
Counsel指接受指派,專門為個人、公司和政府公務部門提供法律服務的人,稱為法律顧問。美國憲法第6、第14修正案和聯邦法庭規則中均有the right to counsel的規定,即刑事被告有權因經濟困難而要求法庭為其指派辯護律師。可見counsel也有律師之意。Counsel pro hoc vice指僅僅代理某案件的律師。

H. 「法律顧問單位」用英語怎樣翻譯

Legal adviser

I. 「法律顧問」用英語怎麼說

legal counsel 或者 legal adviser

J. 首席法律顧問英文縮寫

chief legal officer

chief legal officer

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