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有限責任(制)在下列情況下就特別有用: 公司的股東(可以)將公司交給公司的董事會會員們來管理, 並且股東們不直接控制公司的財務狀況和日常的業務交易.
D. 中國公司法英文版
中國合同法 英文
E. 誰有有限責任公司章程(英文版)
有限責任公司章程 (參考格式) 第一章 總 則 第一條 依據《中華人民共和國公司法》(以下簡稱《公司法》)及有關法律、法規的規定,由 等 方共同出資,設立 有限責任公司,(以下簡稱公司)特製定本章程。 第二條 本章程中的各項條款與法律、法規、規章不符的,以法律、法規、規章的規定為准。 第二章 公司名稱和住所 第三條 公司名稱: 。 第四條 住所: 。 第三章 公司經營范圍 第五條 公司經營范圍:(註:根據實際情況具體填寫。) 第四章 公司注冊資本及股東的姓名(名稱)、出資方式、 出資額、出資時間 第六條 公司注冊資本: 萬元人民幣。 第七條 股東的姓名(名稱)、認繳及實繳的出資額、出資時間、出資方式如下: 股東姓名或名稱 認繳情況 設立(截止變更登記申請日)時實際繳付 分期繳付 出資數額 出資 時間 出資 方式 出資數額 出資時間 出資方式 出資數額 出資時間 出資方式 合計 其中貨幣出資 (註:公司設立時,全體股東的首次出資額不得低於注冊資本的百分之二十,也不得低於法定的注冊資本最低限額,其餘部分由股東自公司成立之日起兩年內繳足;其中投資公司可以在五年內繳足。全體股東的貨幣出資金額不得低於注冊資本的百分之三十。請根據實際情況填寫本表,繳資次數超過兩期的,應按實際情況續填本表。一人有限公司應當一次足額繳納出資額) 第五章 公司的機構及其產生辦法、職權、議事規則 第八條 股東會由全體股東組成,是公司的權力機構,行使下列職權: (一)決定公司的經營方針和投資計劃; (二)選舉和更換非由職工代表擔任的董事、監事,決定有關董事、監事的報酬事項; (三)審議批准董事會(或執行董事)的報告; (四)審議批准監事會或監事的報告; (五)審議批准公司的年度財務預算方案、決算方案; (六)審議批准公司的利潤分配方案和彌補虧損的方案; (七)對公司增加或者減少注冊資本作出決議; (八)對發行公司債券作出決議; (九)對公司合並、分立、解散、清算或者變更公司形式作出決議; (十)修改公司章程; (十一)其他職權。(註:由股東自行確定,如股東不作具體規定應將此條刪除) 第九條 股東會的首次會議由出資最多的股東召集和主持。 第十條 股東會會議由股東按照出資比例行使表決權。(註:此條可由股東自行確定按照何種方式行使表決權) 第十一條 股東會會議分為定期會議和臨時會議。 召開股東會會議,應當於會議召開十五日以前通知全體股東。(註:此條可由股東自行確定時間) 定期會議按(註:由股東自行確定)定時召開。代表十分之一以上表決權的股東,三分之一以上的董事,監事會或者監事(不設監事會時)提議召開臨時會議的,應當召開臨時會議。 第十二條 股東會會議由董事會召集,董事長主持;董事長不能履行職務或者不履行職務的,由副董事長主持;副董事長不能履行職務或者不履行職務的,由半數以上董事共同推舉一名董事主持。 (註:有限責任公司不設董事會的,股東會會議由執行董事召集和主持。) 董事會或者執行董事不能履行或者不履行召集股東會會議職責的,由監事會或者不設監事會的公司的監事召集和主持;監事會或者監事不召集和主持的,代表十分之一以上表決權的股東可以自行召集和主持。 第十三條 股東會會議作出修改公司章程、增加或者減少注冊資本的決議,以及公司合並、分立、解散或者變更公司形式的決議,必須經代表三分之二以上表決權的股東通過。(註:股東會的其他議事方式和表決程序可由股東自行確定) 第十四條 公司設董事會,成員為 人,由 產生。董事任期 年,任期屆滿,可連選連任。 董事會設董事長一人,副董事長 人,由 產生。(註:股東自行確定董事長、副董事長的產生方式) 第十五條 董事會行使下列職權: (一)負責召集股東會,並向股東會議報告工作; (二)執行股東會的決議; (三)審定公司的經營計劃和投資方案; (四)制訂公司的年度財務預算方案、決算方案; (五)制訂公司的利潤分配方案和彌補虧損方案; (六)制訂公司增加或者減少注冊資本以及發行公司債券的方案; (七)制訂公司合並、分立、變更公司形式、解散的方案; (八)決定公司內部管理機構的設置; (九)決定聘任或者解聘公司經理及其報酬事項,並根據經理的提名決定聘任或者解聘公司副經理、財務負責人及其報酬事項; (十)制定公司的基本管理制度; (十一)其他職權。(註:由股東自行確定,如股東不作具體規定應將此條刪除) (註:股東人數較少或者規模較小的有限責任公司,可以設一名執行董事,不設董事會。執行董事的職權由股東自行確定。) 第十六條 董事會會議由董事長召集和主持;董事長不能履行職務或者不履行職務的,由副董事長召集和主持;副董事長不能履行職務或者不履行職務的,由半數以上董事共同推舉一名董事召集和主持。 第十七條 董事會決議的表決,實行一人一票。 董事會的議事方式和表決程序。(註:由股東自行確定) 第十八條 公司設經理,由董事會決定聘任或者解聘。經理對董事會負責,行使下列職權: (一)主持公司的生產經營管理工作,組織實施董事會決議; (二)組織實施公司年度經營計劃和投資方案; (三)擬訂公司內部管理機構設置方案; (四)擬訂公司的基本管理制度; (五)制定公司的具體規章; (六)提請聘任或者解聘公司副經理、財務負責人; (七)決定聘任或者解聘除應由董事會決定聘任或者解聘以外的負責管理人員; (八)董事會授予的其他職權。 (註:以上內容也可由股東自行確定) 經理列席董事會會議。 第十九條 公司設監事會,成員 人,監事會設主席一人,由全體監事過半數選舉產生。監事會中股東代表監事與職工代表監事的比例為 : 。(註:由股東自行確定,但其中職工代表的比例不得低於三分之一) 監事的任期每屆為三年,任期屆滿,可連選連任。 (註:股東人數較少規格較小的公司可以設一至二名監事) 第二十條 監事會或者監事行使下列職權: (一)檢查公司財務; (二)對董事、高級管理人員執行公司職務的行為進行監督,對違反法律、行政法規、公司章程或者股東會決議的董事、高級管理人員提出罷免的建議; (三)當董事、高級管理人員的行為損害公司的利益時,要求董事、高級管理人員予以糾正; (四)提議召開臨時股東會會議,在董事會不履行本法規定的召集和主持股東會會議職責時召集和主持股東會會議; (五)向股東會會議提出提案; (六)依照《公司法》第一百五十二條的規定,對董事、高級管理人員提起訴訟; (七)其他職權。(註:由股東自行確定,如股東不作具體規定應將此條刪除) 監事可以列席董事會會議。 第二十一條 監事會每年度至少召開一次會議,監事可以提議召開臨時監事會會議。 第二十二條 監事會決議應當經半數以上監事通過。 監事會的議事方式和表決程序。(註:由股東自行確定) 第六章 公司的法定代表人 第二十三條 董事長為公司的法定代表人,(註:也可是執行董事或經理),任期 年,由 選舉產生,任期屆滿,可連選連任。(註:由股東自行確定) 第七章 股東會會議認為需要規定的其他事項 第二十四條 股東之間可以相互轉讓其部分或全部出資。 第二十五條 股東向股東以外的人轉讓股權,應當經其他股東過半數同意。股東應就其股權轉讓事項書面通知其他股東徵求同意,其他股東自接到書面通知之日起滿三十日未答復的,視為同意轉讓。其他股東半數以上不同意轉讓的,不同意的股東應當購買該轉讓的股權;不購買的,視為同意轉讓。 經股東同意轉讓的股權,在同等條件下,其他股東有優先購買權。兩個以上股東主張行使優先購買權的,協商確定各自的購買比例;協商不成的,按照轉讓時各自的出資比例行使優先購買權。 (註:以上內容亦可由股東另行確定股權轉讓的辦法。) 第二十六條 公司的營業期限 年,自公司營業執照簽發之日起計算。 第二十七條 有下列情形之一的,公司清算組應當自公司清算結束之日起30日內向原公司登記機關申請注銷登記: (一)公司被依法宣告破產; (二)公司章程規定的營業期限屆滿或者公司章程規定的其他解散事由出現,但公司通過修改公司章程而存續的除外; (三)股東會決議解散或者一人有限責任公司的股東決議解散; (四)依法被吊銷營業執照、責令關閉或者被撤銷; (五)人民法院依法予以解散; (六)法律、行政法規規定的其他解散情形。 (註:本章節內容除上述條款外,股東可根據《公司法》的有關規定,將認為需要記載的其他內容一並列明。) 第八章 附 則 第二十八條 公司登記事項以公司登記機關核定的為准。 第二十九條 本章程一式 份,並報公司登記機關一份。 全體股東親筆簽字、蓋公章: 年 月 日
Limited liability company charter (reference format) Chapter One of the first basis of the "PRC Company Law" (hereinafter referred to as the "Company Law") and related laws. regulations, jointly funded by the other side to set up a limited liability company (hereinafter referred to the company) is specially formulated charter. Second of all provisions of the Constitution and laws, regulations, rules and regulations are inconsistent with the law and regulations, the provisions of the regulations. Chapter 3 of the company name and company name : home. Home : 4. Chapter 5 of the operating company business areas : (Note : Under actual conditions specific to fill. ) Chapter IV of the names of the registered capital of the company and shareholders (name) basis, amounts of capital to finance the sixth time : 10,000 yuan of registered capital of the company. Seventh shareholders of the name (name), and shall be contributed by the investors subscribe to the investor, the investor as follows : subscribe to the established names of the shareholders (the deadline for registration of changes) when the amount actually paid by installments financed financed financed means the amount of time the investor financed investment means investment amount of time together currency means the investor time investor funds (Note : companies, first of all shareholders registered capital amounts to no less than 20%. have a registered capital of no less than the statutory minimum, and the rest by shareholders since the company paid up within two years from the date of establishment; investment companies which can be paid up in five years. Currency investors all the shareholders in the amount of registered capital of no less than 30%. Please fill in the table according to the actual situation. to pay more than two-frequency period. continued to fill the basis of the actual situation in the table. One person should be the first to pay the full amounts of capital Ltd.), the agency created by Chapter V, terms, Rule 8 of shareholders by all shareholders, is the authority to exercise the following powers : (a) The company's operating policies and investment decisions; (b) Election of the workers and representatives of non-replacement of the directors supervisors, the Board of Directors decided that the board remuneration; (c) Consideration of approval of the board of directors (or executive director); (4) consideration of approval of the board or the board of supervisors; (5) Consideration of approval of the annual financial budget plan accounts; (6) examined and approved the profit distribution plan and make up the losses; (7) to rece or increase the registered capital of the company; (8) to make the issue of corporate bonds; (9) of the merger, separation, dissolution, liquidation or change in the form of the company; (10) to amend the company's charter; (11) other functions. (Note : by the shareholders to determine. If shareholders do not delete this provision shall be specified) 9 shareholders will be funded from the first meeting is convened and presided over the largest shareholder. 10th meeting of the shareholders will exercise their right to vote by the shareholders in accordance with the license. (Note : In accordance with this section to determine which shareholders may exercise the right to vote) 11 shareholders meeting will be divided into regular and ad hoc meetings. Held a shareholders meeting to be held on the 15th session of the notice to all shareholders. (Note : this section may be time to determine shareholders) by regular meetings (Note : by the shareholders to determine) held regularly. Represent 10% of the voting shareholders, more than one third of the directors, Board of Supervisors or the Board of Supervisors (not at the board of supervisors) proposal to convene a provisional meeting should be convened ad hoc meetings. 12 shareholders meeting convened by the board of directors, the chairman of the Chair; chairman is unable to perform his functions or failed to discharge their ties, the vice-Chair; vice chairman is unable to perform his functions or failed to discharge their ties, the directors elected a director more than half of the Chair. (Note : no board of a limited liability company. shareholders will be convened and chaired by the Executive Director. ) board of directors or executive director is unable to perform or not to perform the ties of convening meetings of shareholders. by the company's board of supervisors or board of supervisors is not convened and chaired; not convened and chaired the board of supervisors or the Board of Supervisors. 10% of the voting rights on behalf of their own shareholders, convened and chaired. 13th meeting of the shareholders to amend the company's charter to increase or rece its registered capital, as well as company mergers, separation, dissolution or change in the form of companies, representing more than two-thirds of the voting shareholders to be passed. (Note : the other shareholders will be shareholders of the rules and voting proceres to determine) the 14th of the company, the board of directors members, by the proce. Directors, the term of office and may be re-elected. Chairman of the Board of Trustees established, vice chairman, from the proce. (Note : the shareholders to determine chairman and vice chairman of the way), the 15th of the following terms : the exercise of the Board (a) The shareholders will be convened to shareholders report; (b) the implementation of the resolutions of shareholders; (c) approval of the company's business plan and investment program; (4) Development of the annual financial budget plan accounts; (e) the profit distribution plan and make up the losses; (6) companies to increase or rece its registered capital and the issuance of corporate bonds; (7) the enactment of the merger. separation of a company changes, the dissolution of the program; (8) the decision to set up internal management; (9) to appoint or fire the managers and their remuneration, and the hiring or firing decisions based on the nomination Manager Assistant Corporation, in charge of financial matters and their remuneration; (10) formulated the basic management system; (11) other functions. (Note : by the shareholders to determine if shareholders are not required to make specific provision should be deleted) (Note : shareholders of a small number of limited liability company or a smaller scale, can be an executive director. no board of directors. determine the terms of executive directors by shareholders. ), the 16th meeting of the Board convened and presided over by its chairman; chairman is unable to perform his functions or failed to discharge their ties, convened and chaired by the vice chairman; vice chairman is unable to perform his functions or failed to discharge their ties, directors elected by more than half, convened and chaired by a director. 17 of the board vote, one person, one vote. Board rules and voting proceres. (Note : by the shareholders to determine) the 18th manager of the company set up by the board of directors to appoint or fire. Manager of the board of directors to exercise the following powers : (i) the proction and operation management. organization and implementation of the Board of Trustees; (2) organizing and executing annual business plans and investment companies; (c) the development of internal management and institutional arrangements; (4) the development of the company's basic management system; (E) the specific regulations; (6) drew the appointment or dismissal companies Assistant, chief financial officer; (7) The Board shall appoint or fire except hiring or firing decisions outside of the management; (8) other functions conferred by the Board of Trustees. (Note : The above may be content to determine shareholders) managers to attend meetings of the board of directors. Article 19 of the company board of supervisors members, the board of supervisors established a President, elected by a majority of the entire board. Representatives of the shareholders and the board of supervisors, the ratio of workers : supervisors. (Note : by the shareholders to determine. However, the proportion of workers not less than one-third) of the board for a term of three years each term expires. be eligible for re-election. (Note : smaller companies with fewer shareholders specifications can be set from one to two board members) 20 board of supervisors or the exercise of the following terms : (1) Inspect corporate finance; (2) of the directors, senior management officer in the execution of their ties to monitor the actions of the company. in violation of laws, administrative regulations and the constitution of the shareholders or directors and the removal of senior management personnel; (c) When the directors, senior management staff will harm the interests of the company, asked directors, senior managers be corrected; (4) the proposal to convene a provisional shareholders meeting the Board does not fulfill the provisions of this law will be convened and presided over the shareholders meeting, convened and chaired ties shareholders; (e) submit proposals to shareholders; (6) In accordance with the provisions of Article 152 of the "Company Law" to the directors, Senior management institute legal proceedings; (7) Other terms. (Note : by the shareholders to determine if shareholders are not required to make specific provision should be deleted) to attend a meeting of the Board of Supervisors can. At least the 21st annual meeting of the board of supervisors, the board can propose to convene a provisional board meeting. Article 22 The board of supervisors adopted the resolution should be approved by more than half. Board rules and voting proceres. (Note : by the shareholders to determine) Article 23 of Chapter VI, chairman of the company's legal representative for the company's legal representative. (Note : But also executive director or manager) for a term of years, by election, the expiry of the term of office and may be re-elected. (Note : by the shareholders to determine) shareholders Council under Chapter VII of the other issues that need to be between 24 shareholders mutual transfers some or all of its investment. Article 25 of the shareholders to shareholders other than the transfer of ownership should be agreed by a majority of other shareholders. Shareholders on the transfer of its shares to other shareholders to solicit written consent. other shareholders receiving written notice on the 30th day of the month following the expiration of a reply, as agreed to the transfer. More than half the other shareholders do not agree to the assignment, the shareholders do not agree to the transfer of ownership should be purchased; Not to buy. considered to have consented to the transfer. After the shareholders agree to the transfer of shares in the same condition, the other shareholders in a pre-emptive. Two or more shareholders exercise their right of pre-emption proposal, in consultation with their respective proportion of the purchase; Failure. According to the license transfer exercise their right of pre-emption. (Note : The above content can be determined by the shareholders to transfer the shares. ) 26th deadline for the turnover of the company, Since the company calculated the date of the issuance of business licenses. Article 27 is one of the following cases, Company liquidation team shall be liquidated within 30 days of the end of their own authorities to cancel the registration of registered companies : (a) The company was declared bankrupt. (2) the expiration of the period stipulated in the articles of the business or other dissolved matter stipulated in the articles appeared. However, the company continued to exist except to amend the company's charter; (c) one shareholder resolution to dissolve the limited liability company or the shareholders dissolved; (4) according to the suspension of a business license, or order the closure was revoked; (5) The Court will be dissolved; (6) laws, administrative regulations dissolved the other cases. (Note : In addition to the above provisions of this chapter as shareholders under the relevant provisions of the "Company Law". together with other elements that need to be specified in the records. ) Chapter 8 of the 28 companies were registered in the company registration office approved later. Twenty-one copies of the Constitution, and they shall be reported to a company registration office. All shareholders handwritten signature, date stamped :
F. 求民法,合同法和公司法英文版本!謝謝。
G. "中華人民共和國公司法(2006年新公司法全文)"英文怎麼說
"The Company Law of the People's Republic of China(Full text of new edition of 2006)"
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I. 法律英語高手請進,高分求公司法英語翻譯(三)
(C) Company on behalf of the right to special circumstances
Germany "shares the Company Law," Article 112 provides that in relation to members of the Board, the Board of Supervisors in court on behalf of the company and outside. "The Japanese Commercial Code," Article 175-4 and the "Special Law of Commercial Law" section of the provisions of Article 24-25, in the company's directors, or directors of the company when the proceedings on behalf of the company supervisors can. Chinese "Company Law" Article 54 of the directors, senior management officer in the execution of corporate ties in violation of laws and administrative regulations or the provisions of the Articles of Association, to the company damage that can be directors, senior management proceedings.
(Iv) operational implementation of negates the right to
Means that when the Board of Supervisors found that the company's operational activities illegal live damage the interests of the company, the power to pass relevant personnel to stop their behavior. "The Japanese Commercial Code," Article 275 bis, as director of corporate purposes is not within the scope of the acts, or other illegal act or acts of the statute, the company has a significant risk of harm, the Ombudsman may request the cessation of acts of directors . Germany, China has given to the board of supervisors of the terms of the statute.
(E) the right of shareholders to convene the General Assembly
When the board of directors could not be convened, or just an effect of the General Assembly to convene the shareholders, the board of supervisors may convene general meeting of shareholders. Germany "shares the Company Law," Article 111 provides that if the company required benefits, the board of supervisors shall convene general meeting of shareholders. "The Japanese Commercial Code" section 131 require that a general meeting convened by the Board decision, but the provisions of this Act or the Articles of Association, except by the Board of Supervisors convened. . Chinese "Company Law" Article 54 provides that the board of directors and supervisors do not fulfill the provisions of this law will be convened and presided over the meeting of shareholders convened and presided over ties provisional shareholders meeting;
(Vi) company the right to know
Companies the right to know the operation of the board of supervisors are the premise of performing its monitoring function. "The Japanese Commercial Code," Article 260 provides for 3 of the Board of Supervisors and the views of the right to attend the right of submission. Germany, "shares company law" provisions of the board of directors of the board of supervisors have an obligation to report regularly on the company's future operational implementation of business policy, for-profit, business and other matters progress. Chinese Company Law does not require this.