⑴ 有誰知道以下法律詞彙的英文翻譯嗎:
penal code; criminal law
prime culprit; principlpal criminal
assessary criminal; accessary
reluctant follower;accomplice under ress
make crime together
common prisoner
law culture; law civilization
⑵ 急求有關法律的英文翻譯
Our country 《penal code 》 the 269th regulation rule settle:"Make thieves and burglars and deceive, loot offense, make to use violence there and then for hiding booty and resisting to grasp to catch to demolish offense perhaps to threaten mutually by violence perhaps of, according to this method Article 263 of the provision sentence a punishment."That provision namely ecational circles say meaning up of the conversion type rob offense.This text draws up and aim at a conversion type rob offense and causes because of the crime metamorphosis in the lawmaking top congenital shortage and social activities of affirm to that offense and it disputes and carries on elaborating rather many in the judicatory the fulfillment, laying equal stress on some research and discussion and resulting in the main reason that dispute rather many currently, then conversion type several that rob offense constitute main factor, include:Prior condition, objective condition and subjective condition, put forward oneself to the conversion type shortage which robs offense in the lawmaking at last of the modification conceive.
Conversion, robbery, the amount of spot
⑶ 請問我們國家的各種刑法罪名用英文都怎麼說啊
money laundry
⑷ 刑法上的英文翻譯 高手進來(有點多麻煩了)
Omission accomplice is the omission and common crime competing crime patterns, in one of the few domestic system. An omission in not as an accomplice of the theory involved and very broad in scope, given the complexity of multiple, this article focuses on the omission of the theory as well as accomplices in reality the actual type is found. Currently without omission of the study is based on the omission of common crime overall in the discussions, there is no system for their research, expositions. Although there are some papers on common crime theory was discussed, but rarely in conjunction with the specific situation of our country, and ignoring the omission of complicity in the law, it is difficult to be impure common crime theory in its judicial role, particularly through more dependent on outside the theoretical discussion, is not concive to the theory of reference. This article is divided into four chapters, the first chapter is impure introction to the main exposition of complicity, impure accomplice need clear basic concepts such as not to act, omission, accomplice, not as an accomplice, omission of complicity; chapter II is impure accomplices, the main exposition of impure accomplices in the elements of the relevant theories including the subjective element of objective elements; chapter III is the omission of an accomplice, typed, in discussing the omission of elements of the theory of accomplices, the focus of China's judicial practice in many cases, typed essay on different types of omission of accomplices. Chapter four is impure accomplice liability, analysis of impure accomplice typed up focus by omission constitute existence of complicity and a penalty. Title: omission as an accomplice;;; omission introction to complicity; omission concept; no concept as an accomplice; omission concept of complicity; omission accomplices; omission the subjective aspect of complicity; omission of complicity; omission accomplice typed analysis; relatives or guardianship, not being responsible; closed or management space not as responsibility; responsibility of neutral Act; Act of omission responsibility; omission of joint criminal liability; omission accomplices responsibility; omission is committing; omission accessory; omission instigator
⑸ 中華人民共和國刑法的英文
Criminal Law of the PRC, imprisonment, life imprisonment, confiscation of property, looting caused many injuries, deaths
⑹ 求刑我國目前刑法條文的英文版
Part One General Provisions
Chapter I The Tasks, Basic Principles and Applicable Scope of the Criminal Law
Chapter II The Commission of a Crime
Section 1 The Commission of a Crime and Criminal Responsibility
Section 2 Preparation, Attempt and Discontinuance of a Crime
Section 3 Joint Crime
Section 4 Crime Committed by a Unit
Chapter III Punishments
Section 1 Types of Punishments
Section 2 Public Surveillance
Section 3 Criminal Detention
Section 4 Fixed-term Imprisonment and Life Imprisonment
Section 5 Death Penalty
Section 6 Financial Penalty
Section 7 Deprivation of Political Rights
Section 8 Confiscation of Property
Chapter IV The Concrete Application of Punishments
Section 1 Sentencing
Section 2 Recidivist
Section 3 Voluntary Surrender and Rendering Meritorious Service
Section 4 Combined Punishment for Several Crimes
Section 5 Suspension of Sentence
Section 6 Commutation of Punishment
Section 7 Parole
Section 8 Limitation
Chapter V Miscellaneous Provisions
Part Two Specific Provisions
Chapter I Crime of Endangering the State Security
Chapter II Crime of Endangering the Public Security
Chapter III Crime of Disrupting the Order of Socialist Market Economy
Section 1 Crime of Procing or Selling Fake or Inferior Commodities
Section 2 Crime of Smuggling
Section 3 Crime of Disrupting the Order of Administering Companies and Enterprises
Section 4 Crime of Disrupting the Order of Banking Administration
Section 5 Crime of Financial Fraud
Section 6 Crime of Jeopardizing the Administration of Tax Collection
Section 7 Crime of Infringing upon Intellectual Property
Section 8 Crime of Disturbing Market Order
Chapter IV Crime of Infringing upon the Citizen's Personal or Democratic Right
Chapter V Crime of Encroaching on Property
Chapter VI Crime of Disrupting the Order of Social Administration
Section 1 Crime of Disturbing the Public Order
Section 2 Crime of Impairing Judicial Activities
Section 3 Crime of Impairing Control of the Border (Frontier)
Section 4 Crime of Impairing Control of Cultural Relics
Section 5 Crime of Jeopardizing Public Health
Section 6 Crime of Undermining Protection of Environment or Resources
Section 7 Crime of Smuggling, Trafficking in, Transporting or Procing Drugs
Section 8 Crime of Organizing, Forcing, Luring, Sheltering or Introcing Women into Prostitution
Section 9 Crime of Procing, Selling or Spreading Obscene Articles
Chapter VII Crime of Endangering Interests of National Defense
Chapter VIII Crime of Embezzlement or Bribery
Chapter IX Crime of Dereliction of Duty
Chapter X Crime of the Serviceman's Violation of Duty
Supplementary Provisions
⑺ 求助法律英文翻譯
刑法和幸運抽獎桑福德h.卡迪什我建議考慮如何使一個 學說的刑法似乎不理性的支撐,盡管它幾乎被普遍接受的西方法律, 支持,許多法學家和哲學家,其共振與intuitions律師和法律專業人士. 這是該學說的傷害學說 我叫--減輕處罰故意違法者(常常被排除懲處失職和魯莽wrongdoers)如果朱元璋 傷害他們有意或有可能不會發生. 我還將考慮的一個必然損害的學說提供了充分的防禦如果恰巧, unbeknownst給被告的傷害,他們不可能得到伸張. 是否損害學說可以提出理由是,正如喬治揚說,"深 一個懸而未決的問題在理論中的刑事責任. "的確,一位德國學者,bjornburkhardt, 最近結束了他比較審查法對這個問題有清醒的話說,"沒有取得什麼進展 朝著解決這個問題,在過去的200年. "他還說:"爭論的過去 仍是主導當代討論.... [h]ardly什麼實質性已被添加. "他總結說:"說到底, 是否有一個令人信服的和理性的辯論在這個問題上是有可能的. "這可能也是如此. 爭論的問題仍然懸而未決,盡管認真注意的幾代學者. 不過,雖然地面十分公式化, 題目仍然有魅力,對我們這些人擔心的刑法(或許只是因為它 它打破了圓滿解決),我並沒有吸引力.
⑻ 涉及刑法的英文翻譯,高手請幫忙啊....難.....
China's Criminal Law in the probation is that is sentenced to three years imprisonment, detention of criminals, in accordance with their circumstances of the crime and the expression of penitence, that the original verdict was a stay of execution of sentence is no longer a danger to society, to a certain test period, in the test not ring the implementation of conditions of a penalty sentencing system. At present, the probation system to rate increase, while the judiciary has become more popular referees in the penal system. In fact, in practice also proved that the probation system on the ecation and rehabilitation of criminals and criminals to better rebirth, re-crime prevention and the maintenance of social stability, played an important role. However, along with probation system usage continues to increase, its shortcomings are also graally exposed. From today our probation system point of the existing problems, On to improve our probation system some suggestions.
⑼ 哪位有我國《刑法》英文譯本
⑽ 刑法總論 英文怎麼翻譯 可以使用grneral provisions of criminal law 嗎
General Theories of Criminal Law
出自: http://gouwu.wangchao.net.cn/detail_713493.html
General Introction of Criminal Law
General Principles of Criminal Law
出自: http://www.questia.com/PM.qst?a=o&d=4007201