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發布時間: 2022-02-15 17:49:58

『壹』 「幼女」翻譯成英文是什麼

With a girl


adj.infantilemisc.young girl;youngest daughter



1、infantile autism [醫] 嬰兒孤獨症 ; 自閉症 ; 嬰兒期自閉症 ; 幼兒自閉症。

2、infantile eczema [皮膚] 嬰兒濕疹 ; 小兒濕疹 ; [中醫] 奶癬 ; 兒濕疹。

3、Infantile hemiplegia 痙攣性偏側腦癱 ; 嬰兒偏癱。



1、Is there a way to remedy this infantile behaviour?


2、So I'm glad I didn't give into that infantile, juvenile interest in facial, beauty and sex appeal.


3、I believe that much of this is native idiocy: the infantile blathering of people who have no ideahow to engage in debate.


『貳』 英文原版的英美國家民法


『叄』 請翻一段英文

After our country joins WTO, may enjoy a series of rights, but at the same time, we also must undertake the suitable ty. But in the law, how the question which we first faces is causes our country law laws and regulations and the WTO series stipulation does not conflict. The people are called frequently the international law "are soft method", because the international law observes mainly is forms through the international society public opinion, takes advantage of the people innermost feelings the faith, morality and justice strength realizes, is one kind of inaccurate standard. In addition, the various countries for each other respect, the contact are convenient and the friendship and cooperation, often mutually between also adopts each kind of comity of nations. But these once conflict with some national actual benefit, then the benefit supreme principle, can obstruct the international law potency the realization. At the same time, is concerned the country not to undertake any legal liability. Speaking of this on the one hand, it such does not have the safeguard and the powerful measure like the national law which forces to implement, is truly "is soft method". But in fact, since the last two centuries, the international law continuously in took in the international contact has the legal binding force the behavior rule but to develop unceasingly. The various countries not only through its parliament and the government declared is willing to observe takes the international behavior rule the international law, moreover various countries in order to cause the international law to be better domestically because of effective perform to be suitable, is not the use "the transformation" the way causes the international law to turn the national law the concrete rule, is the use "merges" the way acknowledges the international law directly in the constitution the potency. Our country's procere is "the transformation" the law and "merges" the law concurrently to use. Our country's constitution although has not made the general on the international law in domestic being suitable with the status stipulation, but has been equipped with the special provision in certain family rules and regulations for this. Like "General provisions of the civil law" the eighth chapter "touches on foreign affairs the civil relational law to be suitable" center stipulated that, Our country concludes or the participation international convention has the different stipulation with our country's civil law, "is suitable the international convention the stipulation", our country law and our country conclude or the participation international convention stipulation, "may be suitable the international convention". In addition, in order to fulfill the international convention which our country joins, but also has formulated some special rules, in order to the international law "the transformation" is the national law. Our country for fulfills two Vienna joint pledge which the related diplomatic relations and consul relates but to draw up "Diplomatic privilege And Exemption Rule" and "Consul Privilege And Exemption Rule", is this aspect typical example. (5) Obviously, our country is observes the international law the stipulation. WTO took an international organization, its formulation rule also is our country respects and the execution. In fact, takes the corresponding legislation measure according to the World Trade Organization's rule with to establish and to consummate our country market economy the legal system goal is consistent. Only was joins WTO to our country present law revision, the supplement set quickly a more comprehensive request.
Time China deepens unceasingly in the reform, in feels in the long-term practice which the stone crosses river, already profound understanding to instead mping method necessity: 1st, since 1948 always reached an agreement the text becoming effective, instead has mped the measure already by the present international trade system confirmation is one reasonable legitimate protection domestic correlation instry method. 2nd, instead mps the law to take the maintenance international trade order, protects the home instry one legitimate method, with other the counter- subsidy law, Anti-trust laws, the safeguard provision which approves and so on is compared similarly, has the function which it cannot be substituted. 3rd, instead the mping method implementation may effective preventing mp the violation with the elimination which creates. It causes the article of importation at not under the mping influence premise, enters the Chinese market. Causes the article of importation to manifest the market price truly, participates in the market fair and the right competition. 4th, instead is mping becomes effective the period, further enhances the Chinese enterprise own competition strength. On objective, the overseas article of importation because it is drafted has instead mps the tax, but can not but enhance the proct price. This to doubles the China home instry which harms was said, for a their respite with adjustment opportunity.

『肆』 「公司法人代表姓名」 英文簡潔版翻譯

「公司法人代表姓名抄」 英文翻譯為:Name of Company's Legal Representative。








『伍』 法律英語綜合教程是中英文對照的嗎

看你想看哪一本。你的情況推薦 法律英語(第2版)


前言 如何學好法律英語

一、 詞典類
1、Black』s Law Dictionary (8th) 9.5分
3、《牛津現代法律用語辭典》 9.5分
1、《英漢漢英法律用語辯證詞典》陳忠誠 9分
4、《法律英語同義近義術語辨析和翻譯指南》 宋雷 8分
5、《悅讀法律英語》陳忠誠 7分
6、《法窗譯話》陳忠誠 7分

5、《民法通則》AAA譯本評析 陳忠誠 9分
7、《新編英漢法律翻譯教程》王道庚 8分
8、《法律文本與法律翻譯》李克興 張新紅7分

《法律英語:中英雙語法律文書製作》 陶博
《法律英語:中英雙語法律文書中的句法歧義》 陶博
Legal Writing 哈格德
《平易英文法律寫作教程-課文與練習》 (美)迦納
《法律英文寫作的第一本書》 德沃斯基
《法律推理與法律文書寫作(結構策略風格)(第4版) 小理查德•K•諾伊曼
《法律文書寫作之道》(英)科斯坦佐 6分

五、 國外影印教材系列
1、 法律出版社,美國法精要系列
2、 武漢大學出版社,影印版法學基礎系列
3、 武漢大學出版社,最新不列顛法律袖珍讀本
4、 中信出版社,伊曼紐爾法律精要系列
5、 中信出版社,案例與解析影印系列
6、 中信出版社,案例教程影印系列
7、 中國方正出版社,美國法學院經典教材ASPEN釋例系列
8、 中國人民大學出版社,民商法摘要影印注釋本系列
9、 法律出版社,朗文培生法學基礎系列

六、 國內教材系列

七、 7分以下的其他書籍


圖書推薦 法律英語學習工具書三劍客

合同閱讀理解與翻譯 論shall在法律文書中的使用和翻譯 推薦指數:五星 4116字

翻譯審校 委託書英譯點評 推薦指數:四星

職業之道 招募法律英語翻譯合作夥伴

書報刊 《〈民法通則〉AAA譯本評析》 存在的錯誤和不足 推薦指數:三星 4158字

『陸』 以下幾個英文法律術語是什麼意思

我國《民法通則》第一百五十五條 民法所稱的「以上」、「以下」、「以內」、「屆滿」,包括本數;所稱的「不滿」、「以外」,不包括本數。

『柒』 中國公民能否在姓名中使用英文字母

中國公民能否在姓名中使用英文字母? 答案是不能。

『捌』 法律英語書

» 129 評書——《法律文書寫作之道》6.5分 bluechip @ 2009-03-04 10:49
» 128 孫萬彪《英漢法律翻譯教程》筆記 之六 第八章insurance bluechip @ 2009-02-28 12:26 / 1評論
» 127 法律英語翻譯圖書——法律文本翻譯 bluechip @ 2009-02-25 08:39 / 3評論
» 126 法律英語翻譯之 陳忠誠新書 《民法通則》AAA譯本評析 bluechip @ 2009-02-24 11:58
» 124 孫萬彪《英漢法律翻譯教程》筆記 之五 governing law and dispute resolution bluechip @ 2009-02-20 10:42
» 122 孫萬彪《英漢法律翻譯教程》筆記 之四 definition and interpretation bluechip @ 2009-02-09 10:30
» 121 孫萬彪《英漢法律翻譯教程》筆記 之三 confidentiality 全 bluechip @ 2009-02-01 15:47
» 120 孫萬彪《英漢法律翻譯教程》筆記 之二 breach and infringement 全 bluechip @ 2009-01-31 10:36
» 118 孫萬彪《英漢法律翻譯教程》筆記 之一 assingnment/transfer 全 bluechip @ 2009-01-27 17:51
» 114 社會呼喚高質量涉外法律翻譯作品——評《涉外經濟法律手冊》 轉載 bluechip @ 2009-01-15 12:45
» 109 法律英語翻譯之評書 英文合同 bluechip @ 2008-12-22 12:35
» 100 法律英語翻譯之 近期購書目錄及其他 bluechip @ 2008-11-27 17:03
» 098 法律英語翻譯評書之 英文合同閱讀與分析技巧 bluechip @ 2008-11-25 10:03
» 096 涉外律師值得購買的一本法律英語書 bluechip @ 2008-11-22 12:50
» 095 法律英語翻譯之 評書 bluechip @ 2008-11-21 15:56
» 092 說下我的法律英語詞彙書 bluechip @ 2008-11-06 10:44 / 2評論
» 088 推薦一本法律英語寫作的入門書——最新法律專業英語——讀寫全程點撥 bluechip @ 2008-10-11 17:15
» 087 陳忠誠所著法律英語書 bluechip @ 2008-10-07 12:50
» 084 兩本法律英語書點評 bluechip @ 2008-09-23 09:02
» 被遺忘三十年的法律精英 南方周末 bluechip @ 2008-07-28 10:51
» 063 一本好像還不錯的書——《法律英語綜合教程》 bluechip @ 2008-07-02 21:04 / 3評論
» 028 show一下我的工具書 bluechip @ 2008-04-24 18:20
» 013 法律英語詞彙——以美國法律為基礎 bluechip @ 2008-04-01 10:51 / 2評論
» 007 國內法律出版物點評 原創 bluechip @ 2008-03-28 16:46

『玖』 《中華人民共和國民法通則》的英文咋說


『拾』 最高人民法院《關於貫徹<民法通則>若干問題的意見》,這個用英文怎麼表述

可譯作The Supreme People's Court's Interpretation on the Implementation of the General Principles of Civil Law

3.關於《民法通則》,General Principles of Civil Law是大多外國文獻的譯法,但也有不同意見。具體可參見陳忠誠最近在法律出版社出版的一本有關此問題的書。

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