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⑴ 求 刑法中關於 教唆犯的外文資料..英文的

Abetting is abetting others to commit crime. That is, he does not personally participate in some kind of crime, but in their own words and deeds to cause others to have criminal intent, by others to the crime. Instigator is the most common perpetrators of a type of complex, large harmful to society. Instigator has the following characteristics:
1. Must have caused others to proce the instigation of acts of criminal intent. That is, by persuasion, encouragement, incement, bribery, threats and so on, their criminal intent to ecate the non-criminal intent or criminal intent but not despite the firm, bringing others to accept their own criminal intent, the firm's determination to crime, To achieve the purpose of crime. If the crime of people have decided to use words to encourage and promote the smooth implementation of crime, such acts are to crime, not instigator.
2. Others must be abetting the crime intentionally, the fault does not constitute solicitation to commit. That is, knowing that their actions will cause others to abet a criminal intent, then the crime and expressed the hope that laissez-faire or others to crime. As if the words inadvertently, unintentionally said something that caused the criminal intent of others, led to the crime occurred, can not be considered instigator.
The instigator of criminal responsibility, in accordance with the provisions of the Penal Code, divided into the following three conditions:
1. Abetting others to crime, he should be in accordance with common crimes in the role played by the punishment. The so-called instigator in the role of common crime, is abetting acts of common crime in the share of its status and the actual harm, that is, instigator abetting the ways, means and abetting the extent of the completion of the common crime of the role played by, And the implementation of abetting the crime in the role. As instigator of common crime in the role played by different, the threat of their actions are also different, in the punishment should also be different, in common crime play a major role should be in accordance with the Criminal Code on the principal provisions of the penalty punishment.
2. Abetting under the age of 18 crimes, should be harshly punished. This is mainly because not enough of the minor's maturity, the ability to distinguish right from wrong poor, vulnerable to bad guys and abetting a crime astray, abetting a minor crime itself is a serious crime, greater harm to society Sexual. In order to protect the healthy growth of young people against bad people to their corrosion, the law made special provisions.
3. If people are not abetting the crimes committed by abetting, instigator, or can be relatively light punishment was reced. The so-called "abetting people who are not abetting the crime," including the two situations: First, not instigator of abetting a person to be abetting a criminal intent, the role of the crime, people do not have been abetting the instigator of the crime abetting Nor the implementation of other crimes, abetting acts did not cause any actual harm results. The second is being instigated by people not guilty of abetting the crime and committed other crimes. Regardless of what kind of situation, are abetting crime, should bear criminal responsibility. However, e to people not being instigated by the implementation of abetting the crime, instigator of abetting acts have not yet caused actual harm results, or cause damage although the results, but its no causal relationship abetting acts, thus mitigating the instigator or can rece the punishment.

⑵ 刑法上的英文翻譯 高手進來(有點多麻煩了)

Omission accomplice is the omission and common crime competing crime patterns, in one of the few domestic system. An omission in not as an accomplice of the theory involved and very broad in scope, given the complexity of multiple, this article focuses on the omission of the theory as well as accomplices in reality the actual type is found. Currently without omission of the study is based on the omission of common crime overall in the discussions, there is no system for their research, expositions. Although there are some papers on common crime theory was discussed, but rarely in conjunction with the specific situation of our country, and ignoring the omission of complicity in the law, it is difficult to be impure common crime theory in its judicial role, particularly through more dependent on outside the theoretical discussion, is not concive to the theory of reference. This article is divided into four chapters, the first chapter is impure introction to the main exposition of complicity, impure accomplice need clear basic concepts such as not to act, omission, accomplice, not as an accomplice, omission of complicity; chapter II is impure accomplices, the main exposition of impure accomplices in the elements of the relevant theories including the subjective element of objective elements; chapter III is the omission of an accomplice, typed, in discussing the omission of elements of the theory of accomplices, the focus of China's judicial practice in many cases, typed essay on different types of omission of accomplices. Chapter four is impure accomplice liability, analysis of impure accomplice typed up focus by omission constitute existence of complicity and a penalty. Title: omission as an accomplice;;; omission introction to complicity; omission concept; no concept as an accomplice; omission concept of complicity; omission accomplices; omission the subjective aspect of complicity; omission of complicity; omission accomplice typed analysis; relatives or guardianship, not being responsible; closed or management space not as responsibility; responsibility of neutral Act; Act of omission responsibility; omission of joint criminal liability; omission accomplices responsibility; omission is committing; omission accessory; omission instigator

⑶ 請介紹幾篇有關刑法的外文參考文獻


⑷ 求 20000字元左右的英文刑法學文獻




⑸ 為什麼選擇刑法專業的英文介紹


Last summer vacation, my mother and I went to see my uncle in Singapore.

Singapore is an island country and a city country in Southeast Asia.

Singapore is also known as "garden city" because of its remarkable effect on city cleaning.

When we arrived in Singapore, my uncle led us on the street.

We had a good time. I found a strange phenomenon.

Singaporeans abide by the rules in public, on the road and in life. No one violates the rules?

What's the matter?

With all kinds of questions, I asked my uncle, "uncle, uncle, why do Singaporeans abide by the rules?"

My uncle said, "ha ha, it seems that you didn't know Singapore before you came here.

There is a criminal law in Singapore called flogging. "

As soon as I heard the word whip, my hair was cold and my heart was raw. "

You don't have to be afraid, only the men's whipping, the women's not."

Hearing this, my heart fell. "The whipping people are all trained to whip three lashes at your butt.

If you do more, there are only three lashes on your butt, like a flower, because Singapore is a flower city.

So the whiplash is like a flower.

Sometimes chewing gum can be whipped. " I immediately felt that, why are we all human beings?

We Shenzhen people are very disobedient to the system and always violate the system.

But the Chinese are very obedient and do not violate the system.

I think the Chinese have strict criminal law.

They dare not violate the system and are afraid of being punished by law.

And we don't have strict criminal law and violate the system in disorder.










⑹ 中華人民共和國刑法的英文

Criminal Law of the PRC, imprisonment, life imprisonment, confiscation of property, looting caused many injuries, deaths

⑺ 請問我們國家的各種刑法罪名用英文都怎麼說啊

money laundry

⑻ 刑法拿英語怎麼說

National People's Congress member
"About Punishment Destruction Finance Order Crime Decision"
Gathers capital
Additionally builds
A minute piece (probably is fascicle and so on, several volume,several piece....)
Concept characteristic,
Constitution important document,
Judicial demarcation line,
Crime prevention
Enhances rightly.. Understanding,

⑼ 為什麼國外關於民法的英文原版書較少,刑法和憲法都有。。


⑽ Help! 求助以下美國法律中英文對照版,必須是全文。


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