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A. 美國刑法的內容

第一編 總則
第1節 序言
第1.01條 名稱和生效日期
第1.02條 目的;解釋原則
第1.03條 空間效力
第1.04條 犯罪的種類;違警罪
第1.05條 制定法主義;法典總則的適用
第1.06條 時效
第1.07條 行為構成數罪時的追訴方式
第1.08條 禁止對同一犯罪雙重追訴
第1.09條 禁止對不同犯罪雙重追訴
第1.10條 先前追訴在其他不域的效力
第1.11條 在無管轄權的法庭所進行的先前追訴,或者由於被告人的欺詐行為所進行的先前追

B. 在線求 刑法修正案(七) 英文翻譯版本

The Amendment to the Criminal Law of the People』s Republic of China (VII), 刑法修正案七


C. 關於英美刑法的電影電視劇有哪些

有部戲是去年的 只有一季 就沒有第二季
叫《金牌律師》 很精彩的
下面是它的詳細介紹 希望對你有用哈~~~
其他英文片名:American Crime
國家/地區: 美國
劇情簡介:物慾橫流、聲色犬馬的洛杉磯,這里是富人們的天堂,同時也是律師精英們一展拳腳的舞台。本劇的主人公是一所高級律師事務所的四位合夥人,他們個個身手不凡、各有所專。雖然都無比自負,但又能緊密合作,為自己的富人客戶們打贏了一場又一場的官司。Ron Trott是該所的招牌,他總是頻頻在各家電視台的談話節目中拋頭露面、巧舌如簧。他尤其擅長於招攬客戶、陳述案情,並我行我素,因此也常常深受陪審團的厭惡。但正是他的天賦和不達目的誓不罷休的精神才將這個精英團隊團結起來。一直隱藏在Ron身後的是Tom Nicholson,相貌忠厚、土生土長於內部拉斯加的Tom對媒體一貫敬而遠之,但他卻是一名出色的控方律師,他用自己扎實的工作態度贏得了Ron的尊重和賞識,並成為法庭上的技巧大師。前應辯控方律師Luther Graves是一個黑人社區的領袖,他努力為民眾伸張正義,因此深得民心。Luther善於通過有策略的暫時妥協和讓步,從控方和辯方雙方的視角來評估此案的價值,並預測雙方以後的策略。年輕進取的Alden Tuller是一名出色的辯論高手,他能處理最復雜的法庭辯論,同時對證人的傳喚與問訊技巧也極其老練。他們的富人客戶們,可能已因為所涉訴訟,被媒體和網民早就認定為千夫所指的罪人,但這四位金牌律師卻往往能窮盡所能,運用各種手段幫助自己的客戶打贏官司,洗脫罪名。本劇的一大獨特之處在於:每當一集結束之際,會將此案經過回放總結,由觀眾來判斷,這些作為社會精英的律師,他們到底是在維護正義,還是在助紂為虐。

D. 中華人民共和國刑法的英文

Criminal Law of the PRC, imprisonment, life imprisonment, confiscation of property, looting caused many injuries, deaths

E. 刑法上的英文翻譯 高手進來(有點多麻煩了)

Omission accomplice is the omission and common crime competing crime patterns, in one of the few domestic system. An omission in not as an accomplice of the theory involved and very broad in scope, given the complexity of multiple, this article focuses on the omission of the theory as well as accomplices in reality the actual type is found. Currently without omission of the study is based on the omission of common crime overall in the discussions, there is no system for their research, expositions. Although there are some papers on common crime theory was discussed, but rarely in conjunction with the specific situation of our country, and ignoring the omission of complicity in the law, it is difficult to be impure common crime theory in its judicial role, particularly through more dependent on outside the theoretical discussion, is not concive to the theory of reference. This article is divided into four chapters, the first chapter is impure introction to the main exposition of complicity, impure accomplice need clear basic concepts such as not to act, omission, accomplice, not as an accomplice, omission of complicity; chapter II is impure accomplices, the main exposition of impure accomplices in the elements of the relevant theories including the subjective element of objective elements; chapter III is the omission of an accomplice, typed, in discussing the omission of elements of the theory of accomplices, the focus of China's judicial practice in many cases, typed essay on different types of omission of accomplices. Chapter four is impure accomplice liability, analysis of impure accomplice typed up focus by omission constitute existence of complicity and a penalty. Title: omission as an accomplice;;; omission introction to complicity; omission concept; no concept as an accomplice; omission concept of complicity; omission accomplices; omission the subjective aspect of complicity; omission of complicity; omission accomplice typed analysis; relatives or guardianship, not being responsible; closed or management space not as responsibility; responsibility of neutral Act; Act of omission responsibility; omission of joint criminal liability; omission accomplices responsibility; omission is committing; omission accessory; omission instigator

F. 刑法第幾條第幾款用英語怎麼說

刑法:penal law
第幾條:which chapter
第幾款:which paragraph
合在一版起:權which paragraph and which chapter in the penal law

G. 刑法常用的英語詞彙



Year and a Day Rule 滿一年原則(如受害者滿一年未死亡,不得以殺人罪起訴被告)

Wharton's Rule 沃頓原則(如果某種罪最少得由N人所犯,那麼N+1人才構成同謀罪

voluntary manslaughter 故意殺人

voluntary intoxication 故意醉酒

VOCA 《犯罪受害人法案》

victim/witness assistance programs 服務組織提供的對犯罪受害人及證人的.安慰及幫助

victims rights 刑事司法過程中受害人的基本權利

victimless crime 無受害者犯罪

victim impact statement 受害人影響陳述

victim 受害人

vehicular homicide 車禍致人死命罪

uttering 故意提供或傳遞偽造文件罪

unlawful assembly 非法集會

Uniform Determination of Death Act (UDDA) 《統一死亡判定法案》

truth in sentencing 判決及釋放之間

trespassory taking 非法盜竊

treason 叛國罪

three-strikes legislation 重罪加長刑期法

theft of computer services 非法竊取計算機服務

tangible property 有形資產

syndrome-based defense 基於綜合症的犯罪

syndrome 綜合症

sudden passion 突然情感爆發(可能導致故意殺人)

substantive law 實體法(規定基本權利及義務)

substantive criminal law 實體刑法

substantial step 實質措施

substantial capacity test 實質行為能力測試

subornation of perjury 非法教唆他人作偽證

strict liability crimes 嚴格責任犯罪(無犯罪意圖或過錯仍然有罪)

strict liability 嚴格責任(無犯罪意圖或過錯仍然有責任)


H. 求助:美國任意一州刑法典英漢對應版(關於某罪的系列條文即可)

以下是由Buffalo Criminal Law Center搜索到的紐約的刑法。關於重罪謀殺的內容。

Felony Murder
I. Statutes

Section 120.05 Assault in the second degree

A person is guilty of assault in the second degree when:

* * *

6. In the course of and in furtherance of the commission or attempted commission of a felony, other than a felony defined in article one hundred thirty which requires corroboration for conviction, or of immediate flight therefrom, he, or another participant if there be any, causes physical injury to a person other than one of the participants; . . .

* * *

Section 120.10 Assault in the first degree

A person is guilty of assault in the first degree when:

* * *

4. In the course of and in furtherance of the commission or attempted commission of a felony or of immediate flight therefrom, he, or another participant if there be any, causes serious physical injury to a person other than one of the participants.

Section 125.25 Murder in the second degree

A person is guilty of murder in the second degree when:

* * *

2. Under circumstances evincing a depraved indifference to human life, he recklessly engages in conct which creates a grave risk of death to another person, and thereby causes the death of another person; or

3. Acting either alone or with one or more other persons, he commits or attempts to commit robbery, burglary, kidnapping, arson, rape in the first degree, sodomy in the first degree, sexual abuse in the first degree, aggravated sexual abuse, escape in the first degree, or escape in the second degree, and, in the course of and in furtherance of such crime or of immediate flight therefrom, he, or another participant, if there be any, causes the death of a person other than one of the participants; except that in any prosecution under this subdivision, in which the defendant was not the only participant in the underlying crime, it is an affirmative defense that the defendant:

(a) Did not commit the homicidal act or in any way solicit, request, command, importune, cause or aid the commission thereof; and

(b) Was not armed with a deadly weapon, or any instrument, article or substance readily capable of causing death or serious physical injury and of a sort not ordinarily carried in public places by law-abiding persons; and

(c) Had no reasonable ground to believe that any other participant was armed with such a weapon, instrument, article or substance; and

(d) Had no reasonable ground to believe that any other participant intended to engage in conct likely to result in death or serious physical injury; . . .

* * *

Section 125.27 Murder in the first degree

A person is guilty of murder in the first degree when:

1. With intent to cause the death of another person, he causes the death of such person or of a third person; and

(a) Either:

* * *

(vii) the victim was killed while the defendant was in the course of committing or attempting to commit and in furtherance of robbery, burglary in the first degree or second degree, kidnapping in the first degree, arson in the first degree or second degree, rape in the first degree, sodomy in the first degree, sexual abuse in the first degree, aggravated sexual abuse in the first degree or escape in the first degree, or in the course of and furtherance of immediate flight after committing or attempting to commit any such crime or in the course of and furtherance of immediate flight after attempting to commit the crime of murder in the second degree; provided however, the victim is not a participant in one of the aforementioned crimes and, provided further that, unless the defendant's criminal liability under this subparagraph is based upon the defendant having commanded another person to cause the death of the victim or intended victim pursuant to section 20.00 of this chapter, this subparagraph shall not apply where the defendant's criminal liability is based upon the conct of another pursuant to section 20.00 of this chapter; or

(viii) as part of the same criminal transaction, the defendant, with intent to cause serious physical injury to or the death of an additional person or persons, causes the death of an additional person or persons; provided, however, the victim is not a participant in the criminal transaction; . . .

* * *

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