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发布时间: 2024-07-06 11:55:39

❶ 图书馆规则英语20条有哪些

1、Don't speak loudly. 不要大声说话。

2、Never eat in library.不要在图书馆吃东西。

3、Put the book back before you left. 离开前把书放回去。

4、No smoking here.不要在这里吸烟。

5、Don't tear the books. 不要撕书。

6、Don't make the books dirty.


7、Don't carry the books hone.


8、Keep quiet,please!


9、should put the book back on the right shelf when finish it.


10、Take care of the book.


11、Don't draw or write anything on the page.


12、Doing homework in the library is allowed.


13、All stationery,with the excep of those needed for information collection,should not be brought intolibrary.


14、Unless under very special circumsta borrowing someone else's library carnot allowed.


15、Loss of library card shou reported to the library teacher and application should be made for replacement.


16、Library borrower card is not transferable.


17、Members are responsible for any damage caused by them to the books or any other property belonging to the library and shall be required to pay the penalty imposed upon them by the Librarian.


18、Members leaving the library should stop at the exit so that the material borrowed or taken out of the library by them may be checked.


19、Upon any infringement of the library rules members shall forfeit the privileges of admission and membership of the library.


20、The Librarian reserves the right to suspend the membership of any member found misbehaving, abusing the library staff or behaving in an indecent manner.


❷ 用英语写关于图书馆的规则加意思。(不少于6句)


Readers who enter the reading room shall hold the library (room) reading card and verify by the staff on ty before entering the reading room.


The reading room is a civilized learning place. Readers should consciously keep the reading room clean and quiet.

They are not allowed to eat, throw paper scraps or make loud noises indoors.


When the reader takes a book, must insert the substitute book board into the newly taken book's position, after reading, voluntarily returns to the shelf.


It is everyone's ty to take good care of public property. Readers should take good care of all public facilities in the reading room.


To ensure the safety of the library, no smoking is allowed in the reading room.

Inflammable and explosive materials are prohibited in the reading room.


Those who intend to hide books and periodicals in the reading room ,

or take them out of the reading room without going through the formalities will be punished as stealing books and fined 10 times of the book price.

Those who damage books and periodicals, equipment and facilities in the reading room and serious cases shall be reported to the school administration or the local public security department for handling.











❸ 图书馆里的规则(题目)用英语

Library Rules

清华大学学生文明公约 Tsinghua University Student Civilization Convention
续借 Renewal
文明读者公约 Readers of the Convention of civilization
预约 Reservation
参观接待办法 Visit reception method
催还 -Return
入馆规定 Admission requirements
逾期罚款 Late Penalty
如何办理借书证 How to apply for library card
遗失赔偿 Lost Compensation
图书出借规则 Book lending rules
离校手续 Leaving Proceres
图书借阅期限表 Book loan period table
校外读者 External reader
违规使用借书证处理办法 Illegal use of library card approach
校外人员查找资料接待办法 School personnel to find ways of information received
图书馆版权公告 Library Copyright Notice

清华大学学生文明公约 Tsinghua University Student Civilization Convention

要文明礼貌,不要言语粗俗; Should be civil and courteous, not to vulgar language;

要尊重师长,不要旁若无人; To respect the teachers, not haughty disregard of others;

要卫生整洁,不要不修边幅; Should be clean and tidy, not slovenly;

要按时作息,不要迟到早退; To schele work and rest, do not be late leave early;

要整齐停车,不要横冲直撞; Parking should be neat, not brute force;

要勤擦黑板,不要乱帖乱画; Should wash the effaceurs, not to abuse quote graffito;

要遵守秩序,不要占座夹塞; To comply with the order, do not account for folders plug seat;

要健康娱乐,不要酗酒吸烟; To be healthy forms of recreation, not alcohol smoking;

要勤俭节约,不要浪费水电; You should practice thrift, do not waste water;

要爱护公物,不要随意损坏。 To care for public property, not random damage.

一九九六年十月三十一日 全校各班共同签订而成 October 31, 1996 co-signed each class made the whole school

文明读者公约 Readers of the Convention of civilization

校内读者凭本人有效证件入馆,有馆际互借关系者凭馆际借书证入馆。 School readers based on my valid documents into the library, interlibrary loan by virtue of the relationship between inter-library cards into the museum hall.

校外读者来馆查阅文献,到本馆读者接待处,凭单位介绍信或本人有效证件办理入馆手续,持接待处开具的介绍信到有关阅览室查阅资料。 External readers to museum literature review, to the museum audience reception that with your work unit or my valid documents for admission proceres, letters of introction issued by the reception held to the relevant Yuelan Shi access to information.

读者在馆内借阅图书、机检、自习或参观,必须遵守图书馆的有关规章制度。 Readers to borrow books, machine inspection, self-study or visit the library must comply with the relevant rules and regulations. 在发生违章、违纪情况时要自觉服从图书馆工作人员的管理和接受按规定章程的处理。 In the event of violation, a disciplinary case should subordinate themselves to the management of library staff and receive treatment according to the provisions of the statute.

图书馆是文明的学习场所,读者应自觉维护图书馆文明的秩序、整洁的环境、安静的学习氛围,不得在馆内吃东西、乱丢纸屑、大声喧哗。 Libraries are places of learning of civilization, the reader should consciously maintain the library and civilized order, clean environment, quiet study atmosphere in the Library shall not eat, littered scraps of paper are noisy.

爱护公物人人有责。 Care of public property is everyone's responsibility. 读者应爱护馆内的一切公共设施,不得乱写乱画。 Readers should take good care of all public facilities, the museum may not doodle.

为确保图书馆的安全,严禁在馆内任何地点吸烟,严禁携带易燃、易爆物品入馆。 In order to ensure the safety of the library, smoking is prohibited anywhere in the Library is prohibited to carry flammable, explosive materials into the museum. 违章在馆内吸烟者将按章罚款。 Smoking will be illegal in the museum s fine.

经出口通道时,如遇监测器报警,有关人员应主动接受值班工作人员检查,不应有不文明礼貌的言行。 The exit routes, such as when the event monitor alarms, the officer should take the initiative to accept the staff on ty checks, should not be uncivilized polite words and deeds.

清华大学图书馆入馆规定 Tsinghua University Library Entrance requirements

为了维护广大读者的公共利益,保持图书馆良好的环境和秩序,经图书馆馆长办公会议讨论决定,并报学校备案,重申以下规定: In order to safeguard the public interest of readers to keep the library a good environment and order, and by the Librarian office meeting to discuss the decision and report to the school record, to reiterate the following rules:

1. 凭本人借书证入馆,严禁借用他人借书证入馆。 1. Based on my library card into the Hall, is strictly prohibited to use another library card into the museum.
2. 严禁在图书馆内吸烟。 2. Smoking is prohibited in the library.
3. 保持室内整洁:禁止将食物及饮料带入馆内;请勿随意搬拽阅览桌椅。 3. Keep the room clean and tidy: the prohibition of food and beverages into the museum; Do not pull to read tables and chairs to move freely.
4. 保持室内安静:入馆请关闭呼机和手机;在馆内请轻声交谈,以免影响他人阅读。 4. Keep the room quiet: entry hall turn off pagers and cell phones; in the Library please talk softly, so as not to influence others to read.
5. 衣着整齐,举止文明礼貌。 5. Dress neat, polite and civilized manner.
6. 请勿抢占座位。 6. Do not occupy a seat.
7. 爱护书刊资料及一切公共财物,请勿涂抹、撕毁、私藏书刊。 7. Love books and the information and all public property, please do not smear, tear, possession of books.
8. 如违反上述规定,将受到批评、教育,直至处罚。 8. Who contravenes the above provisions will be subject to criticism, ecation, until the penalty.

❹ 请用英语写出不少于十条图书馆规定,带翻译


1、Readers can borrow the library with their own borrowing card. Those who are not well dressed are not allowed to enter.


2、When readers arrive at the library, please consciously abide by the relevant regulations of each room. Bags, bags, material clips and other objects shall not be brought into the open shelf room.


3、 Smoking and kindling are not allowed in the museum.


4、Readers should keep the library quiet, not noisy and noisy.


5、Spitting, eating snacks and littering are prohibited.


6、Readers should take good care of all public property and facilities in the library, and it is forbidden to deface or steal books and documents.


7、Overe borrowing shall take the initiative to pay a fine. Lost or damaged books shall be compensated according to relevant regulations.


8、Readers should respect the work of library staff, obey management, and consciously maintain and abide by various rules and regulations in the library.


9、Those who violate the above provisions and the rules and regulations of the library will be criticized and ecated or fined accordingly.


❺ 图书馆的规章制度用英语翻译

Please be quite or please not to speak loudly.
Please bring your book back on time.
Please put your book back in its place when you leave.


❻ !英语作文为学校图书馆制定一些规章制度写五条1take care of 2.return 3.on time

Library materials must be returned on or before the e date at the circulation desk. Failure to return books promptly will result in a fine.
Library materials are the property of the library. All borrowers should take care of the materials lent. Once found stolen, loss, or damaged returned, a fine will be charged at the borrowers own expense.

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