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发布时间: 2020-12-17 05:02:19

⑴ 合同总有关法律责任的英文翻译

Party A hereby warrants that all its entrusted matters are in compliance with the laws and regulations in China. Party B hereby warrants that all its entrusted matters are in compliance with the laws and regulations in Japan. Both Party A and Party B shall be legally responsible for Party C's agent performance as provided in this Agreement.


⑵ “有权追究法律责任”用英文怎么说

retain (preserve) the right to pursue legal actions (against XXX).

⑶ 我公司愿为此承担相应的法律责任 英文怎么说

My company is willing to undertake the relative legal obligations and liabilities of the document loss

⑷ 以上内容属实,如有虚假,将承担全部相关法律责任 用英语怎么说啊各位大侠帮帮忙!感激不尽!

All above are truth, otherwise XX will bear all relevant legal liability.

⑸ 由此引发的一切经济、法律责任由我单位自行承担英文怎么说

NHK : The organization, XXXX, will be liable for any economic and legal liability incurred herefrom (= 这单位, XXXX, 将会承担因此而发生的任何经济和法律负任)~...或是写成 The organization, XXXX, will be liable for any economic and legal consequence incurred herefrom (= 这单位, XXXX, 将会承担因此而发生的任何经济和法律后果)...XXXX 是你单位的名称...为了表示承诺...应该把你单位的正式名称...加进句子里呗~...句末的 herefrom...是英式法律用语...解作 由此 / 因此...而 liability 在商业界...1般是解作 负债...但是...在法律英语中...是解作"法定的责任"~..."一切"(= all)的意思...有时候...会比较难定义...难掌握...而且...有些法律责任...不是单位可以负担起的...那么...在法律英语中...通常是改用 any (= 任何)...最后..."我单位"的意义...比较虚无...是法人组织 ??...是公共组织 ??...或是私人团体 ??...偶只能...暂时以英文的 the organization (= 这组织 / 这单位)去定义...如果是"公司"的话...可以改写成 the company...或是 the corporation...请不要写成 "our" organization (= "我们"组织 / "我们"单位)...公司和单位...是独立的法人团体...不应该跟"我"...或"我们"...混在1起...不然...在法理上...会有问题的...如果你这1句...是纯粹用于销售产品...给予客户售后承诺的话...即是...不需要很严格的法律要求...那么...带1点"直译"的方式...写成 Our organization will be liable for any economic and legal liability incurred herefrom (= 我单位将会承担因此而发生的任何经济和法律负任)...也是可以接受滴~...要采用"经济和法律责任"...还是"经济和法律后果"...你可以自己决定哟~...1般来说..."责任 / Liability"是比较直接的损失和伤害...而"后果 / Consequence"所覆盖...以及影响的范围...会比较广...再者...后果是包括了..."连锁反应式"的责任呗~....哈哈哈嘻........

⑹ "本人对其内容不负任何法律责任"用英文怎么说

合同一般用we, 但如果是个人签订的合同,可以用I.

I shall not have any legal liability for its content.

⑺ “后果严重,追究法律责任”用英文怎么讲

If serious consequences are caused, it shall be investigated for legal liabilities.

⑻ 法律责任的英文

legal responsibility

The Government had a moral, if not a legal ty to pay compensation.

The authorities will be legally bound to arrest any suspects.

Combines a corporation's liability protection and pass-through tax structure of a partnership.

⑼ “合同内容以中文版本为准,英文版本不承担法律责任”这句话该如何用英文翻译,谢谢大家,急用

Contract content Chinese version shall prevail , the English version does not assume legal responsibility.

⑽ 请问如何用正确官方的英文表达 上述情况均属事实,如有不实我愿承担一切法律责任。

I hereby certify that all the situation mentioned above correspond to reality, if there exists anything against the actual situation, I shall bear legal liability.

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