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发布时间: 2020-12-20 18:49:40

❶ 请问如何用正确官方的英文表达 上述情况均属事实,如有不实我愿承担一切法律责任

I hereby certify that all the situation mentioned above correspond to reality, if there exists anything against the actual situation, I shall bear legal liability.

❷ 英语翻译 中文是:天津万鼎隆国际贸易有限公司 可别乱译啊,我是刻成中英文的章,要负法律责任!

WANDINGLONG (TIANJIN) INTERNATIONAL TRADE CO.,LTD.最后有限公司的那两个标点符号不要漏掉,那是必须格式.万鼎隆直接汉译就可以内.还有,刻章容的时候必须用大写

❸ 法律英语翻译。急!

tort law of strict liability from the United Kingdom, has now become the mainland legal scholars often use the concept. European countries have been integrated into the principles of tort law system of Liability. In recent years, the scope of strict liability for the widening trend. Strict liability is based on the absolute obligation of security breach, although when it is done to the most careful of people's attention, but any damage caused by their actions and take responsibility. Defense against strict liability is very limited, reasonable care not among them. Strict liability for abnormally dangerous most frequent activity or proct liability cases.
The essential characteristics of strict liability
(A) the fault of the non-strict liability
Strict liability is undoubtedly the responsibility of following the fault which occurred after a new milestone. It is the advent of the fault is to determine the factors responsible is no longer the ultimate basis for liability, which is concive to protecting the innocent victims and vulnerable groups.
(B) the risk of strict liability
Looking at national tort law, strict liability and risk are inevitably linked. German civil law countries, said strict liability for hazardous ty. Some scholars would risk liability and strict liability common law equivalent. Similarly in France the use of a dangerous activity as the basis of strict liability. [20] but in fact Anglo-American tort law, strict liability apply to animals in addition to causing the infringement, workers compensation, proct liability, the most unusual is for harm caused by hazardous activities.
(C) Strict Liability of
Offenders in their fault liability for damage arising in, the reason is because the liability of the perpetrator can be a moral disapproval of. However, the perpetrator of strict liability without fault, will still be liable, the attribution of the basis for intriguing. The western half of the 20th century's most influential jurists of Pond from the maintenance of social security obligations generally off, demonstrates the rationality of strict liability. He believes that since the late 19th century, the legal interests of the community rather than focus on the protection of personal interests.
(D) strict liability causality
Responsibility for the fault is the fault element of the final decision is to determine whether the establishment of the key fault liability. In the composition of the elements of strict liability, regardless of whether the offender's fault. Therefore, the causal relationship has more significance, it is the ultimate constituent elements of strict liability element. Strict liability in the causation and damage are only two elements, namely, proof of causation by the plaintiff as long as the damage to these two factors and can get relief.
(E) of strict liability Juzheng
Strict liability is based on the absolute security breach of its obligations, regardless of whether the defendant to do the ty of care to the most cautious, as long as it should be responsible for the damage occurred, if the defendant can not be reasonable to defense (and defense is very limited), you can not remove responsibility, that is part of the plaintiff's burden of proof shifted to the defendant, the plaintiff only to prove causation and damage had been sufficient.
(F) defense of strict liability in the Restrictive
1, the third behavior, animal behavior and the forces of nature cause damage can not be the defenses.
2, the victim can not be the fault of defense.
3, the victims of people, things and animals, abnormal sensitivity can be used as defense.
4, the performance of public ties as defense.
Comment on the strict liability
(A) availability: American tort law is rooted in the philosophy of pragmatism in the soil, advocating people-centered, knowledge and human experience claims can not be separated, emphasizing the unity of theory and practice. On this basis, the case law system is the empirical wisdom of judges and logical reasoning with the proct. The strict liability from the case law through evolution, widening the scope of its application, this fact itself proves the rule dynamic and practical.
(B) Transcendence: whether scholars have the responsibility of strict liability is equivalent to what different opinions, but no doubt that it goes beyond the French law "presumption of fault liability" and the German law, "dangerous ty," and broke through to abstract known for speculative and logically coherent system of civil law tort theory of barriers to a unified system to a al responsibility principle or the principle of diversity attributable to system development, and thus the world had a profound influence legislation.
(C) justice: perpetrators and victims of strict liability emphasized to achieve a balance of interests, reflecting the protection of the weak instead of the new concept of equal protection, and to achieve substantial justice. This is in the field of proct liability and workers compensation in particular stands out.

❹ 以上内容属实,如有虚假,将承担全部相关法律责任 用英语怎么说啊各位大侠帮帮忙!感激不尽!

All above are truth, otherwise XX will bear all relevant legal liability.

❺ 英语专四考试疑泄题 泄题将承担什么样的法律责任





❻ 由此引发的一切经济、法律责任由我单位自行承担英文怎么说

NHK : The organization, XXXX, will be liable for any economic and legal liability incurred herefrom (= 这单位, XXXX, 将会承担因此而发生的任何经济和法律负任)~...或是写成 The organization, XXXX, will be liable for any economic and legal consequence incurred herefrom (= 这单位, XXXX, 将会承担因此而发生的任何经济和法律后果)...XXXX 是你单位的名称...为了表示承诺...应该把你单位的正式名称...加进句子里呗~...句末的 herefrom...是英式法律用语...解作 由此 / 因此...而 liability 在商业界...1般是解作 负债...但是...在法律英语中...是解作"法定的责任"~..."一切"(= all)的意思...有时候...会比较难定义...难掌握...而且...有些法律责任...不是单位可以负担起的...那么...在法律英语中...通常是改用 any (= 任何)...最后..."我单位"的意义...比较虚无...是法人组织 ??...是公共组织 ??...或是私人团体 ??...偶只能...暂时以英文的 the organization (= 这组织 / 这单位)去定义...如果是"公司"的话...可以改写成 the company...或是 the corporation...请不要写成 "our" organization (= "我们"组织 / "我们"单位)...公司和单位...是独立的法人团体...不应该跟"我"...或"我们"...混在1起...不然...在法理上...会有问题的...如果你这1句...是纯粹用于销售产品...给予客户售后承诺的话...即是...不需要很严格的法律要求...那么...带1点"直译"的方式...写成 Our organization will be liable for any economic and legal liability incurred herefrom (= 我单位将会承担因此而发生的任何经济和法律负任)...也是可以接受滴~...要采用"经济和法律责任"...还是"经济和法律后果"...你可以自己决定哟~...1般来说..."责任 / Liability"是比较直接的损失和伤害...而"后果 / Consequence"所覆盖...以及影响的范围...会比较广...再者...后果是包括了..."连锁反应式"的责任呗~....哈哈哈嘻........

❼ 求:行政法律责任、刑事法律责任、民事法律责任 的专业英语翻译!!!!谢谢!!急!急!

administrative liability, criminal liability, civil liability

❽ 合同总有关法律责任的英文翻译

Party A hereby warrants that all its entrusted matters are in compliance with the laws and regulations in China. Party B hereby warrants that all its entrusted matters are in compliance with the laws and regulations in Japan. Both Party A and Party B shall be legally responsible for Party C's agent performance as provided in this Agreement.


❾ 求一篇关于高空坠物伤人法律责任分析的法学英文原文,要求如下


❿ 追究法律责任英语怎么说

seek legal actions against somebody

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