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发布时间: 2020-12-17 12:46:39

1. 帮我收集一下中国法律英语翻译的一些知识!






开场白一般有四个雷打不动的组成部分。即“为了”、“根据”、“结合”、“制定”。根据英语行文特点,应该先翻译“制定”,These Regulations are enacted(formulated),一般formulate用的多些,从英语词义分析,enact似乎更加准确些。有学者主张把enact与 formulate一起用上。准确是准确了,但是毕竟显得有点儿累赘。下面是译文:

Article 1These Regulations are enacted in accordance with pertinent laws and regulations and in light of the concrete conditions of this Municipality,with the purpose of strengthening the administration of cityscape and environmental sanitation,creating and maintaining aclean,beautiful cityscape and environment,protecting people's health,promoting economic growth,civilization and progress of society.还有三处小地方需要说明一下。



3.With the purpose of或者with the aim to后边都应该用动词+ing的形式。




Article 3The labour and social security(hereinafter abbreviated as labour security)supervision mentioned in this Regulation refers to the activities of the administrative department for labour security,in supervising and checking,according to law,employing units and labourers,employment intermediary agencies,and medical facilities of their observation of the laws and regulations on labour security and,in handling,according to law,acts breaching laws and regulations on labour security.实施本法范围:


Article 2These Regulations apply to the newly-built,expanded and renovated construction projects carried out in this Municipality and the quality control thereof.负责单位:


Article 6The Administrative Committee of the Tianjin Economic― Technological Development Area(hereinafter referred to as TEDAAC)is delegated by the Tianjin Municipal People's Government(hereinafter referred to as the Municipal People's Government),and shall exercise auniform administration of TEDA on behalf of the Municipal People's Government.既然在中文法律文书行文中,开场白的上述内容是必不可少的,翻译起来,也有一些比较固定的译法,不妨一记。“所称”…“是指”,有几种常见的译法。

一是如上面的译文所示“mentioned…refers to”,也可以翻译成“be referred…shall be”;

“必须遵守本规定”或者“适用本规定”,可以一律翻译成“apply to”,不要把前者翻译成“must abide by”…




Article.59 These Regulations shall become effective as from the date of promulgation.The Regulations of Tianjin Municipality on Environmental Sanitation that was adopted at the 40th Session of the Standing Committee of the Twelfth Tianjin Municipal People's Congress on February 25,1998 shall be abrogated simultaneously.“生效”译法不一而足。经常选用的有:take effect,come into effect,become effective等等。如果原文是从某日起实施,要用as of这个词组,比如从2003年12月20日起实施,要说These Regulations shall take effect as of December 20,2003,而不要说成as from December 20,2003.“同时废止”则比较简单,译成be abrogated simultaneously即可。

2. 什么是法律英语

法律英语(Legal English),在英语国家中被称为Legal Language或Language of theLaw,即法律语言,在英语中指表述法律科学概念以及诉讼或非诉讼法律事务时所用的语种或某一语种的部分用语。从此概念可以看出,法律英语所使用的语言不仅是英语本身,还包括其它语种,如法语、拉丁文等。
关于主语,由于笔者擅长的是经济法,在经济法中常见的主语有这些主语。买主the buyer 卖主 the seller 以及第三方,the third party这里需要注意的是party不是派对的意思,是第三方的意思。

3. 知识产权法复试法律英语应该怎么准备


4. 跪求法律知识渊博的英语达人,翻译一篇短文!

First, the concept of the crime of money-laundering and features. In this paper, four theory of the crime of money laundering assessments, described, I believe that the crime of money-laundering, is known to be drug-related crimes, underworld organized crime, the crime of smuggling illegal income and the revenue generated, and in various ways to disguise or conceal the source and nature of the acts. Money-laundering offences as a new type of crime, a variety of subjective and objective factors e to the existence of a money laundering offence has characteristics different from other crimes. First lack of identifiable victims; second of the complexity of money-laundering offences; third professional money-laundering offences; fourth international money-laundering offences; fifth of the crime of money-laundering capital-intensive.
Secondly, the composition characteristics of the crime of money-laundering. The main crime of money laundering for the general subject, including natural and legal persons. Xingfalilunjie countries, as well as from criminal legislation, the crime of money-laundering predicate offences can pose by the existence of two controversial, "said he has committed" and "the guilty said." I believe that the main elements of the crime of money-laundering should be all natural and legal persons, do not rule out the upper reaches of the perpetrators. Subjective aspect of the crime of money-laundering by a direct intentional; object is a complex object, that is, both violations of financial management order, but also violated the normal activities of the judiciary; objective in the way of objective is to provide capital accounts to assist the conversion of property into cash, financial instruments, securities, through transfers or other means of settlement to the transfer of funds to assist the remittance of funds abroad; other means to disguise or conceal the illegal proceeds of crime and the nature and source of income.
The second part of the crime of money laundering predicate offences that
First, the crime of money-laundering predicate offences legislation. 1, foreign legislative provisions. International in the "predicate offences" scoping different, the main legislative four cases. (1) is limited to the proceeds of crime and drug proceeds, (2) including all acts of crime proceeds and receipts (3), including all illegal proceeds derived from acts and (4) limited to "specific crime" income and income. 2, China's legislative provisions. China's Criminal Law "predicate offences" legislative form, adopting a "specific crime" of the legislation. Judging from China's Criminal Code on "upstream crimes" provisions, the prominent anti-money-laundering crimes, but in the anti-money-laundering a criminal offence of money-laundering legislation lags behind the reality, as demonstrated by: "predicate offences" a narrower range; hindered anti-money-laundering crime effective international assistance and cooperation; not concive to the fight against and prevention of crime and rece the efficiency of the judiciary; not concive to the domestic law of interconnected, and hampered the effectiveness of the legislation into full play.
Secondly, drug-related crimes, underworld organized crime, smugglers, I disguise or conceal their illegal proceeds of these crimes and the benefits arising from the nature and sources of conct and drug-related crimes, underworld organized crime, smuggling and other criminal activities by the gift the crime of illegal income and the benefits arising from the acts constitute the crime of money-laundering, on the indivial's point of view. The former is a money-laundering offences, which did not constitute a crime of money-laundering.
The third part of the crime of money-laundering and related crimes determination.
Passed from the object of the crime, the act, the main crime, criminal purposes, such as crime subjective comparison of the crime of money-laundering and cited shielding the limits of drug-related crime, money laundering, crime and hiding, shielding the limits of the crime, money laundering, crime and the limits of perjury ; crime of money-laundering and to disguise or conceal the proceeds of crime, the proceeds of crime offences boundaries.
The fourth part of the crime of money-laundering crimes of that.
First, the crime of money-laundering and the "predicate offences" common criminal boundaries. The author believes that the key distinction between the two is to see whether pre-plan. Qualcomm plan beforehand, and after the implementation of the money laundering act, constitutes a "predicate offences" common crime, rather than simply a money-laundering offences.
Secondly, the implementation of the restrictions imposed by the act of common crime beyond intentional conct. If the perpetrator did not exceed the laundering of criminal organizations in general "business" is a criminal organization with the primary elements and deal with all responsible for the acts per capita, such as common beyond intentional, by the acts themselves assume responsibility.
Finally, the one-sided accomplice. Only one-sided accomplice to the crime subjective and the objective no crime, at least not directly implemented, but does not affect the establishment of one-sided accomplice.
In short, as China's socialist market economy structure has been established and improved, money-laundering offences in the various economic crimes in an increasingly prominent, combating money-laundering crime tasks, we need to do more great deal of arous and painstaking work. I believe that with China's money-laundering crimes increased emphasis on money-laundering restraint systems the continual perfection of our society will certainly promote the rapid development of the market economy.

5. 法律专业知识翻译成英文


6. 人教版八年级下册英语中的法律知识渗透点

初二年级思想品德试题(2009.4)(考试时间:25分钟 卷面总分:25分) 命题人:王娟 审核人:陈长连 一、单项选择题(下列每题只有一个最符合题意的答案,选出该答案填入表格中。第1—12题每小题1分,第13—16题每小题2分,共20分。)1.下列成语中,不能体现公平的是 ( )A.一视同仁 B.厚此薄彼 C.公平交易 D.秉公执法2.古罗马女神右手执天平,左手执长剑,是公平和正义的化身。长剑是维护正义的武器,维护正义 ( )A.只需要有一颗同情心 B.是每个社会成员的道德义务C.可采取一切手段同不良社会现象作斗争 D.就是对他人有求必应3.世界是纷繁复杂的,存在着是是非非,这就要求我们时刻保持清醒的头脑,分清是非。判别是非的依据是 ( )A.个人的主观兴趣 B.个人的愿望和好恶 C.父母和老师的观点 D.法律和道德的要求4.我国西北一位正在为学费而发愁的农村女学生断然拒绝了一家口服液企业的万元资助,只是因为她不愿为该企业做虚假广告。这主要说明:一个正直的人 ( )A.会心口不一,想一套,做一套 B.不会为了一己之利丢掉做人的尊严C.是一个不需要任何帮助的人 D.必须过贫穷的生活5.最近,李明的班级中兴起了一股“韩流”,许多同学开始听韩国歌手的歌,模仿其穿着打扮,剪出怪异的发型。这种行为 ( )A.说明这些同学非常有主见 B.值得学习,这样才有共同话题 C.属于盲从,对青少年的身心发展不利 D.体现“团结就是力量” 6.《光明日报》科技部曾对全国青少年科技小发明比赛中获奖的118名中学生进行问卷调查,在“您的主要心理特征”一栏里,92%的学生写的是“好奇心强”。对此,下列说法正确的是 ( )A.好奇心可以激发我们学习和探索的兴趣 B.好奇心一定会造福社会C.好奇心只有科学家才有 D.好奇心无法克制7.法制宣传日那天,我校举办了灯谜大联猜活动。其中一个灯谜的谜面是:排行我老大,国法之根本;子法由我生,效力我最高(打一法律名称)。这个谜语的谜底是 ( ) A.环境保护法 B.刑法 C.教育法 D.宪法8.根据法律规定,人民法院的判决、裁定、调解书等一旦生效,当事人必须遵照执行,否则人民法院将通过法定手段强制执行。这说明法律最主要的特征是 ( )A.由国家制定或认可 B.对社会成员具有普遍的约束力 C.由国家强制力保证实施 D.保障公民权利 9.法律可以惩处遗弃老人的行为,道德能够使人们自觉地孝敬老人。这表明 ( )A.道德的作用比法律更大 B.法律的作用比道德更大 C.只有道德才能约束人们的不良行为 D.法律需要道德的补充 10.我国法律监督机关是 ( )A.公安机关 B.人民检察院 C.人民法院 D.人民政府 11.下列体现违法与犯罪关系的是 ( )A. B. C. D.12.2009年2月20日,盐城市自来水污染事件被曝光。在水污染期间个别商贩和超市见利忘义、哄抬物价。这种行为危害了 ( ) A.公共安全 B.正常的经济秩序 C.交通秩序 D.公共场所秩序13.教养主要指文化和品德的修养,有教养的人都具有良好的道德品质和行为习惯。他们 ( )①懂得尊重别人 ②强调个人特殊的一面,有意表现自己的优越感③注重礼节仪表,缺乏质朴的品质 ④注意生活细节A.①④ B.①③④ C.②③④ D.①②14.2009年4月中共中央宣传部、司法部、全国普法办公室联合发出通知,要求各地、各部门认真开展以宪法为核心的法制宣传教育。以宪法为核心是因为 ( )①宪法规定了生活中的所有问题 ②宪法是一切组织或者个人的根本活动准则③宪法是制定普通法律的依据和基础 ④公民的法制观念需要进一步增强A.①③④ B.①②③ C.②③④ D.①②④15.公民的基本义务是社会和国家对公民的最基本的要求,下列选项中属于公民基本义务的是( )①依法纳税 ②宗教信仰自由 ③爱护公共财物 ④依法服兵役A.①②③ B.①②④ C.②③④ D.①③④16.右图是“福州市首届中学生现场法制漫画比赛”中的一幅获奖作品,对此理解不正确的是 ( )①毒品可以品尝,但不能上瘾 ②吸食毒品是社会的一种时尚③青少年要远离毒品、自觉抵制不良诱惑 ④吸毒影响身体健康A.①② B.③④ C.②④ D.②③④题号 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16答案 二.简析题(结合材料运用所学知识对问题进行简要分析和说明。5分)我欣赏名山大川的气势,我欣赏小桥流水的清幽;我欣赏大漠孤烟的粗犷,我欣赏渔舟唱晚的意境。在欣赏大自然瑰丽景色中,我时常感到灵魂的净化和升华。——汪国真阅读材料,回答下列问题:1.“名山大川、小桥流水、大漠孤烟、渔舟唱晚”汪国真旅途中的意境引人入胜。除了旅游之外,请你再给同学们推荐一些休闲方式。(至少两种)(2分)2.“在欣赏大自然瑰丽景色中,我时常感到灵魂的净化和升华”这是汪国真对休闲功效的认识,那么你认为休闲的功效有哪些呢?(3分)

7. 推荐能帮助学习法律英语以及英美法知识的美剧(英剧)

法律与秩序 Law & Order (1990)
律政狂鲨 Shark (2006)
金牌律师 Justice (2006)
裂痕专 Damages (2007)
傲骨贤妻 The Good Wife (2009)
法网恢属恢 Outlaw (2010)
辩护律师 The Defenders (2010)
鞋店事务所 Harry’s Law (2011)
至于你说的 法律分析 这个太专业了 只有去网上找一些大学法律公开课的视频 不过资源很少

8. 会法律知识 会英语 会法语的女生可以做什么工作


9. 法律常识全知道用英语怎么说

The law is full of knowledge

10. 法律知识的英文,法律知识的翻译,怎么用英语翻译法律

legal knowledge

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