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发布时间: 2023-09-14 05:24:38

① 首席法官的介绍

首席法官是大部份来地区中(特别自是普通法地区)高级法院最高级法官的称呼。首席法官通常也是该法院的首长。英文中“Chief Justice”和“Chief Judge”意思相似但用法不同;前者通常指最高法院最高级法官,译为“首席大法官”;后者指其他法院最高级法官,译为“首席法官”。

② 介绍法院 求英语翻译

First, the name of the court
The trial court is the people's court in strict accordance with the law of the trial proceedings shall place all kinds of legal cases. The people's court for the trial of the whole building known as the "trial court" specifically for hearing of cases in which the housing called "court" and the highest in the ordinal, as follows: the first court, the second court of law.
Housing construction in the People's Court hearing the case specifically for the house known as the "court."

Second, the trial layout of activity areas
Active region by the trial court and attend district composed of the main activity areas to try to ensure the smooth progress of the trial activities to law.
1. People's Court criminal cases, the judges, public prosecutors, defense personnel and the placement of the defendant, based upon the temporary Supreme People's Procuratorate, "Law (Division) made ​​<1985> 11" provisions of the document (see figure 1).
2. People's Court civil, economic, maritime and administrative cases, the trial activity areas arranged according to the following provisions:
The middle of trial activity area in front of Establishment Law Taiwan, France and Taiwan area should meet the needs of trial activity, height of 20 to 60 cm. Method to set the stage method tables, French chairs, seats for the judges. Presiding judge under the seat in the national emblem at the center, judge or jurors sit in on both sides. Method tables, chairs modeling method should be solemn, generous, France and Taiwan, and the color should be, and the overall tone of the court to adapt and strive to serious, solemn, and harmonious.
France and Taiwan the right front seat for the clerk, with France and Taiwan into a 45 ° angle, clerk seat seat should be lower than the judges 20-40 cm.
To trial for the left front of the witness, expert witness location, with France and Taiwan into a 45 ° angle (see figure 3).
France and Taiwan is located in front of the original, the defendant and the legal representatives of seats, divided on both sides relative to sit right seat for the plaintiff, the defendant left for the seat, between the two separated by less than 100 cm, if the parties and legal counsel are more front two rows of seats can be set (see figure 2); also allows the parties to sit parallel to, and to the trial, the right seat for the plaintiff, the defendant left for the seat, not less than 50 cm apart between the two (see Figure 3).
3. Wherever conditions permit, the clerk of the seat can be set in the middle at the front of France and Taiwan, with France and Taiwan into a 90 ° angle, close to France and Taiwan, left for France and Taiwan, the seat height lower than the judges seat 20-40 cm (see Figure 4).

Third, the national emblem of the suspension
According to the National Emblem Act, the people's court according to the following provisions shall hang the National Emblem;
People's courts, people's courts within the courts of France and Taiwan after the national emblem on the side is hanging in the office; relatively independent of other buildings with the Court's trial court at the main entrance on the side is hanging in the National Emblem; people's courts and people's courts in the organs of the main entrance on the side is hanging at the national emblem;
The trial court suspended the Commission conference room at the appropriate national emblem.
Mediation room, reception room of not flying the national emblem.
Diameter of the common scale for the national emblem:
Grassroots people's courts, people's courts: 60 cm;
Intermediate People's Court: 60 cm;
High Court: 80 cm;
Supreme Court: 100 cm.
People's Court as special circumstances require suspension of non-universal scale national emblem, the emblem law shall be submitted for approval.

③ 大法官的英语翻译 大法官用英语怎么说

[词典] grand justice;
He clerked for the chief justice of the Supreme Court.

④ 法官英文怎么写

[词典] judge; justice; bands; deemster; gownsman;
The judge and jury hear all the evidence given by both sides.

⑤ 法官英语怎么说


1. judge

2. a judge

3. to judge

Relative explainations:


1. 法官开庭时戴假发。

Judges wear wigs in court.

2. 法官把囚犯释放了。

The judge discharged the prisoner.

3. 他是一位公正的法官。

He is an impartial judge.

4. 法官判他罚款10 美元。

The judge imposed a fine of ten dollars on him.

5. 很多人控告法官受贿。

Many people impeached the judge for taking bribes.

6. 法官将于明天做出判决。

The judge will give his decision tomorrow.

7. 法官否决了以前的判决。

The judge overruled the previous decision.

8. 法官劝告他改变生活方式。

The judge advised him to amend his way of living.


judices in eyre


examining judge


associate judge


an itineraryjudge


ad hoc judge


tried to buy a judge.




invoke the judge's mercy


a corrupt judge


a passionate judge
法官 的英语怎么说

法官的的英语翻译 法官的用英语怎么说







judged, judg.ing, judg.es



To form an opinion or estimation of after careful consideration:


judge heights; judging character.



Law To hear and decide on in a court of law; try:

【法律】 裁决:在法庭上听审并审判;裁决世卖兆:

judge a case.



Obsolete To pass sentence on; condemn.

【废语】 判决;判刑


To act as one appointed to decide the winners of:


judge an essay contest.



To determine or declare after consideration or deliberation.

问"法官大人"的英语 怎么说
Your Honor


Your Honor, we call… as our first witness.

A *** all mallet used by auctione订rs.

原告、被告、律师、法官 英文怎么翻译,在美国的叫法
原告——accuser,plaintiff(英),plainant,claimant,prosecutor(美) 1和5美国都可以用,5似乎更常用

被告——appellee,defendant(美&英),indictee,respondent,the accused 2和5较常用

律师——attorney(美),barrister,counsellor(英),gown *** an,lawyer 1和3较常用,5是统称

法官——bands,deemster,gown *** an,judge(美&英),judiciary,justicer,law-officer 4较常用,美英穿可。其他都太正式,可能法律公文中会用吧

建议分别使用:prosecutor, defendant, attorney, judge


⑥ 法官英语怎么读

judge 英[dʒʌdʒ] 美[dʒʌdʒ]
vt. 审判,评判; 断定;
vt. 评价; 估计; (尤指) 批评; 想,认为;
n. 法官; 裁判员回答; 评判员; 鉴定人;
[例句]A panel of judges is now selecting the finalists.

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