① 介绍法学专业的英语作文
介绍法学Law is to open one of the categories of institutions of higher learning, one of China's top ten universities disciplines, including law, political science, public security science and sociology of four main parts.英语作文
Law is also called the law, legal science, is based on law, legal phenomenon and its regularity of science that studies the content.It is the study of specialized knowledge and law related issues, is about the legal problems of knowledge and theory system.
Law is about the science of law.The direct purpose of law, is to maintain social order, and by order of the construction and maintenance, to realize social justice.As take law as the research object of law, its core is in for the research of order and justice, is the knowledge of order and justice.[1]
Legal thoughts first legalist philosophy originated from the spring and autumn period and the warring states period.The word law in China, the pre-qin period is referred to as "" study of forms, from the han dynasty began to have the name of the" law ".In the west, the ancient Roman jurists ulpian (Ulpianus) to "the law" (the ancient Latin words of Jurisprudentia) is defined as: and the god of the transaction, the concept of justice and injustice of learning.
② 法律的英语单词
law 法抄律
legislation 立法
constitution 宪法
amendment 修正案
rights 权利
obligation 义务
court 法庭
act 立案
judge 法官
trial 审判
③ 法学专业英语
答案抄1:official, laws, freedom, harm, property, robbed, money, enforced.
④ 什么是法律英语
法律英语(Legal English),在英语国家中被称为Legal Language或Language of theLaw,即法律语言,在英语中指表述法律科学概念以及诉讼或非诉讼法律事务时所用的语种或某一语种的部分用语。从此概念可以看出,法律英语所使用的语言不仅是英语本身,还包括其它语种,如法语、拉丁文等。
关于主语,由于笔者擅长的是经济法,在经济法中常见的主语有这些主语。买主the buyer 卖主 the seller 以及第三方,the third party这里需要注意的是party不是派对的意思,是第三方的意思。
⑤ 用一段英语介绍法学专业
Law is to open one of the categories of institutions of higher learning, one of China's top ten universities disciplines, including law, political science, public security science and sociology of four main parts.
Law is also called the law, legal science, is based on law, legal phenomenon and its regularity of science that studies the content.It is the study of specialized knowledge and law related issues, is about the legal problems of knowledge and theory system.
Law is about the science of law.The direct purpose of law, is to maintain social order, and by order of the construction and maintenance, to realize social justice.As take law as the research object of law, its core is in for the research of order and justice, is the knowledge of order and justice.[1]
Legal thoughts first legalist philosophy originated from the spring and autumn period and the warring states period.The word law in China, the pre-qin period is referred to as "" study of forms, from the han dynasty began to have the name of the" law ".In the west, the ancient Roman jurists ulpian (Ulpianus) to "the law" (the ancient Latin words of Jurisprudentia) is defined as: and the god of the transaction, the concept of justice and injustice of learning.
⑥ 为什么marster of law 的缩写是LLM
LLM是一个一年制的法学进阶课程,全称是Master of Law,故marster of law 的缩写是LLM。LLM相当于中国的法学硕士学位。美国本国非法学背景学生基本上以读JD为主。凡具有法学学士或以上学位者可以申请美国的LLM。
LLM分General program和specialized program两种。大多数学校只提供general program,选择general program的本科生可以任意选课。