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发布时间: 2022-09-20 08:24:14

Ⅰ 英语怎么翻译这些呢:艺术形体(一门课名),人事劳动社会保障局,计算机等级考试二级动漫技术 英语怎么翻

personnel Labor social security bureau
Computer rank examination animation technology

Ⅱ 什么叫劳动与社会保障

劳动与社会保障是国家和社会为了保障国民的基本生活需要,提高生活回水平而建立的一答种保障制度。 主体是国家和社会,对象原理上是全体国民,但基于国力的限制,目前只实施了一部分。占绝大部分人口的农民的社会保障制度,还有待于完善。 社会保障:社会保障学科是培养社会保障及相关领域高级专业人才的新兴学科,也是日益重要的新兴学术领域。一般来说,本学科开设的主要专业课程有:社会保障学、社会政策、社会保险、社会保障基金、救济与福利、劳动与社会保障法、员工福利与企业年金、中国社会保障政策分析,以及养老保险、医疗保险等。


















Ⅳ 我想问一下劳动与社会保障专业大一有些什么课程最好是上下学期分开



Ⅳ 《劳动法和社会保障法》课程讲什么内容


Ⅵ 大学所学各专业的 英文翻译

人力资源管理 human resource management
行政管理学 Administration Science
劳动经济学 Labor Economics
财务管理 financial management
人力资源培训与开发 Training and Development of Human Resources
劳动法 Labor Law
经济法概论 The Introction of Economic Law
会计学 accounting
薪酬福利管理 Salary welfare management
管理沟通 management communication
社会保障 social security
商业经济学 Business Economics

Ⅶ 大学里的 专业 及其英语翻译大学所学各专业的 英文翻译

电气工程及其自动化 Electronical Engineering and Automation

哲学 Philosophy

马克思主义哲学 Philosophy of Marxism

中国哲学 Chinese Philosophy

外国哲学 Foreign Philosophies

逻辑学 Logic

伦理学 Ethics

美学 Aesthetics

宗教学 Science of Religion

科学技术哲学 Philosophy of Science and Technology

经济学 Economics

理论经济学 Theoretical Economics

政治经济学 Political Economy

经济思想史 History of Economic Thought

经济史 History of Economic

西方经济学 Western Economics

世界经济 World Economics

人口、资源与环境经济学 Population, Resources and Environmental Economics

应用经济学 Applied Economics

国民经济学 National Economics

区域经济学 Regional Economics

财政学(含税收学) Public Finance (including Taxation)

金融学(含保险学) Finance (including Insurance)

产业经济学 Instrial Economics

国际贸易学 International Trade

劳动经济学 Labor Economics

统计学 Statistics

数量经济学 Quantitative Economics

中文学科、专业名称 英文学科、专业名称

国防经济学 National Defense Economics

法学 Law

法学 Science of Law

法学理论 Jurisprudence

法律史 Legal History

宪法学与行政法学 Constitutional Law and Administrative Law

刑法学 Criminal Jurisprudence

商法学(含劳动法学、社会保障法学) Civil Law and Commercial Law (including Science of Labour Law and Science of Social Security Law )

诉讼法学 Science of Procere Laws

经济法学 Science of Economic Law

环境与资源保护法学 Science of Environment and Natural Resources Protection Law

国际法学(含国际公法学、国际私法学、国际经济法学、) International law (including International Public law, International Private Law and International Economic Law)

军事法学 Science of Military Law

政治学 Political Science

政治学理论 Political Theory

中外政治制度 Chinese and Foreign Political Institution

科学社会主义与国际共产主义运动 Scientific Socialism and International

Communist Movement

中共党史(含党的学说与党的建设) History of the Communist Party of China

(including the Doctrine of China Party and Party Building)

马克思主义理论与思想政治教育 Ecation of Marxist Theory and Ecation in Ideology and Politics

国际政治学 International Politics

国际关系学 International Relations

外交学 Diplomacy

社会学 Sociology

社会学 Sociology

人口学 Demography

人类学 Anthropology

民俗学(含中国民间文学) Folklore (including Chinese Folk Literature)

民族学 Ethnology

民族学 Ethnology

马克思主义民族理论与政策 Marxist Ethnic Theory and Policy

中国少数民族经济 Chinese Ethnic Economics

中国少数民族史 Chinese Ethnic History

中国少数民族艺术 Chinese Ethnic Art

教育学 Ecation

教育学 Ecation Science

教育学原理 Ecational Principle

课程与教学论 Curriculum and Teaching Methodology

教育史 History of Ecation

比较教育学 Comparative Ecation

学前教育学 Pre-school Ecation

高等教育学 Higher Ecation

成人教育学 Alt Ecation

职业技术教育学 Vocational and Technical Ecation

特殊教育学 Special Ecation

教育技术学 Ecation Technology

心理学 Psychology

基础心理学 Basic Psychology

发展与心理学 Developmental and Ecational Psychology

应用心理学 Applied Psychology

体育学 Science of Physical Culture and Sports

体育人文社会学 Humane and Sociological Science of Sports

运动人体科学 Human Movement Science

体育教育训练学 Theory of Sports Pedagogy and Training

民族传统体育学 Science of Ethnic Traditional Sports

文学 Literature

中国语言文学 Chinese Literature

文艺学 Theory of Literature and Art

语言学及应用语言学 Linguistics and Applied Linguistics

汉语言文字学 Chinese Philology

中国古典文献学 Study of Chinese Classical Text

中国古代文学 Ancient Chinese Literature

中国现当代文学 Modern and Contemporary Chinese Literature

中国少数民族语言文学 Chinese Ethnic Language and


比较文学与世界文学 Comparative Literature and World Literature

外国语言文学 Foreign Languages and Literatures

英语语言文学 English Language and Literature

俄语语言文学 Russian Language and Literature

法语语言文学 French Language and Literature

德语语言文学 German Language and Literature

日语语言文学 Japanese Language and Literature

印度语言文学 Indian Language and Literature

西班牙语语言文学 Spanish Language and Literature

阿拉伯语语言文学 Arabic Language and Literature

欧洲语言文学 European Language and Literature

亚非语言文学 Asian-African Language and Literature

外国语言学及应用语言学 Linguistics and Applied Linguistics in

Foreign Languages

新闻传播学 Journalism and Communication

新闻学 Journalism

传播学 Communication

艺术学 Art

艺术学 Art Theory

音乐学 Music

美术学 Fine Arts

设计艺术学 Artistic Design

戏剧戏曲学 Theater and Chinese Traditional Opera

电影学 Film

广播电视艺术学 Radio and television Art

舞蹈学 Dance

历史学 History

历史学 History

史学理论及史学史 Historical Theories and History of Historical Science

考古学及博物馆学 Archaeology and Museology

历史地理学 Historical Geography

历史文献学(含敦煌学、古文字学) Studies of Historical Literature (including

Paleography and Studies of Dunhuang)

专门史 History of Particular Subjects

中国古代史 Ancient Chinese History

中国近现代史 Modern and Contemporary Chinese History

世界史 World History

理学 Natural Science

数学 Mathematics

基础数学 Fundamental Mathematics

计算数学 Computational Mathematics

概率论与数理统计 Probability and Mathematical Statistics

应用数学 Applied mathematics

运筹学与控制论 Operational Research and Cybernetics

物理学 Physics

理论物理 Theoretical Physics

粒子物理与原子核物理 Particle Physics and Nuclear Physics

原子与分子物理 Atomic and Molecular Physics

等离子体物理 Plasma Physics

凝聚态物理 Condensed Matter Physics

声学 Acoustics

光学 Optics

无线电物理 Radio Physics

化学 Chemistry

无机化学 Inorganic Chemistry

分析化学 Analytical Chemistry

有机化学 Organic Chemistry

物理化学(含化学物理) Physical Chemistry (including Chemical Physics)

高分子化学与物理 Chemistry and Physics of Polymers

天文学 Astronomy

天体物理 Astrophysics

天体测量与天体力学 Astrometry and Celestial Mechanics

地理学 Geography

自然地理学 Physical Geography

人文地理学 Human Geography

地图学与地理信息系统 Cartography and Geography Information System

大气科学 Atmospheric Sciences

气象学 Meteorology

大气物理学与大气环境 Atmospheric Physics and Atmospheric Environment

海洋科学 Marine Sciences

物理海洋学 Physical Oceanography

海洋化学 Marine Chemistry

海洋生理学 Marine Biology

海洋地质学 Marine Geology

地球物理学 Geophysics

固体地球物理学 Solid Earth Physics

空间物理学 Space Physics

地质学 Geology

矿物学、岩石学、矿床学 Mineralogy, Petrology, Mineral Deposit Geology

地球化学 Geochemistry

古生物学与地层学(含古人类学) Paleontology and Stratigraphy (including


构造地质学 Structural Geology

第四纪地质学 Quaternary Geology

生物学 Biology

植物学 Botany

动物学 Zoology

生理学 Physiology

水生生物学 Hydrobiology

微生物学 Microbiology

神经生物学 Neurobiology

遗传学 Genetics

发育生物学 Developmental Biology

细胞生物学 Cell Biology

生物化学与分子生物学 Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

生物物理学 Biophysics

生态学 Ecology

系统科学 Systems Science

系统理论 Systems Theory

系统分析与集成 Systems Analysis and Integration

科学技术史 History of Science and Technology

工学 Engineering

力学 Mechanics

一般力学与力学基础 General and Fundamental Mechanics

固体力学 Solid Mechanics

流体力学 Fluid Mechanics

工程力学 Engineering Mechanics

机械工程 Mechanical Engineering

机械制造及其自动化 Mechanical Manufacture and Automation

机械电子工程 Mechatronic Engineering

机械设计与理论 Mechanical Design and Theory

车辆工程 Vehicle Engineering

光学工程 Optical Engineering

仪器科学与技术 Instrument Science and Technology

精密仪器及机械 Precision Instrument and Machinery

测试计量技术及仪器 Measuring and Testing Technologies and Instruments

材料科学与工程 Materials Science and Engineering

材料物理与化学 Materials Physics and Chemistry

材料学 Materialogy

材料加工工程 Materials Processing Engineering

冶金工程 Metallurgical Engineering

冶金物理化学 Physical Chemistry of Metallurgy

钢铁冶金 Ferrous Metallurgy

有色金属冶金 Non-ferrous Metallurgy

动力工程及工程热物理 Power Engineering and Engineering Thermophysics

工程热物理 Engineering Thermophysics

热能工程 Thermal Power Engineering

动力机械及工程 Power Machinery and Engineering

流体机械及工程 Fluid Machinery and Engineering

制冷及低温工程 Refrigeration and Cryogenic Engineering

化工过程机械 Chemical Process Equipment

电气工程 Electrical Engineering

电机与电器 Electric Machines and Electric Apparatus

电力系统及其自动化 Power System and its Automation

高电压与绝缘技术 High Voltage and Insulation Technology

电力电子与电力传动 Power Electronics and Power Drives

电工理论与新技术 Theory and New Technology of Electrical Engineering

电子科学与技术 Electronics Science and Technology

物理电子学 Physical Electronics

电路与系统 Circuits and Systems

微电子学与固体电子学 Microelectronics and Solid State Electronics

电磁场与微波技术 Electromagnetic Field and Microwave Technology

信息与通信工程 Information and Communication Engineering

通信与信息系统 Communication and Information Systems

信号与信息处理 Signal and Information Processing

控制科学与工程 Control Science and Engineering

控制理论与控制工程 Control Theory and Control Engineering

Ⅷ 我是来自15级管理学院劳动与社会保障专业的某某某用英语怎么说…

My name is xxx, from the class of labor and social security, year 15, in the management college.

Ⅸ 大学课程英语翻译(有一些查不到,麻烦指教)

people dressing
social code
accounting computerization
accounting law
monetary financing
financial enterprise accountant
accounting history
economy and law
labor and social security
undergraate career guiding
accountant system make

Ⅹ 请帮忙将课程描述翻译成英文,真的急急急啊!

"Basic Accounting", mainly to teach students basic accounting theory and accounting methods. Accounting basic theory major targets and tasks including accounting, accounting factor, accounting functions, accounting identity, account classification, and so forth. Accounting methods include the provision of accounts and accounts, loan accounts and the accounting method applied double-entry bookkeeping, Chen and audit certificate, registration books, cost, property inventory, accounting statements prepared. Have six key elements of the meaning of accounting and classification.
Teaching goals: The "Basic Accounting" the study, the accounting profession students not only grasp the basic concepts of accounting, basic theory and basic skills but also to develop students found accounting problems, analysis and the ability to resolve accounting issues, and graally enhanced awareness of accounting, the accounting profession mastering technology, the basic process of accounting practices, with the initial application of accounting language reflect the economic and business practices in the disclosure of accounting information to understand and to apply the basic capacity.

"Economic Law Foundation" comprising five parts, that is the basis of law and the basic principles of economic law, the main players in the market, market management, macro-economic regulation and control law and the proceral law. The course focused on the study: company law, partnership law, contract law, instrial property law, financial law, securities law and accounting, audit, statistics, and so forth. It also includes state-owned instrial enterprises, foreign-invested enterprises, indivial-owned enterprises, enterprise bankruptcy law, security law, anti-unfair competition law, and proct quality, advertising, management of urban real estate, financial and taxation law, the government procurement Law and economic trials such as arbitration and the economy.
Teaching goals: the adoption of the comprehensive and systematic courses to learn to master the basic principles of economic law, and basic knowledge, the basic concept. Theory with practice, see relevant laws and regulations and cases combined, so that students can apply the knowledge in dealing with actual problems.

"Economic Mathematics" on the function of the limit, derivative and differential, derivative applications, indefinite integral, integral, integral and infinite binary Series and the first order differential equations, and so forth.
Teaching goals: Through this course, students receive calculus equation, the basic concepts, basic theory and basic computing skills, to develop students with abstract thinking ability, logical reasoning and spatial imagination, and the integrated use of the knowledge to analyze and solve practical problems.

"Computer public infrastructure" main contents include: basic computer knowledge, the Windows operating system, computer network infrastructure and Internet applications, word processing software Word, Excel spreadsheets, making presentations with PowerPoint, FrontPage network instry tools such as the use of commonly used tools .

"Database" on the Access database software system and the basic concept of how to use. Include: the basic knowledge of database systems, the establishment of the steps relational database, the database of basic operations, database wizard applications, databases and database objects as well as the creation of the management and maintenance of the light of actual conditions on the use of the Access to create a small database process.

"Legal basis" by the three-part. Part I: Introction to the basic theory, the origin of law, the nature and role of the second part: the Constitution, administrative law, civil law, intellectual property law, the Marriage Law and inheritance laws, economic laws, labor law and social security law, the environment and protection of natural resources law, criminal law, proceral law. Part III: international law, private international law and the World Trade Organization's fundamental principles, the scope of application and the main norms.

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