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⑴ 国际经济法1多选


⑵ 国际经济法的一道案例题

Carlill Vs. Carbolic smoke ball
The Full decision of the case
APPEAL from a decision of Hawkins, J.(2)

The defendants, who were the proprietors and vendors of a medical preparation called "The Carbolic Smoke Ball," inserted in the Pall Mall Gazette of November 13, 1891, and in other newspapers, the following advertisement: "100 reward will be paid by the Carbolic Smoke Ball Company to any person who contracts the increasing epidemic influenza, colds, or any disease caused by taking cold, after having used the ball three times daily for two weeks according to the printed directions supplied with each ball. 1000 is deposited with the Alliance Bank, Regent Street, shewing our sincerity in the matter.

"During the last epidemic of influenza many thousand carbolic smoke balls were sold as preventives against this disease, and in no ascertained case was the disease contracted by those using the carbolic smoke ball.

"One carbolic smoke ball will last a family several months, making it the cheapest remedy in the world at the price, 10, post free. The ball can be refilled at a cost of 5 Address, Carbolic Smoke Ball Company, 27, Princes Street, Hanover Square, London."

The plaintiff, a lady, on the faith of this advertisement, bought one of the balls at a chemist’s, and used it as directed, three times a day, from November 20, 1891, to January 17, 1892, when she was attacked by influenza. Hawkins, J., held that she was entitled to recover the 100 The defendants appealed.

Finlay, Q.C., and T. Terrell, for the defendants. The facts shew that there was no binding contract between the parties. The case is not like Williams v. Carwardine (4 B. Ad. 621), where the money was to become payable on the performance of certain acts by the plaintiff; here the plaintiff could not by any act of her own establish a claim, for, to establish her right to the money, it was necessary that she should be attacked by influenza - an event over which she had no control. The words express an intention, but do not amount to a promise: Week v. Tibold. 1 Roll. Abr. 6 (M.). The present case is similar to Harris v. Nickerson. Law Rep. 8 Q. B. 286. The advertisement is too vague to be the basis of a contract; there is no limit as to time, and no means of checking the use of the ball. Anyone who had influenza might come forward and depose that he had used the ball for a fortnight, and it would be impossible to disprove it. Guthing v. Lynn 2 B. Ad. 232 supports the view that the terms are too vague to make a contract, there being no limit as to time, a person might claim who took the influenza ten years after using the remedy. There is no consideration moving from the plaintiff: Gerhard v. Bates 2 E. B. 476. The present case differs from Denton v. Great Northern Ry. Co. 5 E. B. 860, for there an overt act was done by the plaintiff on the faith of a statement by the defendants. In order to make a contract by fulfilment of a condition, there must either be a communication of intention to accept the offer, or there must be the performance of some overt act. The mere doing an act in private will not be enough. This principle was laid down by Lord Blackburn in Brogden v. Metropolitan Ry. Co. 2 App. Cas. 666. The terms of the advertisement would enable a person who stole the balls to claim the reward, though his using them was no possible benefit to the defendants. At all events, the advertisement should be held to apply only to persons who bought directly from the defendants. But, if there be a contract at all, it is a wagering contract, as being one where the liability depends on an event beyond the control of the parties, and which is therefore void under 8 9 Vict. c. 109. Or, if not, it is bad under 14 Geo. 3, c. 48, s. 2, as being a policy of insurance on the happening of an uncertain event, and not conforming with the provisions of that section.

Dickens, Q.C., and W. B. Allen, for the plaintiff. [THE COURT intimated that they required no argument as to the question whether the contract was a wager or a policy of insurance.] The advertisement clearly was an offer by the defendants; it was published that it might be read and acted on, and they cannot be heard to say that it was an empty boast, which they were under no obligation to fulfil. The offer was ly accepted. An advertisement was addressed to all the public - as soon as a person does the act mentioned, there is a contract with him. It is said that there must be a communication of the acceptance; but the language of Lord Blackburn, in Brogden v. Metropolitan Ry. Co. 2 App. Cas. 666, shews that merely doing the acts indicated is an acceptance of the proposal. It never was intended that a person proposing to use the smoke ball should go to the office and obtain a repetition of the statements in the advertisement. The defendants are endeavouring to introce words into the advertisement to the effect that the use of the preparation must be with their privity or under their superintendence. Where an offer is made to all the world, nothing can be imported beyond the fulfilment of the conditions. Notice before the event cannot be required; the advertisement is an offer made to any person who fulfils the condition, as is explained in Spencer v. Harding Law Rep. 5 C. P. 561. Williams v. Carwardine 4 B. Ad. 621 shews strongly that notice to the person making the offer is not necessary. The promise is to the person who does an act, not to the person who says he is going to do it and then does it. As to notice after the event, it could have no effect, and the present case is within the language of Lord Blackburn in Brogden v. Metropolitan Ry. Co. 2 App. Cas. 666. It is urged that the terms are too vague and uncertain to make a contract; but, as regards parties, there is no more uncertainty than in all other cases of this description. It is said, too, that the promise might apply to a person who stole any one of the balls. But it is clear that only a person who lawfully acquired the preparation could claim the benefit of the advertisement. It is also urged that the terms should be held to apply only to persons who bought directly from the defendants; but that is not the import of the words, and there is no reason for implying such a limitation, an increased sale being a benefit to the defendants, though effected through a middleman, and the use of the balls must be presumed to serve as an advertisement and increase the sale. As to the want of restriction as to time, there are several possible constructions of the terms; they may mean that, after you have used it for a fortnight, you will be safe so long as you go on using it, or that you will be safe ring the prevalence of the epidemic. Or the true view may be that a fortnight’s use will make a person safe for a reasonable time.

Then as to the consideration. In Gerhard v. Bates 2 E. B. 476, Lord Campbell never meant to say that if there was a direct invitation to take shares, and shares were taken on the faith of it, there was no consideration. The decision went on the form of the declaration, which did not state that the contract extended to future holders. The decision that there was no consideration was qualified by the words "as between these parties," the plaintiff not having alleged himself to be a member of the class to whom the promise was made.

Finlay, Q.C., in reply. There is no binding contract. The money is payable on a person’s taking influenza after having used the ball for a fortnight, and the language would apply just as well to a person who had used it for a fortnight before the advertisement as to a person who used it on the faith of the advertisement. The advertisement is merely an expression of intention to pay 100 to a person who fulfils two conditions; but it is not a request to do anything, and there is no more consideration in using the ball than in contracting the influenza. That a contract should be completed by a private act is against the language of Lord Blackburn in Brogden v. Metropolitan Ry. Co. 2 App. Cas. 692. The use of the ball at home stands on the same level as the writing a letter which is kept in the writer’s drawer. In Denton v. Great Northern Ry. Co. 5 E. B. 860 the fact was ascertained by a public, not a secret act. The respondent relies on Williams v. Carwardine 4 B. Ad. 621, and the other cases of that class; but there a service was done to the advertiser. Here no service to the defendants was requested, for it was no benefit to them that the balls should be used: their interest was only that they should be sold. Those cases also differ from the present in this important particular, that in them the service was one which could only be performed by a limited number of persons, so there was no difficulty in ascertaining with whom the contract was made. It is said the advertisement was not a legal contract, but a promise in honour, which, if the defendants had been approached in a proper way, they would have fulfilled. A request is as necessary in the case of an executed consideration as of an executory one:

Lampleigh v. Braithwait 1 Sm. L. C. 9th ed. pp. 153, 157, 159; and here there was no request. Then as to the want of limitation as to time, it is conceded that the defendants cannot have meant to contract without some limit, and three limitations have been suggested. The limitation "ring the prevalence of the epidemic" is inadmissible, for the advertisement applies to colds as well as influenza. The limitation "ring use" is excluded by the language "after having used." The third is, "within a reasonable time," and that is probably what was intended; but it cannot be deced from the words; so the fair result is that there was no legal contract at all.

看不懂?我给你大致讲一下。法官是这么说的,虽然说广告是对不特定人提出的,一般情况下属于要约邀请(ITT),但是本案中,被告不仅将悬赏内容写得十分具体,而且已经把1000英镑存进银行,充分显示出它愿意受到该广告内容的约束(to be bound),所以符合了要约的根本特征,即受约束的意思表示。所以,本案中的广告是一个要约。而原告通过购买并使用薰剂的行为作出了行为承诺。有要约,有承诺,这个合同就成立了。

⑶ 国际经济法 试题

1、b d
4、c d
5、b c

⑷ 国际经济法习题



⑸ 国际经济法例分析题


⑹ 国际经济法的简答题,急求

1, 简述不适用1980年联合国国际货物销售合同公约的买卖。

⑺ 求 法律 国际经济法 答案

【精讲解析】国际经济法是调整国际经济关系的法律规范的总称。国际经济法的调整范围是:(1)国际货物贸易的法律规范与制度 (2)国际服务贸易的法律规范和法律制度(3)国际投资的法律规范与制度(4)有关知识产权国际保护的法律规范与制度(5)有关国际货币与金融的法律规范与制度(6)有关国际税收的法律规范与制度(7)国际经济组织的法律规范与制度,国际经济法不调整国际间的民事法律关系。故D是不对的,应当选择A、B、C。


【精讲解析】国际经济法的渊源包括:(1)国际经济条约。 (2)国际商业惯例。


⑻ 2010年4月国际经济法概论的试题及答案

1.构成南北合作实践、替代《洛美协定》的协定是( )
A.《服务贸易总协定》 B.《关税与贸易总协定》
C.《科托努协定》 D.《七十七国集团协定》
2.有约必守原则不是绝对的,其中一项限制条件是( )
A.意思自治 B.违约赔偿
C.诚实信用 D.情势变迁
3.下列关于国际货物买卖合同的发价(要约)和接受(承诺)的表述,正确的是( )
A.缄默构成接受 B.向广大公众散发商品目录构成发价
C.向公众提出订立合同建议构成发价 D.根据投邮主义,接受后不可撤回
4.下列关于《2000年国际贸易术语解释通则》的表述,正确的是( )
5.下列有关“CIF上海”的表述,正确的是( )
A。目的港是上海 B.卖方在上海交货
C.海上运输途中的风险由卖方承担 D.买方支付保险费
6.下列有关托收的表述,正确的是( )
7.建立世界贸易组织的关税与贸易总协定多边贸易谈判是( )
A.肯尼迪回合谈判 B.多哈回合谈判
C.乌拉圭回合谈判 D.东京回合谈判
8.下列中国对外开放服务贸易的承诺中,属于水平承诺的是( )
A.商业服务承诺 B.以合资企业的形式提供服务
C.健康与社会服务承诺 D.关税减让承诺
9.下列关于国际技术贸易中“技术”的表述,正确的是( )
A.技术是一种抽象的思维 B.技术具有有体性特点
C.技术是系统的知识 D.作为贸易对象的技术通常是公有技术
10.旨在促进国际投资跨国流动的世界性组织是( )
11.多边投资担保机构在作出每一项承保决定之前,必须对以下哪个国家的投资环境进行审查( )
A.投资者母国 B.东道国
C.承保人本国 D.该机构总裁国籍国
12.第二次世界大战后期建立的国际货币法律制度称为( )
A.牙买加体系 B.巴塞尔体制
C.布雷顿森林体制 D.华沙体系
13.《国际货币基金协定》第8条规定的一般义务是指( )
A.固定汇率 B.取消经常项目的外汇管制
C.取消资本项目的外汇管制 D.使用特别提款权作为储备资产
14.无追索权项目贷款的还款来源是( )
A.项目主办者的款项 B.项目本身产生的收益
C.项目主办者的母公司 D.项目公司的注册资本
15.下列各项中属于国际证券发行审核制度的是( )
A.单一制 B.复合制
C.注册制 D.普惠制
16.下列关于税收管辖权的表述,正确的是( )
17.甲国与乙国已经缔结避免双重征税协定,但甲国与丙国尚未缔结避免双重征税协定,丙国一企业为获得税收优惠待遇在乙国设立一家子公司,这种做法叫作( )
A.资本弱化 B.套用税收协定
C.纳税主体的跨国移动 D.纳税对象的跨国移动
18.以下关于欧盟的表述,正确的是( )
19.依中国《仲裁法》,下列关于仲裁的表述,正确的是( )
A.仲裁机构不拥有法定管辖权 B.仲裁裁决可以上诉
C.在仲裁程序中不能进行调解 D.为确保公正,仲裁裁决应当公开
20.CIETAC是下列哪个争端解决机构的英文缩略语( )
A.中国海事仲裁委员会 B.中国国际经济贸易仲裁委员会
C.中国香港国际仲裁中心 D.瑞典斯德哥尔摩商会仲裁院

21.根据《联合国国际货物销售合同公约》,买方违约,卖方可以采取的补救方法是( )
A.减价 B.要求交付替代物
C.要求损害赔偿 D.宣告合同无效
22.根据《联合国国际货物销售合同公约》,下列关于风险转移的表述,正确的是( )
23.下列有关信用证开证行的表述,正确的是( )
A.开证行负首要付款责任 B.开证行对受益人有付款义务
C.开证行付款时须获得开证申请人的同意 D.开证行付款时遵循严格相符原则
24.世界贸易组织《服务贸易总协定》承诺表的内容包括( )
A.部门或分部门 B.服务提供方式
C.市场准入 D.国民待遇
25.我国作为世界贸易组织成员方,根据《国际服务贸易分类表》承诺开放的部门是( )
A.教育服务 B.娱乐、文化与体育服务
C.销售服务 D.健康与社会服务
26.根据我国《技术进出口管理条例》,国际技术贸易合同可以分为( )
A.技术服务合同 B.专利权转让合同
C.专利实施许可合同 D.专利申请权转让合同
27.国际投资法领域中的“赫尔原则”是指征收补偿应当( )
A.充分 B.适当
C.及时 D.合理
28.以下普遍被认为属于避税港的是( )
A.瑞士 B.澳门
C.香港 D.巴哈马
29.下列关于中国与GATT/WTO关系的表述,正确的是( )
A.中国是GATT的创始缔约方 B.中国是WTO的创始成员方
C.中国于2001年加入WTO D.中国坚持以发展中国家的身份加入WTO
30.根据中国《仲裁法》,下列表述正确的是( )



国际经济法概论:1C 2D 3D 4D 5A 6C 7C 8B 9C 10D
31.所谓“欺诈例外”, 是指在肯定独立抽象性原则的前提下,允许银行在存在欺诈的情况下,不予付款或承兑汇票,法院亦可颁发禁止支付令对银行的付款或承兑予以禁止。
33 在国际融资实践中,为了保证所设浮动抵押权的优先地位,贷款人通常采取的保障措施有二 一是在浮动抵押协议中明确规定,借款人不得再在抵押财产上设定等同于或优先于贷款人浮动抵押权的其他担保权利,并就该浮动抵押协议办理登记手续,使得这一限制性条款具有对抗第三人的效力,二 是先在借款人担保价值较高的财产上设定一般担保物权。
34各国对其国际货物贸易进行管制主要出于以下目的:①保护和促进国内生产,提高就业,调整产业结构;2.稳定汇率,维持国际收支平衡; 3.保障和促进对外贸易发展; 4.为实现某种政治或外交上的目的服务。
国内法律措施:主要分为关税措施和非关税措施两大类。(一)关税措施 关税是指一国海关根据该国法律规定,对通过其关境的进出口货物课征的一种税收。关税措施是一种古老而当令仍然使用非常普遍的一种对外贸易管理措施。(二)非关税措施 非关税措施是指除关税措施以外的其他一切直接或间接限制外国商品进口的法律上或行政上措施的总称。
35税收管辖权指一国政府进行征税的权力,是国家主权在税收领域内的体现。 在所得税和一般财产税上各国基于主权的属人效力所主张的税收管辖权表现为居民税收管辖权和公民税收管辖权,而基于主权的属地效力所主张的税收管辖权为所得来源地税收管辖权和财产所在地管辖权。
1 卖方在旧金山将货物越过船舷时即完成交货
2不能 ,因为 买方开出了以卖方为名义的信用证所以卖方无条件履行合同
3开证行付款的条件是具有以下两样 A买方开出的以卖方为受益人的信用证,B 两公司买卖合同的单据

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