宪法学是The Subject Of The Constitutional Law
行政法学是版The Subject Of The Administrative Law
宪法与权行政法学是The Subject Of The Constitutional Law & The Administrative Law
❷ 北京行政学院法律系英文
Department of law Beijing Administrative College
❸ “论行政垄断的法律规制”英文怎么翻译啊
The laws and regulations concerning administrative monopoly
❹ 法律,行政管理,英语哪个专业好
❺ 有法律英语高手没~
The complaint reporting system is ruling for the people, and to safeguard the lawful rights and interests of the masses, further close the party and government and the flesh-and-blood contact. From the statistical data which complaint, majority is a complainant to administrative organs to handle, the judicial organs shall not refuse such questions. Mainly involves the rural land expropriation, urban house dismantlement and migration settlement, public administrative law enforcement, the land administrative law enforcement, enterprise restructuring of bankruptcy reorganization such problems. But some problems can completely through administrative litigation, the administrative reconsideration or appeal to solve. Judicial organs in any country of the sentence is the most authoritative, why people don't believe judicial decisions and to suit? What's causing the complaint case high? These problems will from the constitution, the administrative reconsideration law, the regulations of the complaint with more foreign law, and compares the complaint reporting system similar to some different academic ideas and suggestion on the positive.
❻ 法律用语,“行政复议”如何翻译成英文
Administrative Reconsideration
❼ 求英语翻译——上述范围,涉及国家法律、行政法规规定须审批方可经营的项目,未获审批前,不得经营。
The above-mentioned scope involves projects that require examination and approval in accordance with national laws and administrative regulations and cannot be operated without examination and approval.
❽ 请帮忙将“民事案件”、“行政案件”“法律文书的送达”翻译成英文!Thanks!
civil case; civil lawsuit; suit at law
administrative case
legal instruments; legal papers; legal red tape;documents of law
❾ 为什么会有“行政拘留”这种处罚国外有类似的法律处分吗英文是什么