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发布时间: 2022-08-06 00:20:18

❶ 急!请问谁可以帮我将这段文字翻译成英语谢谢,狂追加分.


❷ 求大神翻译成英文 不要翻译器翻的 谢谢 首先,公司终止后环境责任的承担主体的将会缺失。根据我国现行

The provisions of the law, destroy the company terminate its responsibility as the elimination of the qualification is almost equal to its all responsibility: not only the provisions of environmental responsibility of environmental laws and regulations of our country, is their ration without any responsibility, about the subject after the termination of the liability provisions; legal liability stipulated by our country "company law" in the establishment of the company, but also ring the process and the existence of responsibility, there is no legal liability company terminates; in addition, China's "Civil Procere Law" will also have a "clear the defendant" as one of the prosecution condition, which consumers rights and interests have been infringed upon and termination of the company, are often unable to request the judicial relief. Company as the responsibility main body disappeared, but the cause of the environmental pollution and damage still exists, it should bear the legal responsibility for environment in the invisible transfer to society and the state, the fact that many cause environmental pollution or destruction of the company will be bankrupt or dissolved for environmental legal liabilities as a means of escape.
Secondly, the dissolution of companies, even to retain the responsibility subject qualification, will face a lack of funds, lack the resources to undertake the responsibility of property. According to the "company law" and relevant laws, in addition to merger and separation of the cases, termination of the company should carry out liquidation. As mentioned before, whether it is self liquidation, liquidation and bankruptcy liquidation specified, its core is the distribution of company property. The company after the termination of the property, uniform distribution and clean thoroughly, no resial property; the protection of limited liability system, the victim could not be prosecuted to the shareholders. Once the company has caused environmental pollution or destruction, the most important environmental legal liabilities of compensation for losses, it is corporate governance pollution, behoove becomes the property responsibility carrier and the most important precondition. Only has sufficient funds in order to reasonable compensation, but also to maximize the recovery caused by pollution or destruction. No no for the responsibility of property. Then the so-called let corporate environmental legal liability is a never fulfilled lip-service.
Although China's current practice of existing environmental audit, the audit is the main organ of government, the audited units have a considerable number of state-owned enterprises, this situation will undoubtedly create moral hazard in regulation, because the government may be in order to maximize their own interests while being unable to remain neutral in the supervision of these enterprises. The public nature of the proct content of environmental audit of public welfare and the auditing object determines that there must be a disinterested subject to restrictions and audit supervision on company as the representative of the market main body. Therefore, the author thinks, in the idea of the business for the environmental audit system, shall adopt the government commissioned an independent audit mode in professional environmental audit institutions government and Auditing Company outside or independent auditors, effectively improve the related environmental assessment information transparency and authenticity through a neutral third party supervision, at the same time to lighten the burden of government government environmental supervision system, rece the cost, so as to ensure the safe and stable operation of the whole system of environmental protection.

❸ 谁能找到 中华人民共和国海商法和中华人民共和国海事诉讼法 两者合一的中英文对照。。万分感谢


❹ 民事诉讼法著作推荐




2、《新民事诉讼法 》


该内容常列为台湾地区学术与实务研究者的指标性学术研究成果。 本集集合台湾民诉界实务与学界菁英作者群。历年来有许多台湾民事诉讼领域的专家学者相继加入,对于推动台湾民事程序法研究之进展及革新,贡献匪浅。









❺ 国家司法考试英文缩写

国家司法考试:National BAR Examination (NBE);
试卷一、试卷二、为机读式选择题,考试时间为180分钟[6] 。
主观题试卷考试时间为240分钟 。

❻ 民诉模拟法庭剧本(英文)

原告:accuser & prosecutor
律师:lawyer & Solicitor (后一个一般是指大 律师)

法院开专庭时,诉讼有关人员须称属呼法官时,一般不称“张法官”、“李法官”而以称“审判长”为常(包括独任制法庭)。不料有一次笔者所在的一所法律高等学校学生举行模拟法庭即“moot court”,而且要用英语进行。应邀前去旁听,但见有一位英语水平并不低的是、学生在庭上称法官为“Judge”。可惜,虽然一般场合称法官为 “Judge”者很普遍,但开庭时却称“Your Honor”:


❼ 判决书的英语翻译 判决书用英语怎么说

按我们国抄家法律规袭定,判决书不会给英文版。对于少数民族地区可以用少数民族的通用文字。 民事诉讼法规定:“各民族公民都有使用本民族语言、文字进行民事诉讼的权利。在少数民族聚居或者多民族共同居住的地区,人民法院应当用当地民族通用的语言

❽ 各个课程的英文翻译,帮帮忙哈

思想品德修养:Thought personal character training
中国化马克思主义理论 :Chinese Marxism theory
中国法制史:Chinese legal system history
马克思主义政治经济学:Marxism political economy
计算机应用基础:Computer application foundation
宪法学:Constitution study
商法: Commercial law
民法学原理:People legal science principle
财政法:Finance act
合同法:Law of contract
刑法学分论:Criminal law school grades theory
民事诉讼法:Civil procere law
世界经济与政治:World economics and politics
刑事诉讼法:Law of Criminal Procere
知识产权法:Intellectual property rights law
破产法和保险法:Bankruptcy law and law of insurance

告诉你一个翻译网站 http://babelfish.yahoo.com/translate_txt

其实有很多翻译网站 你都可以去找的 很快

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