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A. 2010年刑法修正案百度百科


B. 帮忙把下列短文翻译成英文,急用,单词语法要求准确!

In 2008 who accident survey, approximately 50% - 60% of the traffic accidents of drunk driving and driving under the influence, has been cited as a major cause of death in the accident. In China, every year because of drunk driving traffic accidents caused by the tens of thousands; and fatal accidents in 50% above are related with drunk driving, drunk driving traffic accident harm is shocking, has become the first big "killer". In 2010 August, eleven sessions of National People's Congress Standing Committee sixteenth meeting will be the first to consider the draft amendment to the criminal law ( eight), were convicted of drunk driving or. According to the survey, 40% of drunk drivers" too high to believe their own driving technology". This kind of drivers think they can hold, driving skilled, always want to use the drunk to "show off" their own technology, resulting in signs of danger appearing everywhere. 27% drunk drivers" safety awareness is not strong". In addition, the drunken driver who often exists " luck", think oneself before drinking drivers never proced, has not been arrested, but also often see other people driving under the influence, then a drunk driving, tragedy. The above ideas mischief, drivers tend to drink and drive seriously, so that the driving ban repeatedly more than.

C. 英语高手帮我翻译一下啊,是我论文的摘要,高分求助

Corruption is by the NPC standing committee influence the first seven times meeting in 2009, feb. 28, through the amendments to the criminal law of the People's Republic of China (7) a new regulation, with China's anti-corruption efforts increasingly strengthen our country criminal law, the original provisions bribes can effectively state functionaries who close relatives and close the bribery phenomenon. Using the influence of the adding bribes in the legislation fills the blank. From the influence of bribery crime by constituents are analyzed, and the controversy surrounding criminal theory, from the objective aspects of the crime, criminal subject, crime, criminal subjective aspects, and the ideology and crime number one.
Besides the introction, six points to discuss. Introctive mainly introces the background, research topics of the meaning and the use of the main research method, etc. The first chapter analysis using the influence of the objective aspects of the corruption problem judicial cognizance. The second chapter analysis using the main influence that judicial corruption, the first part is using the influence of overview. Bribes The second part of the main influence bribery judicial cognizance is discussed. The third chapter analysis using influence subjective aspect of judicial cognizance bribes. The first part of the bribes from using the influential factors and understanding will factors are discussed. The second part of the bribes crime intentionally influence body form is discussed. The fourth chapter analysis using the influence of bribery, including the suspension of its form and failed. Chapter 5 to influence the accomplice of analyzing bribes. The first part of this behavior and analyzed using state functionaries who constitute the influence of bribes accomplice. The second part of this behavior analysis and state functionaries constituted bribery accomplice. The sixth chapter is to use the bribery crime number influence analysis of the form. Using the influence of bribes crime number between the meaning is expounded, and then discusses in judicial corruption in the use of several influential distinguish crime.

Keywords: use bribes; influence The crime, Judicial cognizance

D. 我急需北大法律英文网中的2012年最新修订的刑事诉讼法的英文版,我写硕士论文用,万分恳请八方专家的帮助


E. 帮忙翻译下几个法律术语:侦查;立法;逃避缴纳税款罪;偷税罪。

1.侦查: investigate; investigation (调查,搜集犯罪证据)
detect; detection (偏向于侦探)
[例句] Further investigation revealed that he was guilty.

2.立法: legislate; legislation
[例句] It is the job of NPC to legislate.

3. 逃避缴纳税款罪: crime of tax evasion
这个有点麻烦, 因为之前的偷税罪强调了"偷",但是犯罪嫌疑人也是纳税人,所以自己偷自己有点不确切,而逃避纳税义务就看似好听贴切多了. 我觉得,英文应该是一致的,都是tax evasion.

4.偷税罪: crime of tax evasion
evasion 本身就有偷/漏税的意思
[例句] Ms.Liu XiaoQing was found guilty of tax evasion in 2002.


F. 刑法修正案


G. 刑法修正案七反腐论文的外国注释怎么写啊

The Amendment to the Criminal Law of the People’s Republic of China (VII), 刑法修正案七


H. 刑法修正案七逃税罪的概念,修改原因是什么

逃税罪,是指纳税人采取欺骗、隐瞒手段进行虚假纳税申报或者不申报,逃避 缴纳税款数 额较大版,并权且占应纳税额百分之十以上,扣缴义务人采取欺骗、隐瞒 等手段,不缴或者少缴已扣已收税款,数额较大或者因逃税受到两次行政处罚又逃税的行为。

I. 刑法修正案全文

发布日期:2014-11-10    作者:王成律师

J. 在线求 刑法修正案(七) 英文翻译版本

The Amendment to the Criminal Law of the People’s Republic of China (VII), 刑法修正案七


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