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发布时间: 2020-12-24 15:09:11

❶ 民商法用英语怎么说

Commercial laws of the people

❷ 澳门大学的国际商法硕士(英文)和新加坡国立大学和华东政法合作国际商法硕士(英文)哪个好!


❸ 英语翻译几个课程名称

国际货运实务:International Cargo Practice
经贸研究与论文写作:Economic research and thesis writing
英语翻译与写作:English translation and writing
英语视听说版:English said that the public
中级英语口译权:Intermediate English interpreters

❹ 德国慕尼黑大学的法学硕士里面的经济法和商法是英语授课的吗

一般来说都是德语授课的,必修和选修都是。 什么时候开始准备要看你准备什么时内候出国,容慕尼黑大学的llm只有冬季学期就是10月份入学,所以材料要在6月份以前准备好,这样能赶在七月十五号大学材料审核截止之前寄到。

❺ 商法法律英语翻译

基础或基本的路线在商业领域是贸易法: 一致的商业代码的介绍(UCC) 。。在贸易法: UCC 的介绍, 担当被推荐的门户对贸易法课程, 学生学会一致的商业代码的基本概念和方法学和并且获取经验在解决商业问题。贸易法担当转折从第一年路线在合同与商业课程和被推荐因此作为一个前提对于其它路线在贸易法序列。销售修造在销售法律的研究在合同和贸易法: UCC 的介绍。它提供学生以机会考虑出现就销售交易状况的多党问题。路线的一个核心问题是新闻纪录片的交易- 客商买和卖物品在世界的方法。这次考试包括关于信用证, 提货单, 仓库收据、银行承兑和其它方法的讨论销售提供经费。贸易法: 辅导员的UCC 或允许的介绍是前提。 有保证的交易介绍学生给物权担保, 信用提供经费给的当中一个销售主要方法和引伸, 和并且探索关系在状态贸易法和破产之间联邦法律。贸易法: 辅导员的UCC 或允许的介绍是前提。 破产探索债务的清盘和整顿在美国经济。Korobkin 教授推荐有保证的交易作为一件前提或co 必需品对于破产, 但学生也许并且注册在破产没有被采取那些路线。另外, 学生也许决定参加法学院的赞成bono 破产实践诊所, 破产路线完成不是一个前提。有并且破产车间, 破产路线是前或co 必需品。

❻ 考民商法要考专业英语吗


❼ 急用:英文翻译:商法方面,关于上市公司关联交易,好了再加分

Perfect regulation institutions supervision and levels of regulatory measures:

Original, strengthening the supervision of radical regulate related transactions is the fundamental. In order to regulate the enterprise affiliate transaction disclosed,

Suggest combination from the following aspects of accounting standards, strengthen the supervision:

1. Perfect legal supervision

Main perfect company law and the securities law of the listed company, the affiliated party transactions regulation. For example, in "company law" in clear requirements listed company implements the system of independent directors. The selection of independent directors shall be mainly reflects the will of the minority shareholders, practice can use cumulative voting system, make the minority shareholders representing himself will choose real director. You can establish cumulative voting system. Cumulative voting system refers to two or more seats in elections, when the held by a shareholder with each share shall be elected with XiWeiShu equal voting rights, shareholders can put all voting rights, also can be concentrated election one election several people scattered. Cumulative voting system in the maintenance of small and medium shareholders,

Prevent manipulation of the board of directors, rece the controlling shareholders in such concentrated decision-making risk party having main effect.

Meanwhile, the securities law can also be further perfected. Optimizing equity structure of listed companies. On the premise of investor protection, the interests of non-tradable shares of state-owned shares and reasonable measures to realize the circulation and equity structure optimization allocation. Using the law means, establish and perfect the information disclosure system. The most effective supervision of the affiliated party transactions

Method is to ask the listed company fully, timely disclose all major the affiliated party transactions matters. Should adjust shut

The disclosure of al square trading standards and review proceres of different scale, respectively, the affiliated party transactions of the company regulatory index

Subdivided, formulate strict division standard in the securities law, and shall be clear in.

2. Expand that range. Affiliated party

Join affiliated party relations timeliness and space range of judgment standard and introcing identical action. (behavior refers to identical action between except affiliated company jointly buy and hold a listed company stock outside, still include through written or oral agreement, or through other means to achieve a certain tacit understanding, to a concerted action to a listed company shares on the stock to control or price manipulation behavior.)

3. Regulate the disclosure of connected transactions

Can increase the connection transaction disclosed in the statements and establish the connection transaction information disclosure supervision system to specific and classification of effectively regulate the disclosure of connected transactions.

❽ 国际商法一英文案例,急求解答

1)对来于分期交货合同,付款自是否分期进行,完全决定于双方买卖合同中对付款的规定。 2)对于韩方的扣押行为,中方可以引用“定牌生产,工业产权争议概不负责”的免责条款,但是合同中是否有此条款,也没有明示。所以暂时无法判断。如有类此条款,中方方可免除冒牌的责任,不然,可能承担一定的侵权责任。 3)合同是以什么贸易术语成交的没有明示,不能判断风险是否转移。如果是CIF条件,则风险在装运港转移,日方不能以此为借口。如果是DDU或DDP条件,则风险在目的地转移,第三期货物风险未转移,但是其原因是日方“指定牌名侵权”,卖方不负责任。 仅供参考,如有别样答案,盼望交流。

❾ 国际商法(英文)问题,高手帮帮忙



❿ 国际商法英语翻译

4.第四章和第五章讨论关于商品销售和买卖双方义务的管辖合同。第六章讨论双方怎样界定和转移货物中转风险给保险公司。本章讲解国际银行系统怎样把钱从一方转给另外一方,卖方怎样发货以及买方怎样付款。并且还将介绍银行如何通过使用银行信用证担保卖方收到货款, 银行如何为国际商贸融资。请记住,这里介绍的大部分概念不仅适用于国际买卖还同样适用于许多不同类型的涉及资金流动的国际交易和用以提供和保证合同的承诺的银行行为。


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